
  • 网络Textile Standards;NOTS
  1. 本课题在大量实验的基础上,同时查阅了丰富的相关文献资料,比较系统、全面地分析、探讨了各种纺织标准(ASTM、ISO、AATCC、JIS、M&S)的现状;

    On the base of large amounts of experimentation , and referring to correlative literature , this paper roundly analyze and research all kinds of textile standard i.e. ASTM , ISO , AATCC , JIS and M & S etc.

  2. 另外,本文结合美国CPSC对我国纺织品的相关召回案例,分析了美国利用中美纺织标准差异形成的技术标准壁垒限制我国纺织品出口(尤其是儿童产品)的实际情况。

    The paper also uses the actual cases recalled by CPSC to analyze the impacts of the tech-barriers formed by the differences of textile standards on our textiles export ( especially the textiles for children ) .

  3. 浅谈纺织标准中纤维成分标注存在的问题

    Discussion on the Problem of Fiber Content Label in Textile Standards

  4. 国内外纺织标准的发展与应用

    Development and application of domestic and overseas textile standards

  5. 国际上绿色环保纺织标准的实施,使纺织产品开发的绿色决策成为大势所趋。

    Along with the implemention of the green environmental protection textile standard , the green policy of textile product development becomes much more important .

  6. 进而从技术标准壁垒形成机制及技术标准壁垒的消极与积极影响等方面,就中美纺织标准差异形成的技术壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响进行了理论分析。

    This paper also makes theoretical analyses about the impacts of standard differences on the textile export of China from two aspects : the formation of tech-barriers and the negative and positive impacts of tech-barriers .

  7. 通过实验数据对所制定的纺织测试标准进行了大量的实践表明FC测试标准与世界先进水平的标准相比已经非常接近。

    Through practice on the basis of amount of data , it shows that FC standard is approach to the international advanced standard .

  8. 另外马尾衬布产品标准的制定也是我国整个纺织行业标准化进程中必需的一个环节,因此马尾衬布产品标准的制定工作具有重大意义。

    Besides , the formulation of the standard of hanser is a essential segment of the textile industry standardization .

  9. 本文阐述欧共体生态标签的最新生态标准,包括制订该标准的目的、标准的框架,具体介绍纺织纤维标准、纺织加工和化学品标准以及适用性标准。

    This section introduces the latest Eco-Standard , including the purpose , frame , especially the textile fiber standard , textile processing and chemicals standard as well as applicability standard .

  10. CSC9000T是纺织工业的标准,由CNTAC制定并于2005年被政府所认可和采用。

    CSC9000T , a textile industry standard , was developed within CNTAC with government endorsement and adopted in2005 .

  11. 陕西纺织器材行业标准化战略评价模型的建立

    Set-up of Evaluation Model of Standardization Strategy of Shaanxi Tex-accessories Industry

  12. 中美纺织服装现行标准的比较

    Comparison Analysis about Current Sino-American Standards on Textiles and Garments

  13. 国家纺织行业抗菌标准FZ/T01021-92测试方法中的注意点

    The attention points in the test method of State textile industry antibacterial standard FZ / T 01021-92

  14. 介绍我国现行的纺织品及纺织制品阻燃标准,与国外标准相比,指出其不足之处。

    This article introduces the flame retardancy standard in effect of textiles in our country , compares overseas standard and points out its shortcomings .

  15. 目前,对纺织生产型标准向贸易型标准转化进行系统研究在纺织行业研究领域中尚属空白。

    At present , the study on textile standard conversion of production-oriented model to trade-oriented model in textile industry is still a blank field .

  16. 简要介绍了织物进行抗菌整理的意义和测定抑菌率的方法,重点介绍了用国家纺织行业抗菌标准FZ/T01021-92测定织物抑菌率时应注意的问题,并列举了应用实例。

    In this article , the significance of antibacterial treatment of fabrics and methods for testing the percentage of bacterial inhibition on textile introduced with focus on the points of attention in the application of FZ / T01021-92 standard for testing .

  17. 针对纺织品贸易全球一体化趋势,分析了纺织品配额取消后中美纺织品现行标准的差异,提出了对国内纺织服装现行标准的改进意见,以期实现国内纺织标准与国际纺织品现行标准的接轨。

    Aiming at the globalization trend of textiles , the currently different standards in Sino-American textile industry after the cancel of quota are analyzed , putting forward that China 's present standards on textiles and garments should be corrected and improved to realize the conformation with the international standards .

  18. 入境废纺织原料环控标准要点的探讨

    Discussion of Environment Control Standard Key Point of Entry Waste Textile Materials

  19. 我国生态纺织产业链及其标准体系的建立

    Establishment of our domestic ecological textile industry chain and its standard system

  20. 关于纺织机械噪声评价标准的探讨

    On the criteria for evaluating textile machinery noise

  21. 针织布料漂染及纺织成衣业之标准借鉴研究

    Benchmarking Study for Knitted Fabric Dyeing and Finishing for the Textiles and Garment Industries

  22. 测色前将纺织试样调节到标准温、湿度很重要。

    Conditioning textile samples to a standard temperature and moisture content is critical prior to color measurement .