
zhōu jiǎo
  • round angle;perigon
  1. 你知道周角的度数吗?

    Do you know the degree of the round angle ?

  2. 任意旋成面叶栅B类气动杂交命题周角函数型变分有限元解

    Variational Finite Element Calculation on the Angular Function for Hybrid Aerodynamic Problem-B of Cascade on an Arbitrary Stream Sheet of Revolution

  3. 对称面圆周角对轴对称降落伞流场特性的影响

    Influence of circular angle in symmetric plane to the flowfield characteristics of an axisymmetric parachute

  4. 外标法计算含量。接管补强圈外圆周角焊缝裂纹的实例分析

    Illustrative analysis on crack in external circumference angle welding seam in reinforcing ring for nozzle

  5. 周角坐标系量化图形的全圆组合形式设计

    Designing Varions Forms of Full Circle Combination of the Quantitative Graphic Patterns of the Coordinate System in Girth

  6. 定义对称面圆周角,保持伞衣幅底部直径和顶孔直径不变,选取对称面圆周角在80°~140°范围内变化,建立一系列轴对称降落伞的计算模型。

    After the circular angle in symmetric plane was defined and diameters of parachute bottom and top vent were kept invariable , a series of fluid dynamics computational model were established over circular angle range of 80 °~ 140 ° .