
  • 网络corsican;Corsicans
  1. 这个刚毅的科西嘉人从来没有任何畏缩或沮丧

    This tough Corsican never flinched or failed .

  2. 我们忘了提一句,雅格布也是科西嘉人。

    We had forgotten to say that Jacopo was a corsican .

  3. “这个年青的科西嘉人叫什么名字?”

    " What was this young corsican 's name ?"

  4. 据说这位科西嘉人曾说过:这里躺着一位沉睡的巨人,让他睡吧,因为当他醒来时,他将会震惊世界。

    Here lies a sleeping giant , let him sleep , for when he wakes , he will astonish the world .

  5. 尽管拿破仑是科西嘉人,但今天大多数的法国人仍然认为,作为他们的祖先,他是法国人。

    Although Napoleon was Corsican , he is considered by most modern Frenchmen to have been French as their own forebears .

  6. 这个刚毅的科西嘉人从来没有任何畏缩或沮丧。我对未来并非缺乏信心,对前景也毫无畏惧。

    This tough Corsican never flinched or failed . I do not mistrust the future ; I do not fear what is ahead .

  7. 那么,你既然是一个科西嘉人,你也许曾按奈不住心头的怒火,干过你们所谓‘摘瓢儿’的事。

    Or , as you are a Corsican , that you had been unable to resist the desire of making a'stiff , 'as you call it .

  8. 在学校他也经常因为他的用功刻苦和浓重的科西嘉人口音为同学所捉弄嘲笑,而当时没人预料到拿破仑会成为法国皇帝。

    He was often made fun of in school for his studiousness and thick Corsican accent , but nobody could have predicted Napoleon 's rise to power .

  9. 我以为你多少总有点科西嘉人的气质,是一个经验丰富的走私贩子,一个出色的管家,但我现在看出你原来还有别的名堂。

    Peste , I thought you somewhat Corsican , a great deal smuggler , and an excellent steward ; but I see you have other strings to your bow .