
hónɡ ɡuì
  • Red cypress;a kind of tall tree
  1. 红桧及台湾扁柏引种初报

    A Successful Introduction of Formosan Cypress and Taiwan-Japanese Cypress

  2. 引种台湾用材树种红桧、光蜡树苗木繁育试验研究

    Seedling Breeding Experiment Studies of the Timber Species Chamaecyparis formosensis and Fraxinus formosana Introduced from Taiwan

  3. 通过5年造林引种试验,观察了红桧、台湾扁柏、台湾黄杉、台湾杉木和本地杉木龙15与闽33双系的物候期和生长节律。

    Investigation was made on the phenological period and growth rhythm of Chamaecyparis formosensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata , etc , from Taiwan .

  4. 以2~3年生红桧和福建柏苗造林,当年平均高度分别达110.0cm和72.0cm。

    In the plantation the average height of 3-and 4-year-old trees of red and Fujian cypress were 110 cm and 72 cm respectively .