
  • 网络Monascus;monascus ruber;monascus anka
  1. 确定了红曲霉总RNA和mRNA的提取方法及测定方法。

    Methods of extraction and detection of total RNA and mRNA from Monascus were established .

  2. 添加酵母破壁液提高红曲霉monacolink产率

    Enhanced Monacolin K Production of Monascus rubber by Adding Yeast Lysate

  3. 红曲霉9901液态发酵产莫纳可林K的发酵条件

    Liquid Fermentation of Monascus sp. 9901 to Produce Monacolin K

  4. 红曲霉发酵法生产monacolink研究进展

    Progress in the Research of Fermented Monacolin K by Using Monascus

  5. 产monacolink红曲霉的筛选及其发酵条件的研究

    Studies on Screening and Fermenting Condition of Monascus Producing Monacolin K

  6. HPLC法测定红曲霉发酵样品中monacolink的含量

    The Determination of Monacolin K in Fermentation Samples of Monascus sp . by HPLC

  7. 红曲霉固态发酵生产生理活性物质monacolink的研究

    Research on a bioactive substance Monacolin K produced by Monascus solid-state fermentation

  8. 提高红曲霉Monascusspp.发酵产品monacolink含量的研究

    The study on improving content of Monacolin K in Monascus spp . production

  9. 结论:1.培养条件对红曲霉的生长及monacolink的产量有很大的影响。

    The cultivate conditions could affect the growth of Monascus and Monacolin K yield remarkably .

  10. 红曲霉酶系及生理活性物质的研究Ⅲ&红曲霉发酵生产monacolink初步研究

    The study on enzyme and bioactive substance of Monascus ⅲ & fermentation of Monacolin K by Monascus

  11. 红曲霉次级代谢产物γ&氨基丁酸(GABA)具有降血压功能。

    Production of the secondary metabolites γ - Aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) by Monascus is a hypotensive agent .

  12. 红曲霉固态发酵产Lovastatin的培养条件

    Solid-state Fermentation for Lovastatin Production by Monascus rubber

  13. 红曲霉JR产红曲色素液态发酵培养基配方的筛选

    Optimization of the Liquid-state Fermentation Medium for Monascus Pigment Production by Monascus purpureus JR

  14. 一株产黄色素红曲霉MonascusHB-5的生物学特性研究

    Study on biological characteristics of yellow pigment producer strain Monascus HB-5

  15. 红曲霉遗传转化系统及桔霉素、monacolink生物合成相关PKS基因的克隆与功能鉴定

    Genetic Transformation System from Monascus , Cloning and Identification of PKS Gene for the Biosynthesis of Citrinin and Monacolin K

  16. 红曲霉变异株A6产色素发酵条件研究红曲霉界面生长动力学模型的建立

    GROWTH KINETICS MODEL OF MONASCUS ON THE INTERFACE CULTURE Breeding of High-Producing Monascus Pigments Strains by Induced Mutation

  17. 本文报道了红色红曲霉(Monascusruber)的主要营养要求与红色素产量的关系。

    This paper reports the relationship between the requirement of optimum of the main nutrition of Monascus ruber and pigment yield .

  18. 并通过UV诱变红曲霉筛选红曲多糖的高产菌株,优化其液体发酵条件。研究了影响红曲多糖提取率和纯化程度的主要因素。

    Screening the high yield strain of polysaccharides by UV mutation method , at the same time , we optimized the liquid ferment condition , studied the main factors of extraction rate and the degree of purification of polysaccharides .

  19. 本文以红曲霉为生产菌株,以提高monacolink产量以及红曲霉生长过程中的趋向性为主要研究目标。

    In the essay M.ruber was considered as tool of production , in order to improving the productivity of Monacolin K and researching the trend growth of microorganism which close with nutrition .

  20. 从水井街酒坊的酿酒环境中分离到红曲霉3.56菌株,经形态观察和生理特性鉴定,它归属于红曲霉属的红色红曲霉(Monascusruber)。

    The strain 3.56 of Monascus isolated from the environment of Shuijingfang ( Swellfun ) is considered as Monascus ruber by morphological and physiological tests .

  21. 基于原生质体的传统转化和电击转化尽管每微克DNA分别能获得135个转化子和125个转化子,但因转化子稳定性差也适合红曲霉转化的转化。

    The conventional transformation and electroporation technique based on protoplasts were thought not to be fit for transforming Monascus sp. , due to a low stability of transformants though they yielded up to 135 transformants and 125 transformants per microgrammol / Lol / Le DNA , respectively .

  22. 方法:以CTAB法提取紫色红曲霉等7种红曲霉和1株土曲霉的基因组DNA;溴化乙啶荧光强度和分光光度双重测定法确定DNA浓度;

    Methods : The genome DNA of 7 ordinary species Monascus including M. purpureus and a strain of Aspergillus terreus were extracted by CTAB . The content of DNA was assayed doubly by fluorescence intensity of ethidium bromide ( EB ) and spectrometer .

  23. 红曲霉(Monascus)其发酵产物红曲古代称丹曲,起源于中国,很早便被用于制酒、酿造食品、医药等。

    The fermentation product of Monascus is called Dan Qu in ancient time . originated in China , very early be used in wine , fermentating food , medicine and so on .

  24. 对monacolink的基本性状、用途、红曲霉monacolink产生菌育种、生产方法、检测方法、毒性物质问题以及生产现状进行综述。

    Both the basic properties , uses and the breeding of producing strain of Monacolin K by using Monascus , producing methods , biological synthesizing pathway , poisonous matters and production status of Monacolin K are summarized in this paper .

  25. 红曲霉HMW-DNA的制备

    Preparation of HMW-DNA for Monascus

  26. 在酿酒生产试用中,加红曲霉M-6生产的麸曲发酵酒比对照酒己酸乙酯高2倍多;

    Ethyl caproate content in fermenting liquor ( produced by addition of M-6 ) was over two times of that in contrast liquor .

  27. 方法:通过单因素试验,初步考察了初始含水量、pH值、装料量、接种量、种龄、补水方式、培养时间和培养温度8个因素对红曲霉荞麦固态发酵产monacolink的影响。

    Methods : Through single-factor test , the effects of initial water content , initial pH , filling quantity , inoculum size , age of seed , methods of additional water , culture time and culture temperature on Monacolin K yield by Monascus solid-state fermentation were primarily discussed .

  28. 在秋季转排时,每甑减少大曲用量10kg,补加红曲霉、根霉各1kg,可使发酵正常。

    In the experiment of autumn rotate production , 10 kg use level decrease of daqu per steamer and addition of 1 kg monascus and 1 kg rhizopus could guarantee normal fermentation .

  29. 试验中采用富集分离的方法,从活性污泥中分离出8株耐高浓度金霉素的微生物菌株,并进一步驯化筛选出具有较高降解金霉素活性的菌株B3,经鉴定,初步确认为红曲霉(Monascus)。

    Eight fungal species , which had the ability to tolerate high concentration of aureomycin , were isolated from activated sludge by enrichment and adaptation culture technique . A special strain B3 with high aureomycin degrading ability was isolated in the further screen , which was identified as Monascus .

  30. 红曲霉的原生质体在紫外灯(18W)下15cm照射50min和土曲霉的原生质体在60℃水浴下保持40min灭活率均达到100%。

    The inaction rate of the protoplast of the monascus rubber and aspergillus terreus in the ultraviolet lamp ( 18 W , 15 cm , 50 min ) and water bath at 60 ℃ for 40 min was 100 % .