
zhōu qī zhèn dànɡ
  • periodic oscillations
  1. 电力系统周期振荡的失稳分析

    Analysis of unstable periodic oscillations in power system

  2. 然而值得注意的是在高磁场的情况下,并无周期振荡的情形。

    And it should be noted that the periodic oscillations are disappear at high magnetic field .

  3. SPECTRUM90时期大气1020天准周期振荡对热带气旋转向路径的影响

    The Effect of the Atmospheric 10 - 20 Day Oscillation on the Recurving Tropical Cyclones during SPECTRUM - 90

  4. 1991年5月10日太阳射电爆发中Spike辐射的准周期振荡特征

    The features of quasi - periodic oscillation of 1O May 1991 spike radiation

  5. 太阳射电爆发中Spike辐射的准周期振荡

    The quasi - periodic oscillation of spike radiation occurred in solar radio burst

  6. 本文对小质量X射线双星的准周期振荡的差频模型做了修正和补充。

    Some corrections and improvements to the beat frequency model for the quasi-periodic oscillation phenomenon in X-rays binaries have been made in this paper .

  7. 风的垂直混合作用主要是抑制了SST的日周期振荡。

    The mixing effect of the wind restrained the daily oscillation of the SST .

  8. 但这个机制可能只是foEs中存在行星波周期振荡的原因之一。

    But , this mechanism may be only one of reasons why planetary waves exist in foEs .

  9. 然而,由DS模型得到的森林火灾频率&时间间隔为指数分布,与实际的周期振荡的幂律分布不符。

    But the fire interval distribution of the DS model is an exponential law , different from the power law with periodical fluctuations of actual data .

  10. 天鹰座X-1能谱和千赫兹准周期振荡频率的相关

    Correlation between the Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillation and Energy Spectrum of Aql X-1

  11. 分析发现系统平衡点通过Hopf分岔产生周期振荡现象,并进一步由倍周期分岔导致混沌。

    Analysis showed that the equilibrium point would change to periodical solution by Hopf bifurcation , and further to chaotic solution from period-doubling bifurcation .

  12. 北大西洋SST与ENSO事件在4年和15年尺度周期振荡上表现为方差贡献较大的正相关;

    The most striking correlation between North Atlantic SST and ENSO events was found on the time scales of 4 years and 15 years .

  13. 利用奇异谱方法(SSA方法)分析登陆广东省的热带气旋的演变规律,发现年登陆的热带气旋数存在明显的8年、准3年的周期振荡;

    Using the method of Singular Spectrum Analysis ( SSA ), the evolution regularity of tropical cyclones landing in Guangdong are analysed .

  14. 它的基本原理是利用继电反馈引起的极限周期振荡来确定系统的临界增益和临界周期,然后采用Ziegle-Nichols、极点配置等方法来整定PID参数。

    Its basic principle is to use limit cycle oscillations caused by relay feedback to determine the critical gain and critical period , and then used Ziegler-Nichols , pole placement and other methods to tuning PID parameters .

  15. B-R反应的双周期振荡

    The Two Periodic Oscillation of B-R Reaction

  16. 小波分析表明,连续暴雨期存在准20d的周期振荡。

    An quasi-20-day oscillation can be found during the continuous torrential rain by wavelet analysis .

  17. 赤道异常的行星波周期振荡的统计特征与逐年变化及其QBO调制

    Characters of planetary scale oscillations in the EIA and its yearly variation and response to the QBO

  18. 本文系统地介绍了低质量X射线双星(LMXB)中的准周期振荡现象的主要观测事实。

    The basic observational data of Quasi-periodic Oscillations ( QPO ) in Low-mass X-ray Binaries ( LMXB ) are described systematically in this paper .

  19. 本论文研究了数字控制直流-直流变换器系统的基本结构和特性,分析了环路量化效应导致的有限周期振荡现象(Limit-CycleOscillations),并对变换器系统进行建模和仿真。

    Limit-cycle oscillations caused by the quantization effect of digital loop are analyzed . And the digital controlled DC-DC converter systems are modeled and simulated .

  20. 本文讨论了PID调节器参数的继电自整定方法,它是利用继电反馈所产生的极限周期振荡来估计被控对象的参数,从而整定PID参数。

    This paper proposes an on-line relay automatic tuning method of PID regulators , in which the parameters of the process model are estimated from the limit cycle oscillation under relay feedback and thus the parameters of the PID regulators are determined .

  21. 该算法首先通过样本数据和实际数据的残差处理消除数据的周期振荡,然后用ICA方法提取残差数据独立元信息,接着用T2和SPE统计量对过程进行监测,最后用贡献图分离故障。

    Firstly , the algorithm eliminates periodic oscillation in data through processing residual between sample data and actual data . Then the independent component information of residual is extracted using ICA method .

  22. Fe-P-O体系催化剂上甲烷氧化偶联反应的浓度强制周期振荡研究

    A study on forced concentration oscillations of oxidation coupling of methane over Fe-P-O catalyst

  23. 中国西北汛期极端降水事件发生频次的各主要空间分区中,近45a来13a左右的周期振荡表现得比较显著。

    The periods of 45-year and 13-year were relatively outstanding in variation of the extreme precipitation event frequency in Northwest China .

  24. 本文简略地叙述了低质量X射线双星中准周期振荡(QPO)现象的理论解释,对其中的差频模型(BFM)和它的一些发展作了较为详细的介绍。

    The theory of Quasi-periodic Oscillation ( QPO ) in Low-mass X-ray Binaries ( LMXB ) is discussed in this paper . Beat-Frequency Models ( BFM ), including development , are presented in detail .

  25. 本文提出的ENSO循环时间尺度选择机制不仅解释了主周期振荡的形成过程,而且也较好地解释了ENSO变化的谱,因此,这一机制更接近于观测事实。

    The time scale selection mechanism presented in this paper is more objective to approach real world ENSO process , because it can explain not only formation of the ENSO principal period but also the spectrum of ENSO variability .

  26. 采用带通滤波法,奇异谱分析(SSA)和小波分析(WTA)综合研究了近50年中国降水场的准两年周期振荡(QBO)的分布型态及其长期变率特征。

    The distribution pattern and long term variability of QBO rainfall field of China are comprehensively studied by using belt-pass filtering , singular spectrum analysis ( SSA ) and Wavelet analysis ( WTA ) .

  27. 发现在这两支向东的逆流区Rossby波的特性不同:副热带逆流区70-210天周期振荡对应的Rossby波西传过程中增幅,在台湾以东振幅达到最大;

    It is found that in the STCC the amplitude of the Rossby wave , corresponding to the SSHA oscillation with period of 70 ~ 210 days , increases when the wave propagates westward , and the amplitude is the largest in east of Taiwan .

  28. 北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北太平洋涛动(NPO)的10~20年准周期振荡有近乎同位相特征,而它们的30多年准周期振荡却有近乎反位相变化。

    The phase of North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ) covering 10 - 20 years time scale well agrees with that of North Pacific Oscillation ( NPO ), but for more than 30 years oscillation , they are nearly out of phase to each other .

  29. 本文分析了PNA型环流的年际变化和影响因子,发现它存在两种优势周期振荡:一种是3&5年的振荡,另一种是10年左右的振荡。

    In the present article , the interannual variation and the influential factors on the PNA pattern are analyzed . It is found that the PNA pattern has two predominant oscillations , one is the 3 - 5 year oscillation , the other is the ten-year oscillation .

  30. 首先考虑在Lamb-Dicke极限和弱激发区,处在驻波型激光中的单个囚禁超冷离子动力学行为,发现离子的运动并非旋转波近似下严格的周期振荡,而是出现了许多非周期的成份。

    Firstly , the dynamics of a trapped ultra-cold ion in the standing laser is investigated within the Lamb-Dicke limit and weak excitation . We found there existed many non-period components in the ion motion , not rigid period oscillation under RWA .