
zòng gé
  • mediastinum
纵隔[zòng gé]
  1. 基于WEB的纵隔疾病影像学诊断数据库框架的构建

    The construction of framework of database for imaging diagnosis of mediastinum disease based on WEB

  2. 目的:探讨纵隔棘球蚴病的CT表现。

    Objective : To discuss the CT features of mediastinum hydatid cyst .

  3. 纵隔积气可能引起腔静脉梗阻。

    Pneumomediastinum may cause caval obstruction .

  4. 螺旋CT多平面成像在纵隔肿瘤诊断及治疗中的价值

    Spiral CT multiplanar reconstruction in mediastinal tumor diagnosis and treatment value

  5. CT定位经纤维支气管镜纵隔淋巴结针吸活检术的价值

    Usefulness of CT-guided transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy for mediastinal lymph nodes

  6. 纵隔肿瘤的X线与CT的对照研究

    Contrast Research of The Mediastinal Part Tumor 's X-ray and CT

  7. 中国人正常纵隔淋巴结的CT研究

    CT Study or the Normal Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in Chinese

  8. 多层螺旋CT显示和诊断纵隔内先天性静脉变异的价值

    The Value of Multi - slice CT in anomalous vein in mediastina

  9. 前纵隔病变的CT引导经皮切割针穿刺&非经胸骨的活检

    CT-guided Percutaneous Non-transsternal Cutting-needle Biopsy for Anterior Mediastinal Lesions

  10. 胸部CT示:前上纵隔占位性淋巴瘤表现。

    CT of chest showed the anterior superior mediastinum was occupied by lymphoma .

  11. CT导向下纵隔肿瘤穿刺活检术

    Mediastinal lesion : transthoracic needle biopsy with CT guidance

  12. 纵隔囊性病变的CT与MRI诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of cystic lesion in the mediastinum

  13. 后纵隔神经节细胞瘤和神经节神经母细胞瘤的CT和MRI诊断

    CT and MRI Diagnosis of Ganglioneuromas and Ganglioneuroblastomas in the Posterior Mediastinum

  14. 目的进一步了解纵隔静脉异常的CT表现和意义。

    Objective To evaluate CT findings of mediastinal venous abnormalities on enhanced chest CT .

  15. 结论小儿纵隔肿瘤种类繁多,症状不典型,胸部X线摄片及CT检查是术前诊断的主要依据,一旦确诊需立即手术。

    Conclusion Chest X-ray and CT were very important to diagnosing pediatric mediastinal tumor .

  16. [方法]25例纵隔疾病患者,在CT导引下应用自动切割式活检针取材。

    CT-guided percutaneous biopsy were performed in 25 mediastinal lesions with automated cutting needle .

  17. 纵隔肿瘤的CT影像和临床分析

    CT scan and clinical analysis of mediastinal neoplasms

  18. 目的探讨纵隔支气管源性囊肿CT诊断及鉴别诊断。

    Objective To investigate CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bronchogenic cysts of mediastinum .

  19. 目的:研究纵隔畸胎瘤的CT表现及其病理基础。

    Objective : To study the CT findings of mediastinal teratoma and their clinicopathological basis .

  20. 少见纵隔肿瘤的X线、CT诊断(附9例报告)

    Unusual Mediastinal Tumors : X-ray and CT Diagnosis ( A Report of 9 Cases )

  21. 煤工尘肺肺门和纵隔淋巴结肿大的CT表现

    CT appearance of hilar and mediastinal enlarged lymph nodes of coal worker ′ s pneumoconiosis

  22. 纵隔恶性淋巴瘤的CT表现

    CT Appearances of Malignant Lymphoma in Mediastinum

  23. 目的探讨CT导向经皮穿刺活检对纵隔肿块诊断的临床应用价值和限度。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT-guided transcutaneous needle biopsy for diagnosis of mediastinal masses .

  24. CT导向下经皮针刺活检术是前纵隔肿瘤安全、有价值的诊断方法。

    CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy is a safe procedure for diagnosis of anterior mediastinal masses .

  25. CT诊断纵隔脂肪沉积症

    CT Diagnosis of Mediastinal Accumulation Fat

  26. CT对纵隔肿瘤和它与临近组织的关系显示最好。

    CT was the best way to show the relation about tumor and its peripheral organ .

  27. 目的:探讨CT在纵隔淋巴结肿大定性诊断中的价值。

    Objective : To access the value of CT in the qualitative diagnosis of mediastinal lymphadenectasis .

  28. 胸主动脉位置的CT测量及其在纵隔肿瘤诊断中的意义

    Position of the thoracic aorta : measurement by CT and its significance in diagnose of mediastinal tumors

  29. 纵隔淋巴结肿大的CT分析

    CT analysis of mediastinal lymphadenectasis

  30. 纵隔畸胎瘤的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of mediastinal teratoma