
  1. 对符合海关监管条件的加工贸易企业实施新的大手册管理加工贸易监管模式。

    And implement a new " big handbook " processing trade management and supervision model for the processing trade enterprises that meet the supervision requirements of customs clearance .

  2. 中部地区由于起步晚,普遍加工贸易规模较小,产业单一,监管条件与沿海发达地区相比存在明显差距。

    Due to starting late , the processing trade in middle region of China is usually small scale , simple industry , and the conditions of supervision are lag behind which in the eastern developed region .

  3. 在合理的监管条件下,适度允许长尾业务未决赔款准备金评估进行贴现有利于提高保险公司的资金运用效率,促进公司及长尾业务的发展。

    Under the appropriate regulation , evaluating the long tail loss reserve with the appropriate discount rate can enhance the efficiency of the using of the insurance funds . This can promote the development of the long tail and the insurance company .

  4. 本文指出高额利润、监管条件不理想、海关监管能力尚不适应、缺乏有力的社会监管等原因是萌生利用加工贸易走私逃税逃汇违法行为的经济、管理及社会原因。

    This paper points out that seeking illegal super profits , imperfect condition of supervision and management , ineffective supervision and management of the Customs and lack of powerful social are major causes of smuggling and evading takes and foreign exchanges in processing trade .

  5. 这部分内容主要通过非监管条件下国际转让定价的机制分析,揭示跨国公司寻求转让定价套利的内在机制和外部效应,探索国际转让定价税制的制度动因。

    This part analyzes mainly the international transfer pricing mechanism from the non - monitoring condition , and reveals the inner mechanism and external effects of arbitrage in the transfer pricing which multinational companies seek , and explores the system incentives of international transfer pricing tax .

  6. 监管宽容条件下的存款保险定价研究

    Pricing the Deposit Insurance under the Regulatory Forbearance

  7. 理论上存在最优的资本充足率水平,使得银行在存款保险和资本充足监管的条件下,实现过度冒险与审慎之间的均衡,使得社会福利最大化。

    Theoretically , there is a optimal capital adequacy level at which banks could realize the balance between risk-taking and discretion under the condition of deposit insurance and capital adequacy supervision , and the social welfare is maximized .

  8. 金融监管体制创新条件下中国的选择

    China 's Choice under Financial Supervising System Innovation

  9. 其中主要侧重对股权出资按不同标准进行分类分析,以厘清其与其他公司行为的区别,这为后面正确适用监管准备了条件。

    Compare the share contribution with other company behaviors by classifying the different standard of share contribution , which prepares for the proper supervision later .

  10. 康卡斯特可能会被迫与苹果公司达成协议,因为它在2011年收购NBC环球公司时接受了监管机构提出的条件。

    Comcast could be forced to come to a deal with Apple because of the conditions that it agreed to with regulators when it acquired NBCUniversal in 2011 .

  11. 首先,文章明确地说明了保险监管产生的前提条件。

    First of all the dissertation explained the preconditions of establishment of system of insurance regulation .

  12. 罗马的战地医生还为新入伍的军人进行体检,并监管军营的卫生条件以遏制疾病的传播。

    Roman field doctors also performed physicals on new recruits and helped stem the spread of disease by overseeing sanitation in military camps .

  13. 虽然外资银行在华进展缓慢,但它们仍将中国市场视为一个重要的增长机遇假定监管体系和市场条件允许其发展。

    While progress for foreign banks has been slow , the Chinese market remains a huge growth opportunity for foreign banks assuming regulations and conditions allow .

  14. 第六部分从法律环境、监管体系和市场条件三方面分析我国现阶段推出股指期货的存在的主要问题;

    Chapter 6 points out the major problems confronting immediate launch of the stock index futures in the aspects of legal environment , regulatory system and market conditions .

  15. 法律的不完备性理论认为,在市场失灵情况下引入行政监管的充分必要条件是,相关法律难于完备且市场损害行为的类型能够清楚识别和标准化。

    The non-perfect theory of law considers that the essential conditions of administrative control under market malfunction situation are standardizing and distinguishing clearly of damage action of stock market .

  16. 达到这一认可等级的员工即为可在无需很多监管和指导的条件下自觉地操作,并达到高等的绩效水平。

    This level of recognition is for those folks that are operating at an autonomous level and achieving a high level of performance without a lot of supervisory direction .

  17. 从目前我国经济体制改革和保险市场发育的实际情况看,我国已具备了建立市场型的费率监管模式的基本条件。

    By the look of economic system reform and actual conditions of the development of market of the insurance of our country at present , Our country has already possessed the primary condition of setting up . market-oriented premium rate supervision pattern .

  18. 本文详细论述了出口产品电子监管系统的结构设计,以及实现检验检疫电子监管的基本条件和假定。

    This paper discusses in detail the export products of electronic monitoring system structure design , as well as the implementation of electronic supervision inspection and Quarantine of the basic conditions and assumptions .

  19. 通过模型的构建,剖析影响企业安全欠账的因素,明确政府监管的主要对象和监管举措,确定政府实施有效监管的条件及目标,并为政府制定各种监管政策提供建议。

    By building models , the authors analyze the influence factors of safety arrears , makes clear the government administration 's object and administrant measures , and set conditions and target of government administration , and put forward some corresponding measures for government administration .

  20. 行政监管法,标准法和金融安全网都没有解决银行监管中信息不对称条件下的银行道德风险问题,是一种激励不相容的监管。

    In a short , administrative regulation , standardization and financial firenet all cannot solve banking 's moral hazard , and these regulation are not incentive .

  21. 根据监管体系中政府与企业的博弈关系建立监管程度模型,分析企业在政府预先设定的监管条件下的行为及其监管的效果。

    In accordance with the relationship between government and company , a game model could be established to analyze the effect and the act of company in the preset conditions of supervision .

  22. 当前加强系统监管,应从以下几个方面着手:完善金融监管体系、健全金融监管操作系统、建立科学的金融风险预警系统、培育有效金融监管的条件等。

    So the current steps are to found and perfect regulatory system , operational system , risk-calculated system and create the efficient regulation conditions , etc.