
nǎo shén jīnɡ jié
  • cerebral ganglion
  1. 神经节内的部分神经纤维和脑神经节表层部分小细胞呈IL-2R免疫反应弱阳性。

    Part of nerve fibers in nervous ganglia and part of small cells in the surface layer of cerebral ganglia were IL-2R immunological reaction weakly positive .

  2. 脑神经节中有少量来自腹神经链的纤维呈阳性;

    In the supraoesophageal ganglion , NADPH-d activity was detected in some fibers from abdominal nerve chain only .

  3. 本文采用此技术将羧酸酯酶家族2个代表性基因体内表达明确定位到卵巢、脑、神经节、中肠等部位。

    The ISH technology were adopted in this paper and 2 representative carboxyesterase genes were clearly positioned in ovary , brain , ganglia , midgut etc. .

  4. 诱导骨髓基质细胞表达神经细胞标记物Nestin,NSE和GFAP:脑源性神经节苷脂定向诱导细胞分化作用的研究

    Induction of Neural Markers Nestin , NSE and GFAP Expression in Cultured Bone Marrow Stromal Cells : Differential Effects of Brain Gangliosides

  5. 方法采用HRP分别在SD大鼠耳廓不同穴位点行皮下注射,于脑、脊神经节内观察酶标细胞的数量、形态和分布。

    Methods Different ear points in SD rat auricles were subcutaneously injected with HRP and the number , form and distribution of the enzyme labeled cells were observed in the brain and spinal ganglia .

  6. 耳穴的脑、脊神经节投射

    Projection of Ear Points on the Brain and Spinal Ganglia

  7. 毛细管电泳技术分离哺乳动物脑组织中神经节苷脂

    Separation of Gangliosides from Mammalian Brain by Capillary Electrophoresis

  8. 对脑、脊髓及神经节行连续冷冻切片,TMB呈色,中性红复染。

    Brain , spinal cord and ganglia were frozen sliced consecutively , stained with tetramethylbenzidine ( TMB ), and stained with neutral red again .

  9. 基底节钙化为发生于脑内双侧基底神经节的钙质沉着。

    Basal ganglia calcification is calcium deposits occurring in the bilateral basal ganglia in the brain .

  10. 于不同时间点,对脑、脊髓及神经节行连续冰冻切片。

    Serial sections of the cervical spinal ganglia , cervical and thoracic spinal cord segments and brain were cut on a cryotome .

  11. 其中枢神经系统由脑、食管下神经节、腹神经索组成,前、中、后脑分化明显。

    The central nervous system consisted of brain , suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord , and the differentiations among protocerebrum , deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum were obvious .

  12. (足母)趾趾底胫侧的动脉的临床解剖学研究基底节钙化为发生于脑内双侧基底神经节的钙质沉着。

    Clinical Anatomic Study on Arteries of Medial Part of Hallux ; Basal ganglia calcification is calcium deposits occurring in the bilateral basal ganglia in the brain .

  13. 目的:研究急性脑外伤后大鼠脑神经节苷脂含量的变化。

    Objective : To study the changes of gangliosides in the rat brain after the acute cerebral trauma .

  14. 口道交感神经系统由位于脑前方食道背面的额神经节和位于脑后方的后头神经节组成的神经连锁构成。

    The stomatogastric nervous system consisted of connectives composed of frontal ganglion and occipital ganglion , which were located in the front and the back of brain respectively .

  15. 目的观察小鼠单纯疱疹病毒I型(HSV-1)脑内潜伏感染时潜伏相关转录子(LAT)在脑组织与三叉神经节(TG)表达的差异,探讨HSV-1脑内潜伏再激活感染的发病机制。

    Objective To investigate the pathogenesis of herpes simplex virus type-1 ( HSV-1 ) latent and reactivated infection in brain in mice through learning the expression of LAT in trigeminal ganglion ( TG ) and brain .