
jiǎn pǔ zhài
  • Cambodia;Kampuchea
柬埔寨[jiǎn pǔ zhài]
  1. 世界动物保护组织(WAP)称,全世界有多达55万只野生动物正受到虐待;比如,柬埔寨的报道就称大象会因为在炎热天气载客时间过长而死亡。

    The World Animal Protection ( WAP ) says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposedto ill treatment around the world ; in Cambodia , for example , it 's been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather .

  2. 柬埔寨是世界上Internet价格最高的国家之一。

    Cambodia is one of the countries with highest Internet price .

  3. 该部落一直居住在柬埔寨的丛林深处。

    The group has been living in a remote corner of the Cambodian jungle .

  4. GPSRTK技术在柬埔寨物探找矿中的应用

    The application of GPS RTK in physical prospecting in Cambodian

  5. 类似的,JShoes的男款时装鞋Oxford由从柬埔寨回收的T恤制成。

    Similarly , J Shoes ' men 's Oxford dress shoe is made of recycled T-shirts from Cambodia .

  6. 例如,柬埔寨跑步者HemBunPing得到一些政府支持,大约每月三十美元。

    For example , Cambodian runner Hem Bun Ping receives some government support , about thirty dollars a month .

  7. 柬埔寨社会事务部长IthSamHeng对记者说,当局正在调查加盖阁楼一事。

    Ith Sam Heng , Cambodia 's social-affairs minister , told reporters authorities are investigating the addition .

  8. 不过,在几英里半径的范围内,就有如此多的人感染HIV,即便是在柬埔寨这样多灾多难的国家,也相当令人震惊。

    Even in a country inured to hardship and suffering , the infection of such a large number of people within a radius of a few miles was shocking .

  9. 黛丽斯公司执行董事黄启聪(KevinWong)表示,该公司在2011年关闭了深圳工厂,并在柬埔寨开了一家工厂。

    Kevin Wong , executive director , says it closed a factory in Shenzhen and opened one in Cambodia in 2011 .

  10. 该女童是柬埔寨感染H5N1病毒的第14位病人,也是死于疾病并发症的第12位死者。

    The girl is the fourteenth person in Cambodia to become infected with the H5N1 virus and the twelfth to die from complications of the disease .

  11. cushiontheimpact的客户分布广泛,从美国到柬埔寨都有,专门从事国内琐事服务,例如缴纳帐单,雇用清洁工,包装礼物,预订保姆乃至购置房产等。

    With clients as far-flung as the US and Cambodia , cushion the impact specialises in domestic chores , from wading through unpaid bills , hiring cleaners , wrapping presents and booking babysitters to buying a house .

  12. 从柬埔寨到新加坡,ShiowChinTan发现东南亚科学家的境况区别很大。

    From Cambodia to Singapore , Shiow Chin Tan finds the situation for scientists varies enormously across South-East Asia .

  13. 他自称受到柬埔寨人民爱戴,但负责保护他的却是他的朋友、金日成(kimil-sung)在生前为他提供的朝鲜保镖。

    He claimed to be loved by Cambodians , but was protected by North Korean bodyguards provided by his friend , the late Kim Il-sung .

  14. 国际劳工组织(ilo)的约翰里乔特(johnritchotte)表示,柬埔寨有相对较多的活跃工会,多数制衣厂的工人都得到了工会的代表。

    Cambodia has a relatively high number of active unions and most garment factories are represented , says John ritchotte , of the International Labour Organisation .

  15. 在吞并占婆后,又把扩张的矛头直接对准了近邻柬埔寨(Cambodia),并兼并了柬埔寨王国的半壁河山,大致形成了今日越南之版图。

    After swallowing up the Champa & pura , the Nguyen also began to invade the near neighbor Cambodia and annexed the half territory of the Cambodia , which formed the domain of today 's Vietnam .

  16. Beeline是我们在越南、老挝和柬埔寨最合适的合作伙伴&这是一个雄心勃勃的年轻组织,他们在短时间内就在当地做出了成绩。

    Beeline is the right partner for us in Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia – an ambitious young organisation which has already made a big impact locally in a short space of time .

  17. 过去十年中,数百万柬埔寨人的生活条件大为好转,47岁的Vuthy就是其中的一员。

    Forty-seven-year-old Vuthy is one of the several million Cambodians whose lives turned around dramatically in the past decade .

  18. 罗卡的集体感染事件爆发的时候,正逢柬埔寨因为应对HIV有方获得赞誉之际。去年12月初,联合国还赞扬了柬埔寨,因为该国新的HIV感染人数比2005年减少了67%。罗卡的感染差不多就是那个时候被发现的。

    The mass infection in Roka comes just as Cambodia has received accolades for its handling of H.I.V. In early December , around the time the infections were discovered , the United Nations praised Cambodia for reducing the number of new H.I.V. infections by 67 percent since 2005 .

  19. 对于许多柬埔寨科学家而言,包括ChanRoath本人,这份第二职业是在金边兴起的许多私人大学教授科学。

    For many Cambodian scientists , including Chan Roath himself , this second job is teaching general science at one of the many private colleges that have sprung up in Phnom Penh .

  20. 除了她于2002年在柬埔寨收养的麦道克斯,二人又多了五名子女,分别是从埃塞俄比亚收养、现年11岁的扎哈拉(Zahara);

    In addition to Maddox , 15 , whom she adopted in Cambodia in 2002 , the couple are parents to Zahara , 11 , from Ethiopia ;

  21. 就在中柬签署一揽子交易三天前,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在访问柬埔寨首都金边期间表示,柬埔寨应当保持一种不“过于依赖”中国的外交政策。

    The flurry of Sino-Cambodian deals comes just three days after Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , said during a visit to Phnom Penh , the capital , that Cambodia should maintain a foreign policy that was not " too dependent " on China .

  22. 国际媒体不断询问关于S-21的事,他都耐心作答。媒体称他是柬埔寨的戈雅,他对此不置臧否。

    The international media , whose questions about S-21 he patiently answered time after time , called him Cambodia 's Goya . He brushed it off .

  23. 投资前沿市场的私募股权投资公司LeopardCapital首席执行长DouglasClayton表示,柬埔寨的制衣行业需要持续提高生产率和附加值,因为在高速增长的经济环境下,低劳动成本带来的优势正在减退。

    ' Cambodia 's garment factories need to constantly increase their productivity and value addition as cheap labor is a fading advantage in a high-growth economy , ' said Douglas Clayton , chief executive at Leopard Capital , a private-equity firm that invests in frontier markets .

  24. 我们谈了一小时后,柬埔寨著名企业家陈丰明(KithMeng)用手指在茶几上一个令人好奇的小瓶子里蘸了蘸,接着把一种带有香味的黄色药膏涂到了脖子和太阳穴上。

    About an hour into our meeting , Kith Meng , Cambodia 's leading entrepreneur , dips a finger into an intriguing little flask on his coffee table and applies a fragrant yellow ointment to his neck and temples .

  25. 2012年,该公司能容纳32名乘客的AngkorPandaw号起航,旅客可选择三至七个夜晚的旅行路线,而AvalonWaterways公司能容纳32名乘客的AvalonAngkor号在越南胡志明市与柬埔寨暹粒省之间通行,一次航程超过七天。

    In 2012 , the company launched the 32-guest Angkor Pandaw , offering three - to seven-night itineraries , while Avalon Waterways set the 32-passenger Avalon Angkor sailing between Ho Chi Minh City and Siem Reap over seven nights .

  26. “柬埔寨人Wentao是在红豆集团经营的一家纺织厂工作的当地人之一,红豆集团是该经济区的主要中国投资方。

    Wentao , a Cambodian national , is one of a number of locals who works at a textile factory run by Hodo Group , a major Chinese investor in the economic area .

  27. 柬埔寨政府石油顾问,来自亚洲开发银行的迈克。麦克沃尔特认为,CNPA资金匮乏,设施简陋,无法应对石油业的复杂繁琐。

    Michael McWalter of the Asian Development Bank , who advises the Cambodian government on oil , argues that the CNPA is underfinanced and ill-equipped to deal with the complexities of the oil business .

  28. 柬埔寨教育行政体制改革研究

    Research on the Reform of the Educational Administration System in Cambodia

  29. 外国在柬埔寨投资前景广阔。

    The prospect for foreign investment is broad in the Cambodia .

  30. 遣返柬埔寨难民和流离失所者信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Repatriation of Cambodian Refugees and Displaced Persons