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hóng liǎn
  • blush;flush with angry;red face
红脸 [hóng liǎn]
  • (1) [blush]∶脸变红,指发怒、害羞等

  • 这小姑娘见了生人就红脸

  • (2) [flush with angry]∶发怒

  • 我们俩从来不红脸

  • (3) [red face]∶京剧中扮演英雄或忠臣的人物

红脸[hóng liǎn]
  1. “晚上好!”我努力不要来个大红脸。

    " Evening !" I tried not to blush .

  2. 他有着乡下人的红脸庞。

    He had the red face of a countryman .

  3. 她跟生人说话爱红脸。

    She often blushes when speaking to strangers .

  4. 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸。

    One coaxes , the other coerces .

  5. 我们从来没有红脸过。

    There has never been a cross word between us .

  6. 她原是个好看的丰满的妇女,四十来岁;现在却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。

    The good-looking buxom woman , betwixt forty and fifty , was now a fat , red-faced , old dam of seventy , or thereabouts .

  7. 为了公开我们的验证性设计,首先需要通过“红脸测试(redfacetest)”。

    To make the current Proof of Concept design public , we need to pass the " red face test " .

  8. PCAOB一直在唱红脸&不断地和中方对话,而且签署了一些毫无意义的协议,比如双方在执行方面进行合作的谅解备忘录。

    The PCAOB have been the good guys , keeping negotiations going and making meaningless agreements like the enforcement cooperation Mou .

  9. 波特红脸膛,留着修剪得整整齐齐的胡子。

    Porter had a red face and a carefully cultivated moustache .

  10. 那个红脸汉子又重重捅了他肋骨一下。

    The red-faced man dug him hard in the ribs again .

  11. 这个白皮肤,红脸的人,看起来很卑鄙。

    There was this white man , red-faced man , looking mean .

  12. 每个人都认识廷克,一个红脸的彪形大汉。

    Everyone knew tinker , a burly , red-faced man .

  13. 过去,这就像是一种有人唱白脸、有人唱红脸的例行公事。

    In the past this has resembled a good cop-bad cop routine .

  14. 我不喜欢让别人来替我唱红脸。

    I don 't let people do my dirty work for me .

  15. 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。

    He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways .

  16. 她从来没有象她那时那样红脸。

    She had never blushed as she blushed then .

  17. 杰克:但是她的红脸颊真好笑。

    Jack : But her red cheeks are funny .

  18. 你我都要唱红脸。

    You and I must be his role model .

  19. 他的钱怎么处理了?一位红脸先生问。

    ' What 's he done with his money ?' asked a red-faced gentleman .

  20. 这难道不比那个大胖子红脸先生的帐目更重要?

    Is this not of more consequence than a fat red-faced gentleman 's sums ?

  21. 你是不会让我唱红脸的,对不?

    You 're not gonna make me be the good cop , are you ?

  22. 隐瞒天真的羞愧,恬不红脸;

    To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame .

  23. 他是一位红脸壮汉,显然很不擅长与人交谈。

    He was a large , red-faced man , who clearly found conversation difficult .

  24. 姐姐从洗衣盆抬起红脸膛望着他。

    His sister lifted a flushed face from the wash-tub and looked at him .

  25. 他有一张红脸,灰色的眼睛和长长的黑胡子。

    He had a red face , grey eyes and a long black beard .

  26. 我的老板叫弗雷德里克普拉特,是个红脸大胖子。

    My boss was a large , fat , red-faced individual called Frederick pratt .

  27. 人类愤怒时会脸红。她跟生人说话爱红脸。

    Humans redden when they are angry . She often blushes when speaking to strangers .

  28. 我就是那红脸。

    I usually play the red face .

  29. 狄俄墨得斯“安静的杀死红脸膛如同屠夫在实施他的命令一样”。

    Diomedes kills " Red-faced quietly like a butcher keeping up with his order " .

  30. 德布雷略微红了红脸,顺着波尚所指的方向望去。

    Debray colored slightly , and followed with his eyes the direction of beauchamp 's glance .