
  • 网络NAMIBE
  1. 每日高发病的省包括罗安达(42%)和纳米贝(16%)。

    The provinces with higher daily incidence are Luanda ( 42 % ) and Namibe ( 16 % ) .

  2. 该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。

    The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda , Kwanza-Sul , Luanda , Namibe , Benguela and Zaire .

  3. 安哥拉政府曾透露,这3个项目其它两个项目旨在将安哥拉首都罗安达和南部港口纳米贝与内陆地区相连能在去年年底前完工。

    The government had tipped these three projects – the other two are intended to link Luanda , the Angolan capital , and the southern port of Namibe to the interior – to be completed by the end of last year .