
  • 网络red education
  1. 红色教育作为大学生思想政治教育的一种创新途径,具有形式多样、资源丰富、直观生动等特点。

    Red education as a new way of ideological and political education , it has some characters , such as variety of forms , abundant of resources , intuitivism , vividness , and so on . It is established on the basis of Linear Second Moment theory .

  2. 她年轻时代即参加革命,在红色教育中不断成长,在那样一种特殊的时代里,女性已经获得了社会的认同和尊重,男女平等,同工同酬的思想已经深入人心。

    She the young ages namely attend revolution , in the red education continuously growth , in so a kind ofly specially the ages , female have already acquired society of approbation and respect , " sexual equality , equal pay for equal work " of thought already thorough public .

  3. 其次通过现状分析,探讨对大学生进行红色经典教育具有必要性及可行性。

    And the Have necessity and feasibility secondly by the fact that current situation analysing , discussing the education carrying out red classics on the college student .

  4. 由于红色资源教育价值贯穿于高校思想政治教育的整个过程,蕴含着无意识的思想政治教育,红色革命精神蕴涵为大学生思想政治教育提供教育载体的新拓展。

    Red resource educational value throughout the Ideological and Political Education of the whole process , contains the unconscious ideological and political education , red revolutionary spirit implication of the new expansion for the ideological and political education to provide education carrier .

  5. 总之,通过不断提高教育实效,让红色文化教育真正激励大学生继承和弘扬优良革命传统,激励大学生立志成才,报效祖国。

    In short , the effectiveness of education must be constantly improved so that " red culture " education can really encourage university students to inherit and carry forward the excellent revolutionary tradition , determine to become a useful man and serve the motherland .

  6. 1930年以后,在江西中央苏区和延安革命根据地,他负责红色政权的教育工作,对初等、中等、高等职业教育,都有许多适应当时国情的办学思想和宝贵经验。

    After 1930 , he was in charge of education work in Jiangxi Central Soviet Area and Yanan Revolutionary Base Area , he still expressed his thought and experience about running primary , middle and higher vocation suitable for the condition then .

  7. 加强对大学生的挫折教育的必要性日益凸显,红色资源独具的教育价值正好迎合这一需要。

    So the importance to strengthen the education about setbacks becomes increasingly prominent . In this situation , red resources just to meet this need .

  8. 并针对存在的问题从两大方面阐述了相应的对策,即教师要增强开发利用课程资源意识,提高自身能力;挖掘红色资源的道德教育内涵,确保红色文化资源合理开发利用。

    Described the corresponding countermeasures for the problems from two teachers to enhance the awareness of curriculum resources development and utilization , and improve their own capacity ; mining red connotation of moral education resources to ensure that the red culture of rational exploitation of resources .

  9. 从分布、开发和保护等方面调研了红色文化资源现状,并总结出当前河北红色教育基地面临的困境。

    The thesis has investigated the status quo of red cultural resource from its distributions , development , protection and other aspects , moreover , summarized the current plight of Hebei red patriotism education bases facing with .

  10. 红色经典文学是红色资源的重要载体,因此,红色经典文学研究亦可视为红色资源传播教育的重要方式。

    Classic red literary works are important carrier for red resources . Therefore , studies of the works can also be regarded as an important way to red resource education .