
yuē dàn hé
  • Jordan River
  1. Edelstein表示,由于内部分流和农业灌溉,约旦河现在已经干涸。

    Edelstein says the Jordan River is drying up because its waters have been ed for domestic use and agriculture .

  2. 于是乃缦去了约旦河。

    Then Naaman went to the Jordan River .

  3. 巴勒斯坦解放组织在约旦河西岸的拉马拉举行会议,总统Abbas发表讲话。

    President Abbas addressed leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization meeting in the West Bank town of Ramallah .

  4. 据NPR新闻的埃米莉·哈里斯报道,双方分歧的焦点为以色列对约旦河西岸的占领问题。

    As NPR 's Emily Harris reports the disagreement is over Israel 's occupation of the West Bank .

  5. 嗯Eyad的巴勒斯坦,45,倒从一个桶,她在整理之前,对约旦河西岸的拉马拉市郊区的2010年9月27日收获的叶子,采摘橄榄。

    Palestinian Umm Eyad , 45 , pours olives from a bucket she picked before sorting out the leaves , during the harvest on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sept.27,2010 .

  6. 只有一个面对著约旦河的城门。

    It had only one gate , which faced the river .

  7. 巴勒斯坦人一年一度的橄榄收获季节到来了,然而,这却意味著约旦河被占领土上麻烦的开始。

    An annual Palestinian harvest means trouble in the occupied territories .

  8. 东界是约旦河。

    The Jordan formed the boundary on the eastern side .

  9. 你们过了约旦河,到了耶利哥。

    Then you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho .

  10. 我想看见约旦河的另一边有著什麽?

    I looked over Jordan , what did I see ?

  11. 到了约旦河,就砍伐树木。

    They went to the Jordan and began to cut down trees .

  12. 或是到约旦河洗一次澡之前。

    Or go for a bathe in the Jordan .

  13. 这事发生在约旦河对岸的伯大尼,若翰给人施洗的地方。

    This happened in Bethabara beyond the Jordan , where John was baptizing .

  14. 象犹太人眼里的古迦南约旦河在中间滚滚奔流。

    So to the Jews old Canaan stood , While Jordan rolled between .

  15. 以色列人就照约书亚所吩咐的,按着以色列人支派的数目,从约旦河中取了十二块石头,都遵耶和华所吩咐约书亚的行了。

    So the Israelites did as Joshua commanded them .

  16. 约旦河以西的约旦领土,1967年被以色列占领。

    The Jordanian territory west of the river Jordan which Israel captured in1967 .

  17. 白天里的云彩始终伴随着他们直到他们过了约旦河。

    The cloud by day remained with them until they crossed the river Jordan .

  18. 于是众民过约旦河,王也过去。

    And all the people went over Jordan .

  19. 有些希伯来人过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。

    Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead .

  20. 23流便人的境界就是约旦河与靠近约旦河的地。约旦哈希姆王国和以色列国和平条约

    Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel

  21. 约旦河非常宽,而以色列人又没有船。

    The river Jordan was very wide , and the Israelites had no boats .

  22. 定居点问题,要如何处理约旦河西岸的以色列定居点?

    Settlements , what would you do with Israeli settlements in the West Bank ?

  23. 深河啊,我的家乡在约旦河的另一边。

    Oh , Deep river , Lord , I want to cross over into campgroun'nn .

  24. 约柜过约旦河的时候,约旦河的水就断绝了。

    When it crossed the Jordan , the waters of the Jordan were cut off .

  25. 世界各地的信徒聚集到约旦河西岸的伯利恒庆祝圣诞节。

    The faithful have flocked to the West Bank town of Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas .

  26. 国民尽都过了约旦河,耶和华就对约书亚说

    When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordan , the LORD said to Joshua

  27. 沧海看见就奔逃。约旦河也倒流。

    The sea saw it , and went in flight ; jordan was turned back .

  28. 他的中东计划将允许以色列吞并约旦河西岸的犹太人定居点。

    His Middle East plan would let Israel annex Jewish settlements in the West Bank .

  29. 约旦河是唯一一条注入死海的河流,因而死海的四周尽是壮观的沙漠景色。

    Fed only by the Jordan River , it is surrounded by spectacular desert scenery .

  30. 同时,总部位于约旦河西岸的哈马斯代表团已经抵达埃及,准备展开直接停火谈判。

    Meanwhile a westbank based delegation from Hamas has arrived in Egpyt for indirect ceasefire talks .