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  1. 方法用38%酒精纱布块外敷及温热水纱布块外敷,观察对44例由易善复所致静脉炎的治疗结果。

    Methods Applying 38 % alcohol gauze and warm water gauze on 44 cases of phlebitis patients induced by Essential Forte , the therapeutic effect was observed .

  2. 在15例结、直肠癌根治手术中采用自制带不透X光兰色线条的纱布块,进行擦血、止血,协助显露术野。

    15 cases with laparoscopic radical operation for colorectal cancer , self-made gauzes were used to wiping off blood , hemostasis and to assist to expose the field of operation .

  3. 用蘸有1%~2%盐酸丁卡因溶液的纱布块填塞在发情后7天的奶山羊子宫颈外口处,松弛子宫颈。

    Cervices were relaxed using a piece of gauze dipped in 1 % ~ 2 % Dicaine Hydrochlorltie ( D.H. ) solution on outer mouth of the cervices of dairy goats 7 days of oestrus cycle .