
  • 网络SUNY;Buffalo;the State University of New York;Albany
  1. 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校的全球创新中心(GlobalCenterforInnovation)正在研发这种技术。

    The method is being developed at the Global Center for Innovation at the State University of New York at Albany .

  2. 此外,纽约州立大学奥斯威分校(StateUniversityofNewYork)的研究人员发现,死亡和心血管疾病的风险也会更高。

    In addition , the researchers at the State University of New York , Oswego , found an increased risk of death and cardiovascular disease .

  3. 纽约州立大学(StateUniversityofNewYork,SUNY)也面临同样困境,该校运营着一个由公共社区学院以及大学组成的庞大网络。

    So too at the State University of New York , which runs a vast network of public community colleges and universities .

  4. DavidJohnson是纽约州立大学环境科学和林学院的化学教授。

    David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York 's College of Environmental Science and Forestry .

  5. 于是他搬到了北部,在纽约州立大学(StateUniversityofNewYork)奥尔巴尼分校攻读了几门课程,并创办了一家名为Euphrates的公司,做羊奶酪批发生意。

    So he moved upstate , took some classes at the Albany branch of the State University of New York , and started a wholesale feta cheese business called Euphrates .

  6. 纽约州立大学海事学院;纽约州波茨坦的克拉克森大学(ClarksonUniversity)。布鲁金斯学会参考的是PayScale、LinkedIn和劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据。

    SUNY-Maritime ; and Clarkson University in Potsdam , N.Y. ( Brookings draws its data from PayScale , LinkedIn and the Bureau of Labor Statistics . )

  7. 位于布鲁克林(Brooklyn)的纽约州立大学下州医学中心(SUNYDownstateMedicalCenter)的耳鼻喉科主任理查德?罗森菲尔德(RichardRosenfeld)说:“在耳垢这个问题上,要选好父母。”

    When it comes to earwax , choose your parents well , ' says Richard Rosenfeld , chair of otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn .

  8. 美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNYUpstateMedicalUniversity,位于锡拉丘兹市,又译雪城)的精神病学教授史蒂芬·法劳内(StephenFaraone)表示,存在注意问题的患儿的家长无需因该研究结果而感到恐慌。

    Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .

  9. GaryGiovino在纽约州立大学布法罗分校就职,他也是这项研究的领导者。

    Gary Giovino is with the University of Buffalo School of Public Health and Professions in New York State . He also was the lead researcher in the study .

  10. 我的父母试图给我找到另一所学校,但最后,由于我过于超前,唯一与我水平相当的学校是纽约州立大学石溪分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook)。

    My parents tried to find me another school but , in the end , because I was so advanced , the only place that was on the same level as me was State University of New York at Stony Brook .

  11. 纽约州立大学石溪分校的山姆·帕尼尔博士(Dr.SamParnia)是这项堪称奇迹的研究的主要负责人。

    Dr. Sam Parnia of the State University of New York at Stony Brook was the lead author of the study that published this miraculous case .

  12. 纽约州立大学石溪分校精神病学和行为科学系的arthurstone领导了这项研究,他的团队发现,年龄在22岁到25岁的成年人承受的压力最大。

    Arthur stone in the Department of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study . His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five .

  13. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔&12539;沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief .

  14. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔・沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief . '

  15. 如果你觉得不堪重负,就从细节做起。Albany大学和纽约州立大学的健康与环境研究所所长,医学博士DavidO.Carpenter说

    If you feel overwhelmed , start small , says David O.Carpenter , MD , director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany , State University of New York

  16. 和高校记分卡一样,PayScale上排名最高的院校——布朗克斯的纽约州立大学海事学院(13.4万美元)和加利福尼亚州克莱尔蒙特的哈维马德学院(HarveyMuddCollege,13.3万美元)——都是培养学生进入专业化的高收入行业。

    As with Scorecard , PayScale 's top-ranked institutions , SUNY-Maritime College in the Bronx ( $ 134000 ) and Harvey Mudd College in Claremont , Calif. ( $ 133000 ) , train students for specialized , high-paying fields .

  17. 纽约州立大学奥本尼校区(美国)

    State University of New York at Albany , U.S.A.

  18. 理科学士,计算机科学与工程系,纽约州立大学布法罗分校。

    State University of New York at Buffalo , Buffalo , New York , U.S.A.

  19. 约翰詹姆斯是一个在纽约州立大学商学院教授佩斯。

    John James is a business professor at Pace University in New York State .

  20. 纽约州立大学海运学院

    State University of New York Maritime College

  21. 布法罗大学是她在几个纽约州立大学中的首选。

    UB was her first choice among several other State University of New York schools .

  22. 布莱恩·克劳斯是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的急诊医学医生。

    Brian Kloss is an emergency medicine physician at SUNY Upstate Medical University in New York .

  23. 《一天五美元》。纽约州立大学出版社,1981。

    Meyer , Stephen . The Five Dollar Day . State University of New York Press , 1981 .

  24. 1981年赴美国纽约州立大学学习戏剧,不但以优异的成绩从大学毕业,而且参加了电影《大班》、《玛爱米的罪》的演出。

    In1981 , she flied to State University of New York to study theater , and graduated with excellent grades .

  25. 1987年获美国纽约州立大学工商管理硕士学位。

    Cai Rang received a master degree in Business Administration from State University of New York , US , in1987 .

  26. 目前,他是一名助理教授在美国纽约州立大学奥斯威戈艺术系绘图。

    Currently , he is an Associate Professor in Drawing at the State University of New York at Oswego Art Department .

  27. 美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校的电脑科学家乌帕德希雅说,他的研究小组已找出更可靠有效的方法。

    Computer scientist Shambhu Upadhyaya of the University of Buffalo explained that his team has a more reliable and efficient way .

  28. 他后来进入锡拉丘兹市纽约州立大学,攻读生物工程博士学位。

    That 's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse .

  29. 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校火山碎屑流和泥石流数学模型研究近况

    Research on the Numerical Model of Pyroclastic Flow and Debris Flow in the State University of New York at Buffalo , USA

  30. 琼斯说,纽约州立大学承担这一任务是为了公益,也是为了获得潜在的收益,不过这些细节仍不明确。

    Mr. Jones said SUNY took on the task as a public service and a possible revenue generator , though those details remain unclear .