
nà sī dá kè
  1. 他们“暴富”的来源在上世纪90年代后期通常指网络概念股狂潮阶段以及纳斯达克股市狂飙时期。

    The " wealth " part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s .

  2. 首先,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)以较低的成本和更先进的技术,从纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange)那里抢到了新的上市公司。

    First , Nasdaq won new listings from the New York Stock Exchange with lower costs and better technology .

  3. 2011年1月-2012年4月期间,在纳斯达克上市的首次公开募股(IPO)公司有92家,在纽交所上市的IPO公司有119家。

    Between January 2011 and April 2012 , there were 92 NASDAQ IPOs and 119 NYSE IPOs .

  4. 摩根士丹利的高管曾将FacebookIPO表现糟糕的部分问题归咎于纳斯达克股票交易市场。

    Morgan Stanley officials have blamed some of the problems of the IPO on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange .

  5. IBM是少数几个表现优于纳斯达克综指的科技公司之一,它只下跌了6%。

    IBM ( IBM ) is among the few tech giants that has outperformed the Nasdaq , falling a mere 6 % .

  6. 2012年6月到现在,纳斯达克挂牌的IPO公司达到了100家,而纽交所为110家。

    Between June 2012 and the present , there have been 100 NASDAQ IPOs and 110 NYSE IPOs .

  7. 而相比之下,尽管市场对欧洲的财政危机感到惶惶不安,但纳斯达克综合指数(NasdaqComposite)仅下跌了5%。

    The Nasdaq composite , by contrast , declined 5 % in a market jittery about the financial turmoil in Europe .

  8. 她本人也曾经担任纳斯达克(Nasdaq)董事。

    She was also a board member of NASDAQ .

  9. 纳斯达克1997年建立了高效的电子交易系统(ElectronicCommunicationNetworks,简称ECN),保证每一个计算机终端均能获得所有公开交易信息,使其日交易能力增加到40亿股/天。

    In 1997 , NASDAQ established the high-efficient Electronic Communication Networks ( ECN ), which can ensure every computer terminal receive all open dealing information .

  10. 纳斯达克把这错误怪罪Shareholder网。Shareholder网是纳斯达克的商务分支,提供投资关系服务。

    Nasdaq blamed the error on a division of its business called Shareholder . com , which provides investor relations services .

  11. 纽约证交所在美国的主要竞争对手纳斯达克证券市场(nasdaqstockmarket)也在中国设有代表,其开设办事处的申请正在审批中。

    The Nasdaq stock market , the main US rival to the NYSE , has representatives in China and its application to open an office is pending .

  12. 第四章对美国纳斯达克、英国AIM和香港创业板从运行机制、上市企业以及投资者等方面进行了分析,总结了我国在创业板建设中应该吸取的经验。

    Chapter IV analysis the United States NASDAQ , United Kingdom AIM and Hong Kong GEM from the operating mechanism , listed companies and investors , summarizes the experience and acceptance .

  13. 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)的交易是通过代表客户利益的股票经纪人发起的。

    Trading on NASDAQ is initiated by stock brokers acting on behalf of their clients .

  14. 中国基金(Chinafund)是一支于1992年在美国纳斯达克交易所上市的封闭式基金,来自英国的马丁可利资产管理公司是其基金管理人。

    " China Fund " is a closed-end fund listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange in the United States in 1992 and its manager is Martin Currie Capital Management company who comes from the United Kingdom .

  15. 去年,IAC将旗下约会业务剥离,成立了独立的公司MatchGroup,后者于11月在纳斯达克上市。

    Last year , IAC spun off its dating companies into a separate company , the Match Group , which debuted on the Nasdaq exchange in November .

  16. 在纳斯达克上市的中国搜索引擎公司百度(Baidu)已在美国成立了一个人工智能实验室。

    Baidu , the Chinese search engine , has set up an artificial intelligence lab in the US .

  17. 纳斯达克指数下跌12点,这里是NPR新闻。

    The NASDAQ down 12 , this is NPR news .

  18. 大型亚洲公司也有可能会选择在该交易所上市,而不是去伦敦证交所(LSE)或纳斯达克(Nasdaq)。

    Big Asian companies might choose it instead of the London Stock Exchange or Nasdaq .

  19. 针对全球最火热的市场,纳斯达克和纽约证交所吸引的中国IPO数量均超过了AIM市场,而伦敦证交所主板连一家中国公司都没吸引到。

    Looking at the world 's hottest market , both Nasdaq and the NYSE have attracted more Chinese IPOs than Aim , while the main LSE has attracted none .

  20. 其在纳斯达克(nasdaq)上市的股票一度跌至不到6美元,最终股东接受了每股24美元的收购出价。

    Its Nasdaq-listed stock fell below $ 6 before shareholders accepted the offer of $ 24 A share .

  21. 在旧金山一个非常舒适的角落,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)正悄悄扩大其西海岸业务。

    In a very pleasant corner of San Francisco , Nasdaq is quietly expanding its West Coast operations .

  22. Groupon定于上周五早间在纳斯达克首日上市交易。

    Groupon ( grpn ) is expected to begin trading tomorrow morning on the NASDAQ .

  23. 瑞银集团表示,它的损失是交易故障所致,该公司正在考虑起诉纳斯达克股票交易所(Nasdaq)。

    UBS says that it suffered its losses because of glitches , and that it is considering suing the NASDAQ .

  24. 尽管存在出现纳斯达克(Nasdaq)式泡沫的风险,但假如未来爆发股灾,有可能涌现出更多的类似亚马逊(Amazon)或阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的企业。

    While the danger is a Nasdaq-like bubble , the hope is that a few more Amazons and Alibabas emerge from any future crash .

  25. 这家科技企业请求纳斯达克(nasdaq)在公司尽力“最终完成文件”之际,暂停其股票的交易。

    The Technology Group requested that Nasdaq halt trading in its stock while the company worked to " finalise the document " .

  26. 摩根凯瑞资本管理研究了117家在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)和纳斯达克证券交易所(NASDAQ)上市的公司,其中102家公司采用了联合承销方式。

    Morgan Creek examined 117 offerings that priced on either the NYSE or NASDAQ , 102 of which were joint led .

  27. 一名CME高管上周告诉分析师称,他对来自纳斯达克的威胁绝对感到强烈担忧。

    A top CME executive told analysts last week that he was absolutely , acutely concerned about the threat from Nasdaq .

  28. 因此会有足够多的新股上市,使上海、纳斯达克(Nasdaq)、香港和另类投资市场都忙活好一阵。

    So there will be enough listings to keep Shanghai , Nasdaq , Hong Kong and Aim all busy for quite a while .

  29. 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)指数也许距离其在2000年3月的最高位还相距甚远,但它已从全球性的触底中有所反弹;

    The NASDAQ index may be far below the heights of March 2000 , but it has bounced back from the global downturn ;

  30. 毕竟,纳斯达克就已经在与omx谈判。

    Nasdaq , after all , has held talks with OMX .