
shā bù
  • gauze;lint;etamine;tela;coated abrasive
纱布 [shā bù]
  • [gauze] 经纬纱都很稀疏的布,消毒后用来包扎伤口

纱布[shā bù]
  1. 用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。

    Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve .

  2. 用纱布过淋煎好的中药。

    Use gauze to filter the decocted herbal potion .

  3. 他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口。

    He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings

  4. 割破的手指缠绑着纱布。

    The cut finger was bandaged .

  5. 他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口

    He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings .

  6. 而且用直径约1.5&2mm的自体微型皮片散在移植的扩创后的创面上,然后用敷料包扎,3d后拆除外敷料油纱布半暴露。

    Remove the application three days later , and half expose the wound by the Vaseline gauze .

  7. CT及MRI增强扫描可见包膜增强而纱布团内部无增强。

    CT and MRI enhanced scanning showed only the enhancement of the membrane and no enhancement of crumpled gauze itself .

  8. 研究了用纯棉纱布经过特殊化学处理制备多功能洗涤巾的工艺条件,如配方比例,反应时间,反应温度、pH值等对其性能的影响。

    The effect of components ratio , reaction time , temperature and pH on manufacturing multifunction washing towel was investigated .

  9. 结果:1.动物实验:生肌玉红膏组创面愈合率、愈合速度、创面肉芽微血管密度(MVD)、羟脯氨酸含量均高于对照组凡士林纱布组,结果有统计学差异(P0.01)。

    Animal experiments : The Healing rate , MVD , and HYP of SHENG JI YU HONG ointment group are higher than the group of Vaseline gauze .

  10. 手术开始30min后要随时更换纱布。

    Gauzes should be replaced more frequently 30 minutes after the operation start .

  11. 结论:腹腔内遗留的纱布团在超声、CT和MRI检查中都有一定的特征性表现,超声结合CT或MRI的平扫及增强扫描可做出明确的诊断。

    Conclusion : Crumpled gauze retained in abdominal cavity possessed some characteristic appearances on US , CT and / or MRI ; In combination with either plain or enhanced CT or MRI US can lead to a definite diagnosis .

  12. 观察比较明胶纤维网(GF)、氧化纤维素(OC)和明胶海绵(GS)3种止血材料的止血时间,并与医用纱布进行对比。

    Hemostatic time of GF , oxidized cellulose ( OC ) and gelatin sponge ( GS ) was recorded and compared with that of medical gauze .

  13. 按压住伤口流血就会停止。Brown医生说,在大多数情况下,用清洁的纱布或棉布按住伤口四五分钟的时间就可以止血。

    The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound . Dr. Brown says in most cases holding direct pressure with clean gauze or a cloth for four to five minutes should stop the bleeding .

  14. 结果:纱布团在超声检查时表现为呈弧形强回声带后伴宽阔干净声影的肿块,在CT与MRI平扫时表现为软组织密度与信号的肿块;

    Results : The sonography of the crumpled gauze showed a hyperechoic arc line with broad clean shadow behind . On CT and MRI scanning it appeared as a mass with density and signal similar to that of the soft tissue .

  15. 结论MTX配伍米非司酮、宫腔镜下刮宫和纱布条填塞宫颈是治疗宫颈妊娠的有效方法。

    Conclusion MTX + Ru486 for killing embryo , curettage through hysteroscope and intracervical canal packing with gauze are the effective methods of treatment for cervical pregnancy .

  16. S-99可溶性止血纱布是一种新型止血材料。

    S-99 soluble hemostatic gauze is a new type of material for stopping bleeding .

  17. 结果3例宫颈妊娠采用甲氨蝶呤(MTX)+米非司酮杀胚胎,宫腔镜下刮宫和宫颈碘仿纱布填塞方法等保守治疗,效果良好。

    Results 3 cases have been treated successfully by conservative treatments . ie , MTX + Ru486 for killing embryo , curettage through hysteroscope and intracervical canal packing with gauze .

  18. S-99可溶性止血纱布在拔牙创内的应用

    The Use of S & 99 Soluble Hemostatic Gauze in the Wound of an Extracted Tooth

  19. 12层纱布口罩的过滤效率只有11%~15%,完全不能阻挡人工血、金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌F2噬菌体渗透。

    Twelve-layer gauze mask showed a filtering efficiency of only 11 % ~ 15 % and could not obstruct penetration of synthetic blood , S. aureus and F_2 phage of E. coli .

  20. 医用水刺敷料主要包括以下几种:伤口敷料,包扎纱布、绷带,外科纱布,眼科专用纱布,自粘性敷料,口罩纱布,创可贴,消毒包纱布,X射线寻踪纱布,药物膏贴,医用胶带等等。

    Spun laced medical compresses includes mainly : wound compress , binding gauze , bandages , surgical gauze , eye gauze , self-stock compress , masks gauze , Wound Plaster , disinfectant gauze , X-ray detectable gauze , medical paster , medical adhesive tape , etc.

  21. 烧伤后立即经腹腔注射补充等渗盐水(4ml/100g体重)抗休克,创面用凉纱布覆盖。

    After the burn , isotonic saline ( 4ml / 100g ) was injected to counteract shock symptoms , the wounded area was covered with cold gauze .

  22. 干燥的新鲜血浆纱布上淋球菌,放置24h有20%检样培养阳性,48h全部无菌生长。

    When the N. gonorrhoeae on dried fresh plasma gauze was laid aside for 24 h at 22 ℃, cultures of 20 % of samples were positive , but no bacterial growth was observed after 48 h.

  23. 方法随机抽取使用后的喉头喷雾器,分为两组。一组用氧化电位水冲洗喷头20s,另一组用浸有75%乙醇纱布擦拭喷头。

    Methods The sprayers were randomly sampled after they were used and were divided into two groups , which were rinsed by EOW for 20 seconds and cleaned by 75 % alcohol gauze respectively .

  24. 方法:分别将MEBO纱布或红油膏纱布贴敷创面,外层用无菌纱布覆盖固定,每日1~2次。

    Method : MEBO gauze or Hong You Ointment gauze was applied respectively onto the wounds and then covered and fixed with sterile gauze , the dressing was changed 1 2 times every day .

  25. 定性检查,每个粪样中取10g,加水经两层纱布过滤,滤液离心(3000r/min,10min),悬浮法将沉淀物用饱和盐水悬浮,在显微镜下检查。

    For qualitative check , 10 g was taken out from each faeces sample , adding water , filtering using gauze , centrifuging and floating by saturation salt solution .

  26. 方法:用刀片划破血管,分别用壳糖止血海绵、明胶海绵和纱布压迫出血处,30s后去除海绵和纱布,观察止血效果;

    Methods : Lacerating the otic vein of rabbit with bistoury and promptly pressing the wound with chitosan hemostatic sponge , gelatin sponge or gauze , respectively , the hemostatic effect was observed by uncovering each 30 seconds .

  27. 同时设对照组19例,创面使用磨痂法,外喷表皮生长因子(EGF),凡士林纱布覆盖创面,半暴露,每日换药2次。

    In control group , 19 cases of the same disease had wound crust abraded , sprayed with epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) and covered with Vaseline gauze , the wounds were semi - exposed and the dressing was changed 2 times a day .

  28. 其上分别覆盖单层油纱布,生理盐水纱布、无菌干纱布、弹性海绵垫,每层厚度约为3~5mm,常规打包包扎,最后再以弹性绷带加压包扎。

    Single-layer oleic gauze , physiological saline gauze , aseptic dry gauze and elastic sponge cushion were covered successively , about 3-5 mm in thickness each layer . After routine dressing , elastic bandage was wrapped with compression terminally .

  29. 在气管套管口覆盖双层盐水湿纱布,6h后测定血气分析变化,然后改用自制气管切开罩给氧6h,再次测定其血气分析的变化。

    First , put double saline wet gauze at the entrance of trachea tube for 6 hours and measure the changing of the blood gas analysis . Then inhale oxygen by self-made tracheotomy cover for another 6 hours and measure the changing of blood gas again .

  30. 结果38%酒精纱布外敷对静脉炎有良好的治疗作用,其中对轻、中、重三型静脉炎的平均治愈时间分别为1.5h、5.1h及24.1h;

    Results 38 % alcohol gauze had better therapeutic effect on phlebitis , the average curing time of light , middle and heavy phlebitis were 1.5h , 5.1h 24.1h ;