
  1. 哈尔滨市气象台今年首次发布暴雪红色预警信号。

    Harbin Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued the first time this year , Blizzard red warning signal .

  2. 同时,考虑到周日早上的暴雪,及席卷中国北部的寒冷天气,北京市发布全市暴雪橙色预警及部分地区红色预警信号。

    Meanwhile , Beijing authorities released a citywide orange alert and regional red alert concerning blizzards early on Sunday morning as a cold spell swept across northern China .

  3. 之前雾霾肆虐,北京市政府未发布最高预警,由此招致诸多批评。上周,北京市政府终于发布了首次红色预警信号。

    The Beijing city government issued its first " red alert " last week following criticism that previous bouts of smog had failed to trigger the highest warning level .

  4. 当政府认为空气质量指数会在三日以上都超过200,就会发布红色预警信号。

    A red alert is triggered when the government believes air quality will surpass a level of 200 on an air quality index that measures various pollutants for at least three days .

  5. 在北京,红色预警信号表示政府将执行机动车单双号限行,学校会被建议听课,而户外建筑工地会被禁止作业。

    In Beijing , a red alert means around half the vehicles are removed from the roads with an odd-even license plate system enforced , schools are recommended to close and outdoor construction banned .

  6. 在十几岁的年龄阶段某些大的变化可能是正常的。但是孩子的性格或行为方面的强烈变化或长期的反复无常可能就是一种红色预警信号------孩子需要专业性的帮助。

    A certain amount of change may be normal during the teen years , but too drastic or long-lasting a switch in a child 's personality or behavior may signal real trouble - the kind that needs professional help .

  7. 周五,中国向北方大部分居民发出预警,提醒他们要为应对周末来临的雾霾大潮做好准备。这是北京第二次发布最严重的红色预警信号。

    China warned residents across a large part of northern China on Friday to prepare for a wave of choking smog arriving over the weekend , the worst of which is expected to over capital Beijing , prompting the city to issue its second ever " red alert . "

  8. 湖南气象台今日多次发布红色和橙色高温预警信号。

    The Observatory of Hunan recently repeatedly announced the hot emergency of Red and Orange .