- 网络Striated border;brush border

Their fore-gut has high mucosal fold , thin striated border , more goblet cells .
The rectum has the striated border , and its growth rate is found to be similar to those of the duodenum , suggesting its possible function of absorption .
Strongly positive PAS reaction was shown in the striated horde of columnal cells .
The uptake of 5-FU by BBMVs was determined by the fast filtration techniques . RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The vesicles were spherical particles with size of 0.55 ± 0.11 μ m. The uptake of 5-FU contained active transport and at least one concentration gradient-dependent passive process .
The hindgut is short , has no striated border .
This research has provided the basis for further preventing plant disease and insect pests .
The reaction of the brush border and goblet cells in the lower half of villi in duodenum was stronger than that of upper half villi for lectin staining .
The epithelium cells of digestive tube with or without the striated border can be used as one of important standard for distinguishing the midgut from foregut and hindgut .
Detail of simple columnar epithelium with striated border ( microvilli ) . Notice that the border is quite thin and the striations close together , looking like very regular , closely set brush bristles .