
  • 网络COTONOU;Contonou
  1. 如果欧洲不想向非洲的基础设施提供资金它8年前曾根据《科托努协定》(CotonouAgreement)承诺提供150亿美元资金中国已经准备好接受这一任务,速度更快,成本也更低。

    If Europe does not want to provide funding for African infrastructure – it pledged $ 15bn under the Cotonou Agreement eight years ago – the Chinese are ready to take up the task , more rapidly and at less cost .

  2. 在这里,他们在科托努与他们的两个儿子:Syndia,6岁,和欧文,2。

    Here , they are in Cotonou , with their two sons : Syndia , 6 years old , and Owen , 2 .

  3. 戈多梅在科托努工地。

    Godomey 's construction site in Cotonou .

  4. 最后简要分析了《科托努协定》后双方发展合作关系的外部经济影响。

    At last this thesis briefly analyses some economic influences of EU-ACP relations on the external world .

  5. 补充后经阿克拉协定阐明的科托努协定和阿科松博协定的阿布贾协定;

    Abuja agreement to supplement the Cotonou and Akosombo agreements as subsequently clarified by the Accra agreement ;

  6. 贝宁:6月初在科托努开始的暴发现已蔓延至韦梅省。

    Benin : The outbreak which started in Cotonou in early June has now spread to Oueme region .

  7. 我们受一个基于科托努的公司的委托,为他们寻找有能力供应以上所列出的烹饪油的供应商。

    We have received a mandate from a company here in Cotonou , to source for them a competent supplier of the above listed cooking oils .

  8. 本尼迪卡大主教结束在贝宁的访问,他在那里做了一场露天聚会,参加者是科托努数千热情民众。

    Pope Benedict has ended his visit to Benin with an open-air Mass attended by an enthusiastic crowd of tens of thousands of people in Cotonou .

  9. 贝宁(科托努港集装箱码头)的案例情况是使用定量和定性的的数据进行研究和评估。

    The case of BENIN ( port of Cotonou and it container terminal ) is examined and evaluated using data which are both quantitative and qualitative by nature .

  10. 由于贝宁和邻近内陆国家的工业化缺乏高度专业化指数,科托努港接收不同类型的集装箱船,拖网渔船,常规船,滚装船。

    With the high specialisation index in import due to the industrialized deficiency of BENIN and nearby landlocked countries , port of Cotonou receives different types of ships with the predominance of container ships , trawlers , conventional vessels , and vessels RoRo .