
  • 网络Longitudinal speed;Longitudinal velocity
  1. 也可以象第一次冲击一样来考虑再冲击,但是必须考虑减缩因子q,而这q是由开始再冲击时,织针的初始纵向速度所确定的。

    The re-impact force may be considered from the same point of view as the first impact , but a decrement factor q must be taken into account , which is determined by the initial longitudinal velocity of the needle when it begins to re-impact with the cam .

  2. 通过引入翼缘和腹板的纵向速度差函数,建立了变形区内的连续运动学容许速度场;

    By introducing a longitudinal velocity difference function of flange and web , the continuous permissible velocity field has been established .

  3. 单个V形槽表面的速度分布规律是:沿V形槽的横向速度先增大后减小,沿纵向速度分布也是呈现先增大后减小的规律,其分布呈抛物线形式;

    The speed-distributing rule of the every V groove is a parabola along landscape orientation and portrait .

  4. 在分析纵向速度对反馈系统影响的前提下,给出固定增益PID参数所适用的车速范围;

    And after the analysis on the effects of longitudinal speed on feedback system , the applicable speed range for the parameters of fixed gain PID is given .

  5. 在推移区内,颗粒的纵向速度沿垂线接近对数分布,平均运动速度为8.2u;

    In the bed load layer , the stream-wise particle velocity profile follows the log-law , and the average is 8.2u .

  6. 流浆箱收敛区内浆料的纵向速度分布

    On the MD Speed Distribution in the Converging Region of Headbox

  7. 原子蒸气束二维空间纵向速度分布的激光法测量

    Measurement of 2-D Velocity Distribution of Atomic Vapor by Laser Induced Fluorescence

  8. 针对驾驶员完成飞机纵向速度和俯仰角的跟踪任务,对双通道人机系统中驾驶员描述函数的识别方法进行了系统的研究。

    A simplified methodology is described for identifying human pilot describing function in a two axis control task .

  9. 在纵向速度较高时,逃逸电子的横向速度分量对临界速度的影响较明显,横向速度越大,临界速度也越大。

    This gives rise to the results of a higher critical velocity for the electrons with larger transverse velocity .

  10. 尾流的无量纲纵向速度亏损的数值计算结果与尾流的相对电导率信号横向分布的实测结果具有很好的一致性。

    The nondimensional longitudinal velocity loss of the wake coincides with the measurement of the lateral distribution of the relative wake conductivity signal very well .

  11. 后者由于电子未扰轨道纵向速度比较低,已有的单粒子理论中所作的电子纵向速度约等于光速的假设不再成立。

    Thus the assumption commonly used in previous single particle theories that the axial electron velocity is approximately equal to the speed of light no longer remains exact .

  12. 建立了以纵向速度、横向速度、横摆角速度、车轮转速和滑移率/滑转率为状态变量的考虑各种耦合效应的纵横向耦合非线性动力学分析模型。

    Then , a vehicle dynamic model combined the longitudinal and the lateral dynamic coupling effects is proposed taking the longitudinal velocity , lateral velocity , yaw rate , wheel speed and slip ratio as the states .

  13. 用蒙特卡罗算法和轨迹模拟法分析原子源对原子聚焦的影响,结果表明靶的有效尺寸对纳米图形线宽的影响远大于原子束的发散角和原子的纵向速度分布。

    The effects of atom source on atom focusing are analyzed using the Monte_Carlo scheme and trajectory tracing method , and the simulation results have shown that the effective size of the target has a much more important effect on feature width than beam spread and longitudinal velocity spread .

  14. 本文提出了一种轮式移动机器人航向跟踪预估控制算法,航向预估量根据机器人前轮偏角和纵向速度实时得出,预估量与机器人实际航向之和作为控制反馈航向。

    A heading prediction control algorithm for wheeled mobile robot is presented in this paper . Heading prediction can be obtained from steering angle and velocity of the robot in real time , and also summed with measured heading of the robot to be used for controlling the feedback heading .

  15. 对于无脉冲形状的激光平面波是从考虑了相对论效应的Lorentz方程和能量方程出发,得到了电子的运动轨迹方程表达式,在纵向平均速度参照系下该电子的轨迹呈现8字形;

    For the plane wave of laser without pulse shape , we derive the express of electron trajectory by the relative Lorentz and energy equations . Note that the orbit of electron becomes a " fat-8 " in the average rest frame .

  16. 修整砂轮的纵向进给速度对横磨粗糙度影响的研究

    Study on the influence of grinding wheel dressing on the surface roughness of grinding

  17. 冠状动脉狭窄对应左室心肌纵向运动速度的定量研究

    Quantitative study on left ventricular myocardial longitudinal movement in coronary heart disease using quantitative tissue velocity imaging

  18. 工作台纵向移动速度

    Lengthwise travel rate of table

  19. 研究了渐缩自由桩和渐扩自由桩的桩顶纵向振动速度时域曲线特征;

    The frequency response function , frequency-domain and time-domain expressions for the longitudinal vibration velocity at the pile top were obtained further .

  20. 选择髋臼发育不良11髋,进行计算机图像动态分析,观察其横向生长和纵向倾斜速度。

    The morphological changes in 11 hips with the acetabular dysplasia were dynamically observed by computer imaging including transverse growth and longitudinal oblique speed .

  21. 使用多普勒激光测振仪进行扫频实验,得到定子纵向振动速度的频谱,进而得到电机各振动模态的谐振频率。

    Using laser Doppler Vibrometer tests the mode of stator surface vibration spectrum , and then get the motor vibration mode and its resonant frequency .

  22. 分析结果表明,钢锭本体距离底部60%~70%的部位纵向凝固速度受横向凝固速度的影响而大大加速;

    The results show that longitudinal solidified velocity is accelerated by lateral ones at the place which is 60 % ~ 70 % apart from the ingot bottom .

  23. 方法利用导引头俯仰搜索速度,平衡因导弹飞行速度造成的视线纵向移动速度;

    Methods The pitch searching speed of the seeker was utilized to balance the movement of the line of sight caused by the flight speed of the missle .

  24. 将复位前后各时期髋关节的正位X线片输入计算机,并叠加在一起,计算髋臼的横向生长速度、纵向倾斜速度及其比值。

    Anterior posterior roentgenographs in periods before and after reduction were input into computer and superimposed for calculations of the transverse growth speed , lognitudinal oblique speed and their ratio .

  25. 试验可以得出颗粒三维运动的瞬时速度,初步试验得出颗粒的纵向平均速度遵循对数分布,颗粒速度小于相应水流的运动速度。

    The results of preliminary experiments show that the distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law , and the particle velocity is lower than the corresponding clean water flow .

  26. 对不同的粒径和不同的水流条件,颗粒纵向平均速度都符合对数分布规律,垂向和横向的平均速度属于随机波动的范围。

    The distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law under various flow conditions and for different particle diameters , and the fluctuation of the other two velocity components is random .

  27. 柱状组织的形成原因是由于纵向沉积速度相对较快,该组织镀层含镍量相对较高,结构是非晶-晶态混合结构;

    It is found that when the depositing rate along vertical direction is faster than that along horizontal , a columnar microstructure with amorphous-crystal structure and higher Ni content is formed in coatings .

  28. 提出了利用联络通道来疏散部分人群的方法,得出了使联络通道内无烟的纵向通风速度,为提出全面的地铁区间隧道火灾人员疏散模式提供有益参考。

    The paper presents the method evacuating people by cross-passage and the longitudinal ventilation velocity making the cross-passage without smoke , which provides the useful reference to the evacuation modes in subway tunnel fire .

  29. 将纵向粒子速度从感应电动势曲线中分离后得到横向粒子速度历程,发现在压剪复合冲击下由于材料剪切刚度的降低而引起的剪切波衰减。

    The lateral particle velocities show an attenuation of shear waves with decreasing of material shear rigidity , which were decoupled from the histories of electromotive force induced by electromagnetic velocity gauges moving in magnetic field .

  30. 对照组左室心肌纵向传导速度与横向传导速度比为(3.20±0.28),主动脉缩窄组的比为(2.48±0.25),两组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The ratio of longitudinal to transverse conduction velocity was ( 3.20 ± 0.28 ) in controls , and the ratio significantly decreased to ( 2.48 ± 0.25 ) in aortic constriction group ( P < 0.01 ) .