
  • 网络Disciplinary Controls
  1. 密集的道德和纪律控制、集体主义信念的强化培育以及低收入加社会福利分配制度的贯彻执行,为中国第一村开辟了一条以低成本发展模式通向小康的道路。

    The focused moral and discipline control , the intensified culture of collectivism concept , together with the execution and implementation of such a distribution system as low income plus high social allowance , all of these have started a low-cost developing path to the well-off society .

  2. 在这种观念支配之下,学生政治生活沦为学习生活的附庸,表现为政治生活中以学习成绩为标准的倾向、教育者大多重视为了学生学习的纪律控制;

    Controlled by this kind of idea , students ' political life becomes the dependency of the learning-life , shown as the inclination of regarding school grade as the standard of political life and educators mostly pay attention to the discipline control aimed at " students ' learning ";

  3. 自律(自控):管理自己的感觉和行为;守纪律;控制自己的欲望和情绪。

    Self-regulation ( self-control ): Regulating what one feels and does ; being disciplined ; controlling one 's appetites and emotions .

  4. 这需要他团结相互竞争的F1车队(包括一些可能自行其是的强队)、让他们遵守纪律并将控制权从付钱请车队比赛的赛车场转移到车队自己。

    It required him to unify the rival F1 teams , including the powerful ones that could go their own way , make them accept discipline , and shift control from the sports circuits that paid teams to attend races to the teams themselves .

  5. 需要严格的纪律,需要控制情绪

    That requires discipline . It was unemotional .

  6. 与此同时,男孩却可能需要更多的监督和纪律去学习控制情绪、注重学业等东西。

    Boys , meanwhile , might need more oversight and discipline to learn things like controlling their emotions and focusing on school .

  7. 被逼著去工作而且尽全力去作将会培养出你的自我纪律,自我控制力,勤奋,坚强的意志力,内涵,以及上百项那些游手好闲的懒惰者永远不知道的优点。

    Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you perance , self-control , diligence , strength of will , content , and a hundred other virtues which the idle will never know .