
fǎnɡ xiàn
  • doubling thread;spinning
  1. 她坐在窗前纺线。

    She sat by the window spinning .

  2. 你不可能活着穿过英国人的纺线的。

    You will not make it alive through the English lines .

  3. 卷成奶酪状,指纺线。

    Wind onto a cheese , as of yarn .

  4. 你女儿可真是一个了不起的纺线能手!

    What a wonderful spinner your daughter is !

  5. 回转水纺线法制取锡金属细线的成线性研究

    A Study of the Ability of Formation of Sn Filament Manufactured by the In-Rotating-water Spinning Method

  6. 你想野地里的百合花,怎样长起来,他也不劳苦,也不纺线。

    See how the lilies of the field grow . They do not labor or spin .

  7. 两人结婚后,牛郎耕田种地,织女纺线织衣,恩恩爱爱。

    After their marriage , the Cowherd ploughed and the Girl Weaver wove and they loved each other .

  8. 马家的窑洞是马臭子在抗战前用妻子纺线挣得的六块大洋买来的。

    Ma had bought his cave before the Japanese war with six dollars earned by his wife in spinning thread .

  9. 徒有绝佳的记性而无知识就像空有纺锤而无纺线。

    A man of great memory without learning , has a rock and a spindle , and no stuff to spin .

  10. 棉花是上甲人种植的传统作物,以前所穿的衣服都是自己纺线织成的。

    Cotton is the traditional production for Shang jia people . Before , people made their clothes with thread by themselves .

  11. 凡心中有智慧的妇女亲手纺线,把所纺的蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻都拿了来。

    Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun-blue , purple or scarlet yarn or fine linen .

  12. 凡技巧的妇女都亲手纺线,把所纺的紫色、红色、朱红色毛线和细麻送来。

    The skillful women also gave such things as they had spun , violet , purple , and scarlet , and fine linen .

  13. 在丝绸纺织品加工过程中,纺线张力是一个十分重要的参数,它的大小和稳定性直接关系到产品质量和生产效率。

    Yarn tension is an important parameter as its size and stability directly influence the quality and efficiency of products during the textile process .

  14. 可怜的姑娘每天必须坐到大路旁的水井边纺线,不停地纺啊纺,一直纺到手指磨破了血。

    Every day the poor girl had to sit by a well , next to the highway , and spin so much that her fingers bled .

  15. 手织老粗布的织造工艺极为复杂,从采棉纺线到上机织布,要经过大大小小72道工序。

    The weaving of hand-woven coarse cloth is extremely complex , and there are72 working procedures from picking cotton and spinning to weaving cotton on the machine .

  16. 颜料就象画家用的调色板和纺线,从中你可以编织自己的分子结构、晶格层、能量场和乐器。

    Pallets are much like painters pallets or wheels of threads from which one weaves one 's molecular structure , grid work , energy field and instruments .

  17. 该规划提供内容广泛的培训,包括机械工程、纺线、编织以及其他技能,在通常情况下这些儿童是负担不起学费的。

    The program offers a wide range of training includes mechanical engineering , spinning , knitting and other skills , which would otherwise be unaffordable for the children .

  18. 他们拜访了学者和手工艺师傅,学习如何酿造醋、酱油和啤酒,如何纺线织布,如何饲养家禽,如何制作器皿和肥皂。

    They visited scholars and handicraft masters to learn how to brew vinegar , soy sauce and beer , how to knit clothes , raise poultry and make cooking utensils and soap .

  19. 通过对缩聚、纺丝及后加工工艺的优化调整,在50t/d连续缩聚直纺线上开发出该种产品。

    Through the optimization adjustment on the polymerization , spinning and after processing processes , the cationic dyeable polyester staple fiber was developed on the 50 t / d continuous polymerization direct spinning production line .

  20. 他俩每天起早贪黑,风里来雨里去,在田野耕耘,晚上在一块纺线织布,形影不离,生活过得十分美满,赢得了乡亲们的称赞。

    They dusk every day , through rain and wind to go , in the field work , night in a spinning weaving , inseparable , living life very happy , winning praise from fellow villagers .

  21. 姑娘跟他们讲述了自己惊心动魄的经历。继母听完了她获得这么多金子的过程,就打算让她那个又丑又懒的女儿也享有这么多的金子,於是她把这个女儿打发到井边去纺线。

    The girl told all that had happened to her , and when the mother heard how she had come to the GREat wealth , she wanted to achieve the same fortune for the other , the ugly and lazy daughter .