
nà ɡònɡ
  • pay tribute
纳贡 [nà gòng]
  • [pay tribute] 交纳贡品

  1. 雅典曾是一个帝国,靠附属国向其纳贡(V.戈登柴尔德)

    Athens was an imperial city , nourished by the tribute of subjects ( V. Gordon Childe )

  2. 河和它的纳贡者正在到达绝顶他们的岸。

    The river and its tributaries are cresting their banks .

  3. 他们向征服者纳贡。他向伟大的死者致敬。

    They rendered tribute to the conqueror . He did honour to the great dead .

  4. 成吉思汗以拒不纳贡的蒙古传统方式开始向金发起进攻。

    Genghiz began his offensive against the kin in the classical Mongol way by withholding tribute .

  5. 有些非利士人与约沙法送礼物,纳贡银。亚拉伯人也送他公绵羊七千七百只,公山羊七千七百只。

    Some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents and silver for tribute , and the Arabians also brought him7,700 rams and7,700 goats .

  6. 此外,郑和获得了当地首领的欢迎,引起了他们对南京的向往,他们也因此来到南京,向当时的大明朝纳贡。

    Additionally , Zheng won favor with local leaders who in turn traveled to Nanjing to pay tribute to the imperial court .