
  • 网络French Senate;Senate of France
  1. 这个装置是由法国参议院投资兴建的,以庆祝每年的含羞草花节。

    The installation was sponsored by the French Senate to celebrate the annual F ê te du Mimosa .

  2. 法国参议院议长蓬斯莱向金晶递交了一封来自法国总统的私人信函,这封信谴责对金晶进行攻击的行为。

    French Senate President Christian Poncelet delivered a private letter from the French President to Jin Jing condemning an aggressive move against her .

  3. 去年九月,法国参议院通过了一项新法,禁止穆斯林妇女在公共场合穿着那种包裹全身的罩袍。

    In September , France 's senate passed a law banning full-length face coverings , including burqas .

  4. 九月二十五日,法国参议院在第五共和国历史上第一次转由左翼阵营把持。

    On September25th control of France 's upper house swung to the left for the first time in the Fifth Republic .

  5. 其他分析人士警告,不要对法国参议院的选举过多解读。他们认为,候选人的个性和国家议题在总统选举中更为重要。

    Other analysts warn against reading too much into France 's Senate vote , noting that personality and national issues will matter much more in the presidential race .

  6. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛经过几周的讨论,经过无数的示威和罢工,经过法国参议院和国民大会150多个小时的辩论,养老金改革今天终于越过了最后一道司法障碍,国民议会以336:233的投票通过了该法案。

    After weeks and weeks of discussion , after demonstrations and strikes , more than 150 hours of debate in both the French senate and National Assembly , the pension reform bill passed its last legislative hurdle today with a vote of 336 to 233 at the National Assembly .

  7. 法国左派政党在参议院选举中获胜,这是半个多世纪以来的第一次。

    France 's leftist political parties have captured the Senate for the first time in more than half a century .