
  • 网络French economy;Economy of France
  1. IMF昨日在其有关法国经济的年度报告中,呼吁实施一套全面的结构改革计划。

    In its annual report on the French economy , the IMF called yesterday for a comprehensive programme of structural reforms .

  2. 近期接受路透社(reuters)调查的经济学家们预测,今年第一季度法国经济将微幅增长0.3%。

    A Reuters poll of economists forecast this week that first-quarter growth would be only 0.3 per cent .

  3. 法国经济部长克里斯廷拉加德(christinelagarde)上周表示,她预计,在可预见的未来,各方无法达成一项全球贸易协议,因为世贸组织成员之间的分歧仍“十分巨大”。

    Christine Lagarde , French economic minister , last week said she did not expect a global trade deal in the foreseeable future because the divisions among WTO members remained " too wide " .

  4. 如果法国经济不像其主要商务伙伴(尤其是意大利和西班牙)那样进行调整,问题可能变得更加严重。继德国之后,意大利和西班牙正对其劳动力和服务市场进行深度改革,IMF表示。

    [ It ] could become more serious if the French economy does not adapt at the same pace as its principal commercial partners , notably Italy and Spain , which , after Germany , are engaged in profound reforms of their labour and service markets , the IMF said .

  5. 这些产业是法国经济的珍宝。

    These industries are the crown jewels of the French economy .

  6. 乌利希特别关注的是法国经济的恶化。

    Uhlig is especially concerned about the deterioration in France .

  7. 2013年第二季度曾经增长0.6%的法国经济出现了零增长。

    After expanding 0.6 % in Q2 2013 , France recorded zero growth .

  8. 而奥朗德曾表示2013年将是法国经济回归强势增长的年份。

    This is the year that Hollande says France will return to strong growth .

  9. 法国经济吸引力位居第三,仅次于新加坡和加拿大。

    France is ranked3rd in terms of economic attractiveness , after Singapore and canada .

  10. 其一是法国经济的萧条导致了就业机会的缺乏。

    The first is the failure of the French economy to create enough jobs .

  11. 萨科齐称印度政府的宣布是一个信号,表达了对法国经济的信心。

    He seized on the announcement as a signal of confidence in the French economy .

  12. 拉动了法国经济的发展;

    Stimulate his economic development ;

  13. 有讽刺意味的是,在2009年,法国经济的衰退程度并不像其它大型发达国家那么严重。

    Ironically , France has suffered a less severe recession than other large developed economies in 2009 .

  14. 换句话说,德国和法国经济很有可能在第二季度出现了收缩。

    In other words , both the German and French economies may well have contracted over the second quarter .

  15. 国家旅游业担心这个后果会导致本已不景气法国经济进一步恶化。

    Concerns about the consequences for the country 's vaunted tourism industryhave intensified as the French economy has stagnated .

  16. 法国经济需要更大份额的国际市场来平衡其进出口贸易。

    The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade .

  17. 在法国经济停滞不前之际,人们越来越担心这会给该国引以为傲的旅游产业带来负面影响。

    Concerns about the consequences for the country 's vaunted tourism industry have intensified as the French economy has stagnated .

  18. 法国经济预计今年将收缩3%,收缩程度比大多数邻国都轻。

    The French economy is expected to contract by 3 per cent this year , less than most of its neighbours .

  19. 法国经济停止收缩,将有助于整个欧元区经济在2010年初恢复增长。

    The end of the contraction in France would help the eurozone as a whole to return to growth early in 2010 .

  20. 这一消息进一步增加了人们对法国经济的担忧。法国中间偏右的萨尔科齐政府正在努力推动一些艰难的经济改革。

    The new financial blow adds to the economic worries in France , where the center-right government hopes to push through tough reforms .

  21. 目前,法国经济局势一片混乱,也难怪选民们希望更换领导人。

    It is no surprise French voters would be looking for a change in leadership given all the economic turmoil in the country .

  22. 法国经济部长警告美国,任何针对法国新数字服务税的报复都可能损害两国关系。

    The French Economy Minister is warning the United States that any retaliation to France 's new digital services tax could damage relations .

  23. 尽管德国和法国经济形势现在还过得去,但就算是这些健康的经济体,也出现了疲软的迹象。

    And while the economies of Germany and France are doing okay for now , even the healthy ones are showing signs of weakness .

  24. 这意味着,在萨科奇的领导下,法国经济的前景无疑将好于他的竞选对手。

    That said , the prospects for the French economy are undoubtedly better under Mr Sarkozy than they would have been under his opponent .

  25. 在今年的第二季度,德国和法国经济各增长了0.3%,使之前预测的经济将继续缩减的说法难以成立。

    The German and French economies each grew by0.3 % in the2nd quarter of this year , confounding forecast that they 'd continue to shrink .

  26. 他表示,这项改革将节省数十亿欧元,这对解决法国经济目前面临的财政赤字问题至关重要。

    He outlined the billions of Euros that will be saved , saying that is essential in today 's economy to address France 's deficit .

  27. 周二公布的数据显示,今年一季度法国经济陷入停滞,2011年四季度仅增长了0.1%。

    Figures released on Tuesday showed the French economy stalled in the first quarter and grew only 0.1 % in the final three months of 2011 .

  28. 随着1929年经济危机的爆发,法国经济开始萧条、疲软,停滞不前。

    With the occurrence of the 1929 Great Economic Crisis , France began to slump in economy , in a depression state , and made no progress .

  29. 根据一项新研究,埃菲尔铁塔被封为欧洲最贵的地标,对法国经济而言,埃菲尔铁塔价值4350亿欧元。

    The Eiffel Tower has been declared the most valuable monument in Europe - worth 435 billion euros to the French economy , a new study claims .

  30. 部长级官员们表示,他们不愿像加洛瓦所提议的那样,提高其它税种作为替代,因为他们担心打击消费,使法国经济陷入衰退。

    Ministers have voiced their reluctance to increase other taxes instead , as proposed by Mr Gallois , for fear of hitting consumption and pushing the economy into recession .