
  • 网络Cuomo;Como;Komo;Comeau
  1. 今天,天堂湖、克莱恩特(Caliente)和科莫湖已是帕斯科县著名裸体主义运动的大型场所,而随着志同道合者蜂拥而至,其它规模较小的区域也发展起来。

    Today , Paradise Lakes , Caliente and Lake Como are the big naked destinations in Pasco County , while smaller venues have developed as like-minded individuals flock to the region .

  2. 在其伴侣克丽攠尔森(KerryOlsen)的坚持下,马尔凯蒂1年前在科莫定居了下来。奥尔森是一名作家兼记者,她希望让他们的女儿——3岁的玛格丽塔(Margherita)在有花园的房子里长大。

    Marchetti settled in Como permanently a year ago , at the insistence of his partner , Kerry Olsen , a writer and journalist , who wanted to raise their daughter , Margherita , three , in a house with a garden .

  3. 科莫用简单的语言作了解释。

    Cuomo laid it out in simple language .

  4. 3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基并未透露拜登是否认为科莫应该辞职。

    On Friday , White House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say whether Biden believes Cuomo should resign .

  5. 总统最近与CNN新闻的克里斯·科莫谈论这一问题。

    The president talked about it with CNN 's Chris Cuomo recently .

  6. 此前,科莫已详细列举了美林在2008年最后几天支付的百万美元级奖金数目,当时该银行即将被美国银行(bankofamerica)收购。

    Earlier , Mr Cuomo had detailed the number of million-dollar bonus payments made at Merrill in the last days of 2008 , before it was acquired by Bank of America .

  7. 州长科莫(AndrewCuomo)估计纽约州的损失高达10亿美元。

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo estimated his state suffered one billion dollars in damage .

  8. 据NPR新闻的艾利森·凯斯报道,科莫呼吁重新设计交通系统和公用事业系统。

    NPR 's Allison Keyes says Cuomo is calling for a redesign of transportation and utility systems .

  9. 报道说,科莫多巨蜥(Komododragon)是世界上体形最大的蜥蜴,其身长能长到3米。

    The Komodo dragon ( Varanus komodoensis ) is the world 's biggest lizard , reaching up to three metres ( 10 feet ) long .

  10. 每年四月至九月,是大海最为风平浪静的安澜时刻,Amandira在袖珍小岛莫约(Moyo)与科莫多国家公园(KomodoNationalPark)之间游弋;

    From April to September , when the seas and winds are at their calmest , the Amandira roams between the tiny island of Moyo and the Komodo National Park ;

  11. 为何科莫多巨蜴只生活在这四个岛屿(Komodo、Rinca、GiliMotang和Flores),原因至今仍不得而知。

    Why they can only be found on four islands - Komodo , Rinca , Gili Motang and Flores - nobody quite knows .

  12. 在提交给唐斯所在委员会的最新报告中,科莫详细列举了另外8家银行的奖金数目和额度,这8家银行均在去年10月从问题资产救助计划(TARP)中得到巨额纾困资金。

    In his new report , sent to Mr Towns ' committee , Mr Cuomo detailed the number and size of bonuses at eight other banks that received billions from the federal troubled asset relief programme fund last October .

  13. 一个人工智能算法自动编写程序以JK罗琳的小说《哈利·波特》为蓝本写了一个新故事,它已经成为了互联网上最搞笑的笑料,幸好JK罗琳还有她的《侦探科莫兰》系列小说,为此她真要感谢邓布利多。

    JK Rowling must be thanking Dumbledore that she has her Cormoran Strike series to fall back on , after a predictive keyboard wrote a new Harry Potter story using her books and it became the funniest thing on the internet .

  14. 我打算去科莫湖。

    Tracy : I plan to go to Lago Di Como .

  15. 科莫多龙其实是庞大的巨蜥。

    The Komodo Dragon is in fact a giant Monitor lizard .

  16. 潜水者们于周五下午遇到了那只科莫多龙。

    The divers ran into the Komodo dragon on Friday afternoon .

  17. 科莫的骄傲纽约州让他们可以说:“我愿意。”

    The Empire State lets them say : " I do "

  18. 科莫说,最有效的辅导工作,是一对一的方式。

    Cuomo says individual attention provides the most effective mentoring .

  19. 我知道科莫多互联网套装4即将测试。

    I found CIS4 is on its way to Beta .

  20. 然后便是最重要的时刻:马里奥。科莫的提名演讲。

    Then came the big moment : Mario Cuomo 's nominating speech .

  21. 无线电室和科莫多尔商业机器公司也在同年推出了个人计算机。

    Radio Shack and Commodore Business Machines also introduced PCs that year .

  22. 对于玛蒂尔达.科莫来说,这又是她的一个困难时期。

    This was a difficult time for Matilda Cuomo .

  23. 科莫说,公用事业也存在着问题。

    Cuomo says the utilities are a problem too .

  24. 这些趋势使科莫夫妇深感困扰。

    These trends were deeply disturbing to Governor Cuomo .

  25. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫周三披露了这一数据。

    Governor Andrew Cuomo disclosed the data on Wednesday .

  26. 克里斯·科莫会为大家带来风暴强度分析。

    Chris Cuomo examined the power of the storm .

  27. 州长科莫说飓风桑迪暴露了纽约在基础建设方面的问题。

    Governor Cuomo said Superstorm Sandy has exposed problems with New York 's infrastructure .

  28. 但是,与科莫多巨蜥幼蜥不同的是,薯虫的粪便对敌人来说是有毒的。

    Unlike baby komodos , the potato beetle 's feces are actually poisonous to predators .

  29. 在Rinca岛上,我们经过艰苦跋涉,前去观赏著名的科莫多巨蜴。

    On the island of Rinca , we trekked to see the famous Komodo dragon .

  30. 纽约州总检查长安德鲁??科莫和纽约州两名参议院是民主党员。

    Its governor , Andrew Cuomo , is a Democrat , as are its two senators .