
  • 网络linear structure
  1. 结果得到了具有线型结构的橙色苯胺甲醛树脂。

    Results An orange , linear structure anilineformaldehyde resin is obtained .

  2. 有些高分子带有支链,称为支链高分子,属于线型结构。

    Some polymer with a branched chain , known as the branched-chain polymers , are linear structure .

  3. 摸索了DNA分子的水展膜电镜制样方法与技术,在无旋转投影设备的条件下,直接用透射电镜观察到了DNA分子的线型结构。

    The methed and the technique using electron microscope to sample DNA molecule with water unfolding film was discussed . In spite of no spinning projection , the thready structure of DNA molecule was observed directly with transmissive electric micro-scope .

  4. 随着热解温度的提高,PAN线型结构转变成具有萘啶环大共轭结构的梯形高聚物,继而生成相互交联而成的共轭碳的类石墨芳香族六角网状层面结构。

    As pyrolytic temperature raised PAN linear type structure is converted to a ladder polymer with large conjugated structure of naphthyridine rings , and crosslinked to form a network lamellar structure with aromatic six-membered rings like graphite .

  5. 由缀段式的线型结构向纵横勾连的网状结构演进。

    A development from linear structure to " network structure " .

  6. 结论在强酸性条件下能够得到含有氨基并具有线型结构的苯胺甲醛树脂。

    Conclusion Under the strong acid condition , an anilineformaldehyde resin with amino radical and linear structure can be obtained .

  7. 光路系统利用线型结构光获取焊缝光学信息,传感器系统将焊缝光学信号转化为电信号。

    The optical system gets seam information by linetype structured-light . The sensor system transforms light signal into voltage signal .

  8. 汉语句子意合特征显著,句式多为线型结构,以小句为主,句子的总体长度相对较短。

    With more linear structures and clauses , the Chinese sentence is of a paratactic nature and its total length is relatively shorter .

  9. 但目录簿具有与关系表的线型结构完全不同的非线性树型结构,对此作者建立了孩子关系表示法,从而实现了关系表对目录簿的树型结构的间接表示。

    For the non-linear structure , a method called Child Relation Representation Method to represent indirectly the tree structure of the catalog directory has been invented .

  10. 英汉句法存在三种最基本的差异,即树型结构和线型结构、形合法和意合法以及句子界线的差异。

    This article asserts that there exist three basic syntactic differences between English and Chinese : the difference between treelike structure and linear structure ; hypotaxis and parataxis ;

  11. 塑料高分子的结构基本有两种类型:第一种是线型结构,具有这种结构的高分子化合物称为线型高分子化合物;

    The structure of plastic polymers , there are two basic types : the first is linear structure , with the structure of the polymer is called linear polymers ;

  12. 对竹纤维增强聚酰胺树脂复合材料界面改性剂及其界面改性机理进行研究,以聚乙二醇和马来酸酐为原料,用热催化法合成具有线型结构的羧化聚醚。

    Polyethylene glycol and maleic anhydride were used as materials , carboxylic polyether that was used as agent of modifying composite interface was synthesized by using heat catalysis method .

  13. 丙烯酸酯类粘合剂具有较好的成膜性,良好的粘着力及化学稳定性,但其线型结构特点,易造成聚合物薄膜出现热粘冷脆及印花堵网等问题。

    The acrylic emulsion binder had good film forming , better adhesion and chemical stability , its threadlike structures would bring weakness of heat-adhesive and cold brittleness and clogging screen .

  14. 报告文学叙事的线型结构呈现单线、复线、环状依次壮大的成长趋态,同时又与非线型此消彼长、相互匹配。

    The growth trend of linear structure reportage narrative presentation , single , double ring are growing , and at the same time with the non linear shift , matching .

  15. 该方法首先根据道路线型结构将道路分为直线型路面和曲线型路面,然后根据不同的路面线型设计不同的处理方法。

    In this method , we divided the road into linear load and curved road according to the road alignment structure firstly ; and then designed different algorithms according to the road alignment structure .

  16. 以三峡库区为核心的大三峡旅游圈具有文脉渊源关系和旅游协作的基础条件,三峡工程兴建引发的三峡旅游空间聚散效应,促使三峡旅游由线型结构向圈层结构转变。

    The construction of the Three Gorges Project and its corresponding impact on the Yangtze Three Gorges tourism layout leads to the structural conversion from line-shape to circle-shape , which functions as the basic condition and driving force for building the Three Gorges Grand tourism circle .

  17. 针对路灯分布的线型结构和低压电力载波通信的特点,提出了单灯接力式传输通信方案,且对低压电网噪声进行了分析,并在硬件和软件上提出了相应的解决方案。

    A communication scheme of single lamp relay mode is proposed according to line style structure for street lamp distribution and the characteristic of power line communication . The noise from low-voltage electrified wire network is analysed , and the corresponding solution in hardware and software is provided .

  18. 发卡型和线型DNA结构的电喷雾质谱研究

    Hairpin vs. Linear Conformation of DNA Strands Studied by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  19. 论《尤利西斯》对线型叙事结构模式的颠覆

    The Narrative Style of Ulysses : Overthrowing Traditional Linear Narrative Structure

  20. 中国现行侦检关系受制于线型诉讼结构,存在诸多弊端而有待完善。

    Chinese current detection and inspection relation is restricted by the litigant linear structure ;

  21. 分析了玻璃钢渔船线型及结构特点,以及它们对直接计算的影响。

    Analyzed the form and structure features of the fiberglass fishing boat and their impacts on direct calculation .

  22. 研究了聚氨酯/聚醚半互穿网络聚合物的合成、溶胀行为和释放性能,特别是疏水组成、线型聚醚结构和温度对网络的溶胀平衡和溶胀动力学的影响。

    This paper studied synthesis , swelling behaviour and release properties of PU / PEG semi - IPNs . It was found that hydrophobic component and structure of the linear polyether exerted influences upon the swelling equilibrium and deswelling kinetics of the networks .

  23. 计算结果表明,NMF的顺式和反式构型都可以与水分子形成线型的氢键结构。

    The results show that both cis - and trans - form of NMF can form a linear hydrogen bond with water .

  24. 线型聚醚聚氨酯结构与形态的研究

    Studies on the structure and morphology of linear polyether polyurethanes

  25. 纤维缠绕环形容器要求满足线型稳定和结构优化两个条件。

    Filament winding toroidal pressure vessel demands both structure optimization and winding stability .

  26. 线型聚酯的结构对介电损耗及体积电阻的影响

    The Effect of Structure on the Dielectric Loss and Volume Resistivity of Linear Polyester

  27. 出于工程需要,本文对一种小型线型聚能切割器结构参数进行了研究与设计。

    Parameters of the mini - linear shaped cumulative cutter are studied and designed .

  28. 短程线型球面网壳结构的动力失效研究

    Research on Failure of Geodesic Spherical Reticulated Shells

  29. 这种新颖的交叉折线型手征结构有望在实现紧凑和宽带光学器件方面获得应用。

    This novel crossed fold-line chiral structure is expected to be applied in a compact and broadband optics .

  30. 在此基础上设计了互补交叉折线型手征结构红外波段负折射率材料。

    Furthermore , a complementary crossed fold-line chiral structure is designed for infrared bands of negative refractive index materials .