
  • 网络scientific classification;classification of science;taxonomy
  1. 旅游学科科学分类体系和该学科在《中图法》类目设置中存在问题的研究

    A Research on the Problem of Taxonomy System of Tourism Subject and Its Category on Chinese Library Classification

  2. 首先论述了入侵检测系统(IDS)的研究概况,然后使用五种分类标准对入侵检测系统进行了科学分类,它们分别是控制策略、同步技术、信息源、分析方法和响应方式。

    In this paper , an overview on the history of IDS is first introduced , then a scientific classification of IDS is presented based on five criterions , that is control strategy , synchronization , information sources , analysis methods and re-sponse strategy .

  3. 然后运用改进的BP神经网络方法,建立采场围岩稳定性分类的神经网络识别模型,从而实现对夏甸金矿巷道及采场围岩稳定性的科学分类分析,并在此基础上进行支护控制方案研究;

    After that , the improved Backpropagation Neural Networks is used to build the identifying model to realize the classification analysis on the stability of the surrounding rocks of stopes and roadways , and on base of the classification , the control scheme is put forward .

  4. 利用小企业和个贷类贷款分类矩阵,建立科学分类标准,增加批量处理程序,改善CQ银行五级分类管理操作繁琐的问题。

    Take advantage of the " small businesses and loan classification matrix ", set up a scientific classification standard and increase the batch process program to solve the problem of five-category loan quality classification method . 4 .

  5. 本文介绍了复用软件工程(RSE)的基本概念,可复用信息的科学分类及其复用实例.文中还着重提出了RSE在计算机辅助教学(CAI)系统开发中的应用方法。

    This paper not only introduces the basic concepts of reusable software engineering , the scientific classifications of reusable information and their practical examples , but also proposes an applied approach of RSE to the development of computer aided instruction system .

  6. 高校学报论文的科学分类与标引

    Scientific Classifying and Indexing of Journal Thesis of Colleges and Universities

  7. 中国古代的五元化科学分类理论

    On the science classification of five elemental theory in ancient China

  8. 历史上的科学分类及现代科学技术的新特点

    History of Scientific Classification and Characteristics of Modern Science and Technology

  9. 关于大众篮球运动的定义与科学分类体系探讨

    Analysis on the Concept and Scientific Classification of Popular Basketball Movement

  10. 试论人类学在科学分类体系中的地位

    On Position of Anthropology in the System of Scientific Classification

  11. 科学分类的一般原理的研究。

    ( biology ) study of the general principles of scientific classification .

  12. 基于人工神经网络的粉煤灰科学分类

    Artifical Neural Network ( ANN ) - based Scientific Classification of Fly Ash

  13. 并发挥其更大的建设性作用,因此它的科学分类体系也必然应是综合性的。

    Therefore its scientific classification system must be synthetic .

  14. 地理学的历史发展趋向与现代地理学的科学分类体系问题

    Tendency of historical development of geography and the scientific classification system of Contemporary Geography

  15. 钱学森科学分类与科技体系思想述评

    Qian Xue-sen 's classification of science and His Thought of Science and Technology System

  16. 试论体育的科学分类

    Trial-discussion on the scientific classification of sport SCIENCE

  17. 科技论文的科学分类与标识

    Scientific classification and classified identifier of sci-tech paper

  18. 要全面认识与把握它,就必须对其进行科学分类。

    We must carry on the science classification for it . From its content .

  19. 中国体育的科学分类

    Scientific Classification of Sports Activities in China

  20. 一种新的自然科学分类方法

    A New Classification for Natural Science

  21. 三是监狱危机的表现形式进行了科学分类。

    Third , the performance of the prison crisis in the form of a scientific classification .

  22. 他对历史决定论的批判以事实、价值的分野和科学分类为基础;

    Based on dividing the fact and the value , scientific classification , he criticized historicism ;

  23. 对体育进行科学分类是体育理论的基本问题之一。

    It is one of the basic questions of the sport theory to classify the sport scientifically .

  24. 确立建帐对象,有赖于对核算对象(这是国民经济核算的主体)的科学分类。

    As we know , the establishing of accounting targets mainly depends on the classification of economy .

  25. 这项研究的受术者是由学院的2006界住院医师按照基本科学分类来决定的。

    The study is the recipient of the Academy's2006 Resident Research Award in the Basic Science Category .

  26. 第二,根据人类联想记忆特征对部件进行科学分类;

    Second , according to the characteristic of human associate memory the Chinese character components are scientifically classified .

  27. 自然辩证法的对象、内容及其在科学分类中的地位

    The object and contents of the study of natural dialectics and its position in the ramifications of Sciences

  28. 缺少脊椎或脊索的动物;该术语不用于科学分类。

    Any animal lacking a backbone or notochord ; the term is not used as a scientific classification .

  29. 将博览园的日常事务进行科学分类,将其划分成四大类:生产管理、物资管理、资金管理和定位观测数据管理。

    Daily transactions of the park were classified as production management , material management , financial management and location-observation datamanagement .

  30. 它建立在对信息进行科学分类、并揭示数据对象内在规律的基础上,按照一定规则实行结构化的基本数据单元。

    This data center bases on a kind of scientific classify of information and shows inner regulation of data object .