
  • 网络Monitor;Watcher;Watchdog;overseer
  1. 我还想到了另人,那个神秘的监视者。

    And I thought of the other man , the mysterious watcher .

  2. 我还想到了另一个人,那个神秘的监视者。

    And I thought of the other man , the mysterious watcher .

  3. 大厅监视者的震耳咆哮伤害显著降低。

    Chamber Overseer 's Staggering Roar does considerably less damage .

  4. 我要你在这情况下担任监视者的角色。

    I need you to act as a monitor of the situation .

  5. 在想我命令的监视者跑到哪里去了?

    Wondering where the surveillance is I ordered .

  6. 至于那位监视者,他所做的第一桩事便是睡大觉。这是场地地道道的酣睡。

    As for the watcher , the first thing he did was to fall asleep .

  7. 你只是为你自己找到了个监视者。

    You 've got yourself a snoopervisor .

  8. 一个欧洲的监视者在捷克表达对性犯罪者的治疗的关心。

    A European watchdog expresses concern about the treatment of sex offenders in the Czech Republic .

  9. 也许如果最后动物无大碍的话,人们就不会对这件事感到特别恼火,但监视者们的态度实在是个问题。

    While many people may not be particularly bothered if the animal ended up okay , the attitude of the watchers is troubling .

  10. 当看到乔安娜不断加长她的杀人名单,而随着每次谋杀,监视者对她越来越迷恋的时候,你会开始觉得晕眩。

    As Joanna adds more men to her hit list , with each murder somehow drawing the eye closer to her heart , you will start to feel dizzy ;

  11. 正如这位监视者在与她的几次罕有的对话中所说的:“你只是一个没有父亲的女孩,而我却是一个失去了小女儿的父亲。”

    As The Eye says in one of his rare conversations with Joanna : " You 're just a daughter without a father and I 'm a daddy who 's lost his little girl . "

  12. 就象是有一些跟生理相关的“传送”,会被它干扰,但是如果在背后用技术监视者发现了干扰药物是什么时候,或多或少会失去功效。

    It was as if there was something physiologically relevant to the action of the " transmission " that interfered with it , but if the monitoring agent behind the technology found out what the interfering drug was , it somehow could abort the efficacy .

  13. 将脱逃罪细化,在《刑法》中增设被监视居住者脱逃罪及帮助脱逃罪。

    To escape the crime detailed in the " Criminal Law " was added to monitor crime and help residents escape escape crime .

  14. 该种装置利用耦合电磁场监视非法闯入者。

    The installation uses the coupled electromagnetic field to watch the lawless intruder .

  15. 警察严密监视那些流浪者。

    Police kept a close watch on the vagrants .

  16. 他们安了监测电视来监视那些顺手牵羊者。包含用于监视系统和安全控制监控的电子监视设备、闭路电视、录音设备和隐蔽视频设备。

    They installed a surveillance TV against those shoplifters . Contains electronic surveillance equipment , closed-circuit televisions , recording devices , and covert video equipment for surveillance systems and security control monitoring .

  17. 警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。

    Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment .

  18. 美国咨询公司RemoteLeadershipInstitute联合创始人韦恩•蒂梅尔(WayneTurmel)表示,无意监视团队的管理者需要明确这点。

    Managers with no intention of spying on their teams need to make that crystal clear , says Wayne Turmel , co-founder of the Remote Leadership Institute , a US consultancy .

  19. 首先他们暗中监视这些发邮件者的支付系统。

    First they secretly monitored the spammers'payment systems .

  20. 承保者不应回避监视和监管投保者行为的责任。

    The insurer cannot avoid monitoring and regulating the behaviour of those who obtain this insurance .

  21. 达伦拉维被指控使用摄像头监视泰勒克莱门德,而后者在自杀后,引发了国家对于抗议反同性恋欺辱的高涨。

    Dharun Ravi is accused of using a webcam to spy on Tyler Clementi , who suicided days later , fueled national campaign against anti-gay bullying .