
xiàn xínɡ yè
  • linear leaf
  1. 生长与北美东部的沼泽地带,有矛尖形的线形叶和白色的小花。

    Bellflower common in marshes of eastern North America having lanceolate linear leaves and small whitish flowers .

  2. 一种球茎植物,具有挺直的、线形叶和艳丽的黄色或白色花朵,花单生或簇生。

    Bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters .

  3. 臧红花属中众多的缓慢生长的植物中的任何一种,具有细长的线形叶和白色、黄色或紫色的花;主要产于地中海地区。

    Any of numerous low-growing plants of the genus Crocus having slender grasslike leaves and white or yellow or purple flowers ; native chiefly to the Mediterranean region but widely cultivated .

  4. 该种以其全缘的窄线形长叶为特征。

    This new species is characterized by long-linear , entire , narrow leaves .

  5. 旧大陆一个草本属,线形完整叶,黄色或紫色头状花序。

    Genus of Old World herbs with linear entire leaves and yellow or purple flower heads .

  6. 具有大的可食的球茎,线形的基叶,由浅紫蓝色至深紫蓝色的、星形花组成的总状花序;生长于北美西部。

    Plant having a large edible bulb and linear basal leaves and racemes of light to deep violet-blue star-shaped flowers on tall green scapes ; western North america .