
  • 网络scientific invention;scientific discoveries;science invention
  1. 每一项科学发明都是大量实验的结果。

    Every scientific invention is the result of a lot of experiments .

  2. 还是由于勤奋,爱迪生才有了一千多种伟大的科学发明;

    Also because of diligence , Edison had more than one thousand scientific invention ;

  3. 某些科学发明被滥用来生产毁灭性武器。

    Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction .

  4. 诸如此类的科学发明,都大大提高了劳动生产率。

    Scientific inventions such as these have raised labour productivity by a big margin .

  5. 1984年的科学发明是日新月异的,而科学界最具开创性的时刻与乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)的著名反乌托邦科幻小说无关。

    Science was forever changed in 1984 , and the groundbreaking moment had nothing to do with George Orwell 's famous sci-fi dystopia .

  6. 因他的创世纪科学发明,他获颁诺贝尔奖。

    He was award a Nobel Prize for his leading-edge scientific discoveries .

  7. 但是诺贝尔主要关心的不是赚钱,甚至不是搞科学发明。

    But Nobel 's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries .

  8. 科学发明可以造福人类,但另一方面,它有时也可能给人类带来无穷的灾祸。

    Scientific inventions can benefit mankind ; on the other hand , they sometimes might open Pandora 's Box .

  9. 这种电子设备需要利用科研成果,使其从单纯的科学发明变为实际的应用。

    This equipment should utilize the advancements of science and convert them from mere scientific discoveries to useful applications .

  10. 众所周知,中国是很多重要科学发明的发源地,英国的科学家很快就成了中国的常客。

    Soon British scientists became more frequent visitors to China which , as all recognise , is the home of many important scientific inventions .

  11. 互联网是20世纪人类最伟大的科学发明之一。它被称为继报纸,广播和电视之后的第四媒体。

    The Internet , the fourth media after the newspaper , broadcasting and Television , is one of the greatest scientific inventions in 20th century .

  12. 为何中国科学发明曾经盛极一时,转瞬却分崩离析?一位英国学者花费毕生研究该问题。

    Why did China 's scientific innovation , once so advanced , suddenly collapse ? A British academic made this question his life 's work .

  13. 有鉴于此,本文以朱氏新法密率为研究中心,细析其科学发明中逻辑和历史的统一之科学方法。

    Accordingly , the paper centers on the invention and gives a careful analysis on the scientific methods about the unification of logic and history .

  14. 尽管这些都有可能导致搁浅的发生,但是早在人类的这些科学发明之前就已经出现了这样的搁浅状况。

    While that all might have something to do with it , the behavior dates back to well before the advent of any of these human innovations .

  15. 他能够本能地看透事物本质,他对美有超凡的感受,这便是他伟大科学发明的秘密。

    This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secrect of his major scientific discoveries & this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty .

  16. 同样的,自由大学,历史上曾经是自由思想和科学发明的基地,也在经历一场研究方式的变革。

    In the same fashion , the free university , historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery , has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research .

  17. 与这种“瞬息”的科学发明的看法相反,伟大的科学成就不仅仅是机会,而且是长年累月换而不舍、孜孜不倦的结果。

    Contrary to the notion of " instant " scientific discoveries , distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years .

  18. 人体本身就是一个复杂的的系统工程,在当今以人为本的社会中,各种科学发明和技术设计,都十分注重人体本身的特点,船舶工程设计也不例外。

    Human itself is a complicated system engineering . In the society people oriented , various kinds of science invents and technical designs pay more attention to the human ′ s characteristic , not except for marine engineering design .

  19. 有鉴于此,文章以朱氏新法密率为研究中心,揭示其科学发明的深层缘由:其中包括科学观察与科学实验;科学怀疑与科学批判等方法。

    Accordingly , the paper takes the invention as the center of study , discloses the deeper cause and greater importance of this scientific invention , and gives a careful analysis on the scientific methods about the scientific observation and experimentation , and the scientific skepticism and critical spirit .

  20. 试论科学技术发明创造人才培养模式

    Strategic Thought About the Invention and Creation-Talent Cultivation Mode

  21. 科学的发明与创造正是从质疑开始,从解疑入手的。

    The scientific invention and creation just starts from the questioning and the answering .

  22. 依靠科学技术发明,多种知识的组合。

    Depends upon the science and technology invention , many kinds of knowledge combinations .

  23. 商业对科学和发明的羁绊

    The captivity of science and invention by business

  24. 大学物理实验教学应构建新的实验课程体系,即分为基础物理实验、近代物理实验与综合物理实验、设计性物理实验和科学研究发明实验;

    Physical experiments in college must construct new system of experimental course . The system of experimental courses should be divided into basic physical experiment , modern physical experiment , comprehensive physical experiment , designing physical experiment and scientific researching and inventing experiment .

  25. 像海兹赫斯特这样的学校,存在的意义是为了普通入学考试,然而在这考试中,却没有什么关于科学、发明或现代世界的内容。

    There was nothing about science , inventions , or the modern world in the Common Entrance examination - the public school admission test , which was the raison d ' ê tre of schools like Hazelhurst . Casabianca was nearer the mark .

  26. 这项技术由以色列的魏茨曼科学研究所发明。

    The technology was developed in Israel 's Weizmann Institute of Science .

  27. 科学发现和发明并不总是依其重要性比例影响语言。

    Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language in proportion to their importance .

  28. 现在,科学领域的发明从实验室转化成实际的日常应用要比医学领域要快。

    Nowhere in science do new findings move from the laboratory to daily practice faster than in medicine .

  29. 现代科学技术不仅发明出许多新材料,还研究出使用旧材料的新方法,因此也拓展了艺术家的创作空间。

    Modern technology and science have produced a wealth of new materials and new ways of using old materials .

  30. 才能数学是一项结合前人智慧、技术,融合现代幼教科学的数学发明。

    Talent Maths is a mathematical innovation that combines the essence of human intelligence and techniques with contemporary early childhood educational methods .