
fǎnɡ chuí tǐ
  • spindle body;spindle apparatus
  1. 前期阶细胞减数分裂的第一个阶段,其间染色体浓缩且能被看见,核细胞膜衰弱,纺锤体在细胞的。

    The first stage of mitosis , during which the chromosomes condense and become visible , the nuclear membrane breaks down , and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell .

  2. 细胞松弛素B预处理人卵行玻璃化冻融后纺锤体与染色体变化的研究

    Spindle and Chromosome Configuration of Human Oocytes after Vitrification : Effect of Cytochalasin B Pretreated

  3. 细胞周期检控点是维持细胞基因组稳定性的一个重要机制,主要包括DNA损伤检控点、DNA复制检控点和纺锤体组装检控点。

    Cell cycle checkpoint is a vital mechanism to maintain the genomic stability of the cell .

  4. 还可通过有丝分裂纺锤体的微管调节细胞周期的G2/M期。

    It also regulates the G2 / M phase of the cell cycle by associating with mitotic spindle microtubules .

  5. 现就Ran在真核细胞核质运输、有丝分裂纺锤体组装与核膜动力学中的功能作一综述。

    This paper reviewed the roles of GTPase Ran in nucleocytoplasmic transport , nuclear division and reestablishment throughout the cell cycle .

  6. 实验结果显示POM在ZnO纺锤体生成过程中起到了关键的作用。

    The experimental results showed that POM played a key role for the formation of the spindle-like ZnO .

  7. 当细胞进入胞质分裂期时,除纺锤体两极分布有CaM外,在细胞中央皮质下也出现CaM的富集;

    After the cell entered cytokinesis , in addition of the spindle poles distributed CaM , another fraction of CaM appeared under the equatorial cortex ;

  8. 秋水仙碱引起CHL细胞有丝分裂纺锤体损伤的观察

    Observations on the mitotic spindle damage induced by colchicine

  9. 比较EC组与无早期卵(NEC)裂组的良好胚胎形成率以及EC与MII期卵母细胞纺锤体的关系。

    The high quality embryos rates were compared in the EC group and the NEC group .

  10. 它周期性地表达在细胞周期的G2/M期,并通过与细胞有丝分裂纺锤体微管蛋白结合,抑制半胱氨酸蛋白酶3、7(caspase3、7)的活性,从而抑制细胞凋亡。

    It regularly expresses in G2 / M phase and suppresses the activity of caspase 3 and caspase ? by binding to the micro-tube protein of the cell mitotic spindle .

  11. 这些结果显示,survivin把AuroraB激酶活性与中心纺锤体和胞质分裂完成联系到了一起。

    These results indicate that survivin represents a link between the relocation of Aurora B kinase activity to central spindle and completion of cytokinesis .

  12. 而ICSINF组与IVM组相比纺锤体和染色体异常率均没有统计学差异。

    By contrast , abnormal spindle and chromosome have no significant differences between ICSI NF group and IVM group .

  13. 中心纺锤体的组织需要有丝分裂马达蛋白和包含AuroraB激酶,survivin,INCENP的染色体旅客蛋白复合物。

    Central spindle organization requires mitotic kinesins and the chromosomal passenger of Aurora B kinase complex with INCENP and survivin .

  14. survivin作为连接凋亡和细胞周期的因子,选择性地表达于G2/M期,定位于有丝分裂纺锤体的微管上,调节细胞的有丝分裂;

    Survivin , a molecule for the the interface between apoptosis and cell cycle , is expressed in the G2 / M phase of the cell cycle in a cycle-regulated manner .

  15. 异常中心体可产生多极纺锤体,使染色体错误分离及分配不平衡,介导染色体不稳定性(CIN)和非整倍体的形成。

    Abnormal centrosome can cause multipolar spindle formation , chromosome mis-segregation , and unequal distribution , and finally leads to cancers .

  16. Survivin的表达具有细胞周期依赖性,在细胞周期的G2/M期表达,在有丝分裂过程中与纺锤体的微管蛋白相连。

    Survivin is expressed in the G2-M phase of the cell cycle in a cell cycle-regulated manner and associates with microtubules of the mitotic spindle .

  17. survivin通过与细胞有丝分裂纺锤体的微管结合,参与细胞基因转录调节。

    Survivin is expressed in the Gi / M phase of the cell cycle , associates with microtubules of the mitotic spindle and regulates cell gene transcription .

  18. VCP的作用是调节有丝分裂后期纺锤体的解聚。

    VCP can regulate the disassembly of the spindle in the anaphase of mitosis .

  19. γ-tubulin是中心粒周围物质(Pericentriolarmaterial,PCM)中一种具代表性的蛋白,具有起始微管晶核形成,调节纺锤体组装的作用。

    γ - tubulin is a representative protein in pericentriolar material with the function of initiating formation of microtubule crystal nucleus and regulating the spindle assembly .

  20. 研究表明苹果2n花粉形成受三种细胞学机制控制:三极向纺锤体、融合纺锤体和细胞质提前分裂。

    1 ' apple study showed that 2n pollen formation in apple was controlled by 3 mechanisms : tripolar spindles , fused spindles and premature cytokinesis .

  21. 2.18F标记纺锤体驱动蛋白(KSP)抑制剂探针前体的合成。

    Synthesis of the precursor of F-labeled kinesin spindle protein ( KSP ) inhibitors .

  22. AuroraA从有丝分裂的前期到末期均定位在中心体上,对纺锤体的装配起着重要作用。

    Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .

  23. 所得到的ZnO纺锤体是由小的纳米粒子组成,并具有表面积为97.95m2/g的多孔结构。平行实验被用来理解ZnO纺锤体的生成机理。

    The as-obtained ZnO spindles are composed of small nanoparticles and have a porous structure with a specific surface area of 97.95 m2 / g. Parallel experiments were also performed to understand the formation mechanism of the spindle-like ZnO .

  24. 结果:20个未受精的MII期卵子置于室温下5min内纺锤体均消失。

    RESULTS : The spindles of the 20 unfertilized MII oocytes disappeared after a 5-minute exposure to the room temperature .

  25. 金花菌在最高剂量5000mg/(kg·bw)对小鼠不具有骨髓细胞染色体的断裂效应及纺锤体毒效应,即该受试物微核试验结果为阴性。

    The fracture and spindle toxic effect of bone marrow cell chromosome in mouse which are fed Eurotium cristatum at high-dose up to 5000mg / ( kg · bw ) . In other words , micronucleus test is negative .

  26. 融合纺锤体及八字形纺锤体形成的2n花粉占2n花粉总数的94.8%,在遗传上等同于FDR(firstdivisionrestitution,第1次分裂重组)型配子;

    94.8 % of 2n pollen formation was controlled by fused spindles and triangle spindles , which were genetically equivalent to first division restitution ( FDR ) type of gamete formation .

  27. 目的建立用人类淋巴母细胞TK6检测纺锤体毒物&长春花碱的TK基因突变试验方法,同时探讨长春花碱的遗传毒性分子机理。

    Objective To establish TK gene mutation assay using human lymphoblastoid cell line TK6 and to study the genotoxic mechanism of Vinblastine ( VBL ) .

  28. 细胞学观察表明,6一DMAP阻止了纺锤体的形成和染色体的移动,导致一个融合的二倍性雄性原核的形成。

    According to Cytological observations , 6-DMAP disrupted the spindle at mitosis and inhibited chromosome movement , resulting in the formation of one diploid male nucleus .

  29. 对于纺锤体与染色体连接是非常重要的。然后,主要针对SLK与Crest在小鼠卵母细胞减数分裂过程中的定位关系进行了研究。本文中采用染色体扩展的试验方法对二者进行了研究。

    SLK is very important for connection between the Spindle and chromosome . Then , research the localization relation between SLK and Crest in mouse oocytes during meiosis by Chromosome expansion .

  30. Nudel的256-291的这段氨基酸序列对于它定位到中心体上是必需的。AuroraA从有丝分裂的前期到末期均定位在中心体上,对纺锤体的装配起着重要作用。

    The region containing residues 256-291 is essential for centrosomal localization . Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .