
  • 网络zonal;Zonal wind
  1. 说明在生成ELNino/LaNina事件的重要性上,纬向风应力的振荡成分比经向风应力的更重要,作用也更显著。

    We also draw a conclusion that the zonal wind stress is more important than the meridional wind stress in creating El Nino / La Nina evolution .

  2. 利用NCEP/NCAR40a再分析资料研究了赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率间的关系。

    Based on the NCEP / NCAR 40-year reanalysis dataset , analysed is the relationship between vertical shear of zonal wind in equatorial lower stratosphere and ENSO variability .

  3. 模式较好地再现了热带ISO纬向风的垂直结构。

    The vertical structure of the zonal wind is also well reproduced .

  4. 赤道高频纬向风强迫对ENSO事件强度的影响

    The Effect of Equatorial High-Frequency Zonal Wind Forcing on ENSO Amplitude

  5. 赤道地区纬向风系与ENSO事件的联系

    Equatorial zonal wind system and its connection with ENSO

  6. 台风的风力正逐渐增强。赤道高频纬向风强迫对ENSO事件强度的影响

    The typhoon is gathering strength . The Effect of Equatorial High-Frequency Zonal Wind Forcing on ENSO Amplitude

  7. 分析表明:南海水温季节内振荡与南海纬向风分量u的振荡密切相关。

    The results also show that the SST intraseasonal oscillation is closely related to the U-component of the wind which is in connection with the westerly burst .

  8. 分析了赤道地区纬向风的年际变化特征,以及亚澳季风与ENSO在各个位相的联系。

    The interannual variability of tropical zonal wind and the relationship between ENSO and the Asian / Australian monsoon in different phases are discussed .

  9. 时空谱分析表明模式结果中包含有更多的纬向风的高频成分,由于能量的分散,导致对ISO活动强度的低估。

    On the basis of space-time spectral analysis , it is found that the simulated ISO contains too much high frequency waves , leading to the underestimation of ISO intensity due to the distraction of ISO energy .

  10. ITF的年代际变化是:年代际信号取决于赤道太平洋纬向风应力的变化。

    The decadal variation of ITF is that the decadal signal lies in the change of latitude-oriented wind stress in the Equator-Pacific region .

  11. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,首先讨论了热带纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)的东、西风位相的划分标准。

    By using NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data the criterion for dividing the easterly and the westerly phase of tropical QBO is firstly discussed .

  12. 在ELNino时期,盛行正的纬向风异常,而在强的正IOD事件期间或之前,盛行负的或弱的纬向风异常。

    During the El Nino period , the positive zonal wind anomaly was prevailing . While during or before the strong positive IOD events , the negative or weak zonal wind anomaly was prevailing .

  13. 模拟试验表明,纬向风QBO引起垂直经圈环流的变化,在平流层有三对余差环流圈。

    Numerical simulation shows that the meridional circulation induced by the wind QBO includes three pairs of cells in the stratosphere , which have hemispheric symmetry .

  14. 100hPa月均纬向风指数在环流分析和降水预报中的应用

    The use of monthly mean indices of zonal wind at 100 hPa on Circulation Analysis and rain forecasting

  15. 利用HRDI/UARS资料分析东亚区域中层大气纬向风气候特征

    Analysis of Climatic Features of the Zonal Winds in the Middle Atmosphere Over East Asia by Using HRDI / UARS Data Set

  16. 分析还表明,平流层夏季50hPaQBO纬向风强度自身的演变也存在显著的跃变过程,在太阳活动11年周期单周内东风平均强度较双周显著增强。

    The evolution of QBO intensity at 59 hPa is analyzed , which shows the marked sudden change processes , andin the odd-numbered 11-year solar cycle the intensity of east zonal wind is stronger than that in the even-numbered cycles .

  17. 多年平均结果显示东亚区域中层大气纬向风具有显著的区域特征,与当前普遍使用的参考大气CIRA-86相比存在显著的不同。

    The results of 7-years averaged data analysis showed that the middle atmospheric zonal winds exhibit significant regional features when compared with the CIRA-86 counterpart that has been widely used .

  18. 在揭示二者联系的基础上,通过分析海温异常所引起的500hPa高度、经向风及纬向风的异常特征,探讨了秋季海温异常影响东亚冬季大气环流的可能途径。

    The relationship between them is disclosed and the possible mechanism of SSTA influencing winter atmospheric general circulation is discussed by investigations on the anomalous features of 500 hPa circulation , zonal and longitudinal winds induced by SSTA .

  19. 本文将1956&1985年北半球100hPa月均格点高度场资料转换成可代表纬向风指数的南北高度差值场,探讨了该场在盛夏的特征和在降水预报中的应用。

    By using monthly mean data of 100 hPa in Northern Hemisphere for years of 1956 - 1985 , the intensity indices of zonal wind could be defined as different value between southern and northern geopotential height from grid points .

  20. 其经向风分量与纬向风分量同等重要。

    The meridional wind component and zonal wind component are same important .

  21. 高空纬向风准3.5年振荡特征

    Features of quasi & 3.5 year oscillation of zonal wind in troposphere

  22. 纬向风作用下的热带海洋低频扰动

    Zonal Wind Forced Low Frequency Disturbances in the Tropical Ocean

  23. 赤道平流层纬向风的准2年振荡与浙江台风的初步研究

    Preliminary analysis of the quasi-biennial oscillation and Zhejiang typhoon

  24. 纬向风垂直切变异常与西北太平洋热带风暴年频数的关系

    Relationship between Vertical Shear Anomalies and Annual Frequency of NW Pacific Tropical Cyclone

  25. 全球平流层下部降温及其对纬向风的影响

    The Global City Temperature Cooling in Lower Stratosphere and Its Effects on Zonal Wind

  26. 异常东亚冬季风对赤道西太平洋纬向风异常的影响

    Influence of Anomalous East Asian Winter Monsoon on Zonal Wind Anomalies over the Equatorial Western Pacific

  27. 南海夏季风爆发迟早与赤道纬向风关系的诊断研究

    Diagnosis of Relationships between the Onset of South China Sea Summer Monsoon and the Equatorial Zonal Wind

  28. 这种周期振荡现象与赤道平流层的纬向风的准两年周期振荡现象有很好的对应关系。

    It is well correspond to zonal wind oscillation on low layer of the stratosphere over Equator .

  29. 此外,由于平流层下部温度变率的经向不均匀性,同时还会引起该地区平均纬向风的变化。

    Besides , the difference of temperature variability between different zonal belts may modify the mean zonal wind .

  30. 剩余环流还有年际变化和准两年周期振荡特征,在纬向风为西风位相时,赤道地区的上升气流比较弱;

    On the Quasi - Life In addition , the residual circulation has interannual change and quasi - biennial oscillation .