
  • 网络erythromycin tablets;ErythromycinTablets
  1. 红霉素片微生物限度检查方法的建立

    Establishment of A Method for Microbial Limit Test of Erythromycin Tablets

  2. 目的建立红霉素片微生物限度检查方法。

    Aim To establish a method for microbial limit test of erythromycin tablets .

  3. 琥乙红霉素片溶出度检查方法的探讨HPLC法测定光疗药物竹红菌乙素的含量

    Discuss the dissolution test met of Erythromycin ethylsuccinate tablets Determination of Phototherapy Medicine Hypocrellin B by HPLC

  4. 红霉素片溶出度测定方法探讨

    A Method for the Dissolution Determination of Erythromycin Tablet

  5. 结论地红霉素片可以安全有效地用于治疗急性细菌性呼吸道感染。

    Conclusions Dirithromycin is effective and safe for patients with acute bacterial RTI .

  6. 目的考察国产与进口地红霉素片的药代动力学及生物等效性。

    Objective To study the pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of domestic Dirithromycin Tablets and the imported ones .

  7. 茜素红荷移分光光度法测定琥乙红霉素片(胶囊)溶出度的方法学研究

    Methodology Study on Dissolution Test of Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Tablets ( Capsules ) by Alizarin Red Charge Transfer UV

  8. 该胶囊剂耐酸性好,人工肠液中释药快,在8名健康志愿者体内的AUC为市售红霉素肠溶片的1.99倍,且个体差异小。

    The dissolution of the micro-granules was rapid in artificial intestinal liquid . In 8 volunteers , the AUC of prepared capsules was 1.99 times as much as that of conventional enteric coated tablets .

  9. 地红霉素肠溶片释放度测定方法的研究

    Study on methods for the release determination of dirithromycin enteric-coated tablets

  10. 目的对地红霉素肠溶片释放度测定的三种方法进行系统的研究和比较,并建立其最佳测定方法。

    Objective Three methods by which the release of dirithromycin enteric-coated tablets were determinated and compared .

  11. 红霉素肠溶片包衣处方工艺分光光度法测定红霉素肠溶胶囊溶出度的研究

    Study on the prescription and method for coating of erythromycin enteric-coated tablets Dissolution of Enteric-coated Erythromycin Capsules by Spectrophotometry

  12. 结果采用三种方法均可以准确地测定地红霉素肠溶片的释放度,不同方法测得结果差异较小。

    Result All of these methods can be used to determine the samples precisely , and difference of the results among them is slightly .

  13. 结论:此包衣处方及包衣工艺能够保证红霉素肠溶片在有效期3年内释放度符合中国药典规定。

    CONCLUSIONS This formula and technique of coating can ensure the dissolution of erythromycin enteric-coated tablets to be in accordance with the requirement of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia during period of validity ( 3 years ) .

  14. 琥乙红霉素口崩片在健康志愿者的生物等效性

    Bioequivalence of erythromycin ethylsuccinate orally disintegrating tablet in healthy volunteers

  15. 应用近红外漫反射光谱法对红霉素薄膜衣片进行一致性检验

    Conformity Test of Erythromycin Film-coated Tablets by Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

  16. 结果优选配方制备的红霉素肠溶薄膜衣片,防潮、防变色能力强,胃液崩解合格,释放度理想。

    Results The optimized enteric-coated tablets of erythromycin have strong abilities of moisture proof , against discoloration , qualified disintegration and release .

  17. 以红霉素为模型药物,用自制的丙烯酸树脂Ⅱ号假胶乳为包衣液,制备红霉素肠溶片,并以市售片为参比标准,进行了体内外研究。

    This paper deals with the preparation and evaluation of enteric tablet erythromycin coated by acrylic resin No.