
fǎnɡ zhī ɡōnɡ yè
  • textile industry
纺织工业 [fǎng zhī gōng yè]
  • [textile industry] 生产织物和生产制成织物的纤维、纱、线和其他原料的工业部门

  1. Fuzzy综合评判在纺织工业中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method to the Textile Industry

  2. 分析了加入WTO后对我国纺织工业的影响。

    Analysing the influence to the home textile industry after entering WTO .

  3. 无论是对纺织品贸易还是国内纺织工业来说,加入WTO既带来了机遇也带来了挑战。

    It will bring great benefit and huge challenge to the textiles trade and industry .

  4. 在加入WTO以前,由于中国纺织工业的非成员国地位,在国际贸易中受到了关税和配额的限制。

    Before China 's entry into WTO , textile industry was restricted by the tariffs and quotas in the international business .

  5. EG作为PET的主要原料,与纺织工业关系密切。

    As one of the monomer of PET , EG has closer relation with textile industry .

  6. 同时,对加入WTO后中国纺织工业所面临的机遇与挑战进行了评析。

    Meanwhile , the paper appraises the opportunities and challenges that China 's textile industry is going to face after China joins WTO .

  7. 意匠图指的是纺织工业中所用的一种花样文件,它是由纺织工艺人员通过特定的纺织CAD软件设计出来的。

    Artistic Conception Drawing used in weave industry is a kind of design files ; it is designed by the weaving technology person using the special CAD software .

  8. 结合应对WTO的挑战,我国纺织工业发展战略的调整应包括:1以原料优势、人力资源优势为依托创造新的竞争优势;

    Thinking of the challenge of entering WTO , the industrial adjustment strategy should be as follows . First , creating new competitive advantage on the basis of raw material and labor resource advantage .

  9. 本论文特别详细的介绍了纳米SiO2的物理结构特性以及其在纺织工业中的应用。

    At the same time structure , characteristic and application of nanoparticle silicon dioxide ( SiO_2 ) in textile are presented in detail .

  10. LTG为纺织工业提供完整的空调及除尘系统

    Complete Systems for Air - conditioning and Waste Removal in the Textile Industry

  11. 在纺织工业中,PAM作为织物后处理的上浆剂、整理剂,可以生成柔顺、防皱、耐霉菌的保护层。

    In the textile industry , PAM takes the fabric post-processing the starching agent , the finishing agent , may produce , the crease-resist , bear the mold mild-mannered the protector .

  12. 聚乳酸纤维(PLA纤维)是新一代环保型聚酯合成纤维,它给纺织工业开发新产品带来了新的发展机会,也给染整加工提出了新的挑战。

    Polylactide fiber is one new generation of eco-friendly synthetic fibers . It provides a new chance for the development of textile industry and makes the existing dyeing and finishing face a challenge .

  13. CSC9000T是纺织工业的标准,由CNTAC制定并于2005年被政府所认可和采用。

    CSC9000T , a textile industry standard , was developed within CNTAC with government endorsement and adopted in2005 .

  14. 模型克服传统DEA模型应用中常见的决策单元权重为零进而高估决策单元效率的不合理现象,有效地测算了中国31个地区纺织工业的经济运行效率,并分析了地区间效率水平差异的原因。

    The phenomenon that because of a lot of zero weights and overestimating DEA efficiency of decision making units in ordinary DEA model can be avoided by using the model . We also analyze what causes the differences among the efficiency of the textile industry of Chinese 31 regions .

  15. 为贯彻国家标准GB3480-83,纺织工业部制定了指导性技术文件《纺织机械渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力简化计算方法》。

    To follow the National Standard GB 3480-83 , the Ministry of Textile Industry has worked out a technical instructional document named " Simplified Calculation Method of Load Capacity of Cylindrical Involute Gears Used in Textile Machines " .

  16. 微生物谷氨酰胺转氨酶(MTG,E.C.广泛应用于食品和纺织工业,如用于提高食物口感和蛋白质的营养值,制备耐热和抗水膜,增强羊毛的抗毡缩性和染色性等。

    Microbial transglutaminase ( MTG , E.C. ) plays a variety of function in food process and wool industrial , including improvement of the food texture and nutrition value of protein , preparation of heat-resistant and water-fast film , improvement of the shrink-resistance properties of wool and so on .

  17. 玉米淀粉乙酸酯的研制及在纺织工业上的应用

    Preparation of corn starch acetate and its application in textile industry

  18. 纺织工业裕压发电的技术经济意义

    The Techno-Economic Significancy of Residual Pressure Electricity Generation in Textile Industry

  19. 1995年上半年我国纺织工业主要产品生产情况

    Production of Major Textile Products in the lst Half of 1995

  20. 南通纺织工业的发展现状及思路

    The Current Situation and Thought of Development of Textiles in Nantong

  21. 探讨抗日战争时期陕西近代纺织工业发展的进程及其特点。

    The development and features of Shannxi textile industry are discussed .

  22. 论入世对山西纺织工业的影响与对策

    Impact of Entering WTO on Shanxi Textile Industry and Its Countermeasures

  23. 纺织工业在近代工业中地位的一些资料

    Some data about the position of textile industry in modern industry

  24. 上海纺织工业废水治理技术经济评价

    Econmic assessment of the treatment technique on textile wastewater in Shanghai

  25. 浅谈单层轻钢结构用于棉纺织工业厂房的设计

    Brief Introduction on Cotton Mill Building Design of Single-storey Light-steel Structure

  26. 对提高我国亚麻纺织工业技术经济指标的建议

    Suggestions for Upgrading Tech-Economics of the Flax Textile Factories in China

  27. 我国纺织工业绿色环保现状与展望

    The status and Prospect of green textile industry in China

  28. 中国纺织工业继续加快结构调整步伐

    China 's textile industry will further accelerate its restructuring step

  29. 纺织工业发展的动态模型及预测中的应用

    Textile Industry Developing Dynamic Model and Its Application in Forecasting

  30. 我国纺织工业形势分析与国有企业对策研究

    Situation Analysis of China 's Textile Industry and Strategy for State-owned Enterprises