
kē jiào xīng guó
  • develop the country through science and education
科教兴国[kē jiào xīng guó]
  1. 这对于正处于科教兴国的我国,有着一定的借鉴意义。

    This also have a certain significance for our country which attaches importance to develop the country through science and education .

  2. 处于高等教育范畴的本科生教育,承担着培养具备创新能力人才,践行国家科教兴国战略的重大任务。

    The university education , which belongs to higher education , assumes the major task of nurturing innovative talents and conducting the national strategy of " develop the country through science and education " .

  3. 论科教兴国思想与新时期知识分子社会地位的定位新疆高校知识分子SCL-90评定结果分析

    On Vitalizing China by Science Education and Orientation of Intellectual s Social Position in New Times ; The mental health status analysis of senior intellectuals in the colleges of xinjiang province

  4. 高校已成为中国科学技术研究的主力军,在中国科教兴国战略中,高校正在发挥着无可替代的重要作用。

    Universities have become the backbone in scientific research in China .

  5. 艺术教育是学校实施美育教育的重要手段,是全面推进素质教育,贯彻党的教育方针,全面落实科教兴国战略的重要举措。没有艺术教育的教育是不完全的教育;

    Art education is an important means of aesthetic education at school .

  6. 发展信息产业和科技信息传播在科教兴国中的战略地位

    The Important Position of the Development on Information Industry and the Spread

  7. 科教兴国战略形成的缘由

    The reason of strategy constitution for prospering country by science and education

  8. 以色列科教兴国战略的特点

    Characteristics of Israel 's Strategy using Science & Education to Rejuvenate the Country

  9. 发展高职教育,是我国科教兴国,加强现代化进程的需要。

    Developing high vocational education meets requirement of modernization process of our country .

  10. 实施科教兴国的途径之三:大力提倡素质教育。

    The third way : advocating quality education vigorously .

  11. 略论继续教育与科学发展观、科教兴国战略的关系

    The relation between continuing education and scientific development view and prospering the nation

  12. 知识创新区:科教兴国与“大学城”后的思考

    Innovation district : Rethinking on science and education strategy and " couege city "

  13. 知识经济与科教兴国战略

    Knowledge Economy and the Strategy of Science and Education for the Rising of the Nation

  14. 坚持实施科教兴国战略;

    Seventh , persisting in the strategy of developing the country through science and education ;

  15. 实施科教兴国的社会文化环境

    On the Socio-cultural context for implementing the strategy of national rejuvenation through science & education

  16. 提高人口质量,科教兴国;

    To improve the population quality and to prosper the nation with science and education ;

  17. 科教兴国战略中的财政金融政策传导模型

    Financial policy conducting model in science-education strategy

  18. 科教兴国与人才资源开发

    Invigorating China Through Science and Education and the Development of the Scientific and Tecnical Talent

  19. 科教兴国,基础教育是奠基工程。

    Developing the country through science and education , basic education is the foundation project .

  20. 科教兴国百年记,如虎添翼促发展。

    Century through science and education in mind , even more powerful and promote development .

  21. 坚持科教兴国战略传播先进科学文化

    Upholding the strategy of strengthening our country by science and education and spreading scientific knowledge

  22. 西部大开发和科教兴国战略为发展民族传统体育教育事业提供了前所未有历史机遇,是极其重要的外部条件;

    West Development and the strategy of science and education are the important external conditions ;

  23. 然而中小企业在确保国民经济适度增长、缓解就业压力、实现科教兴国、推动科技创新等方面均发挥了重要作用。

    SMEs have been played the important role in ensure the stable development of national economics .

  24. 论科教兴国与金融支持

    Science & technology needs financial support

  25. 知识经济时代也正是科教兴国的时代。

    The age of knowledge-based economy is also the age when nations are enriched by education .

  26. 我们要实施科教兴国的战略。

    We should implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education .

  27. 第五部分从理论及实践两方面论述库柏与费恩伯格理论对我国现阶段实施科教兴国、建设和谐社会的重要意义。

    These theories have theoretical and practical significance to the construction and modernization of our country .

  28. 充分发挥人力资源优势,科教兴国。直译的优势为优势种群。

    Develop the prospering the nation with science and education and advantage of manpower resource fully .

  29. 实施科教兴国战略振兴广西机械工业

    Carrying on the Strategy for Revitalizing China by Developing Science and Education to Vitalize Guangxi Machinery Industry

  30. 理解好这一强国方略,应当重视资源整合,克服在自主创新方面的单一化、自发式、弱质态、低投入问题,这需要把自主创新与科教兴国、人才强国战略有机联系起来。

    So we should think much of resource conformity and get over the singleness in independence innovation .