
  • 网络Heat input;energy input
  1. 并得到了焊接熔深H与输入线能量W的数学表达式。

    The formula of the relation of penetration H and specific energy input W is gotten .

  2. 试验数据表明,生产大线能量焊接用钢以保持较高的Ti、N含量为佳。

    It is concluded that the more contents of Ti and N should be kept so as to produce welding steel with high energy input .

  3. Nb对大线能量焊接高强度低合金钢热影响区组织和性能的研究

    Study of Nb on Microstructures and Properties of Heat-Affected Zones in HSLA Steel with Large Heat Input Welding

  4. 随着累积线能量密度的增加,HAZ尺寸呈二次曲线增加。

    With the increasing of AED the HAZ size grows in quadratic function .

  5. 基于APDL的双丝焊熔透线能量求解

    Line Energy Search for Fusion Penetration of Double Wire Welding Based on APDL

  6. 其相应的初级宇宙线能量为10~(13)eV左右。

    The average energy of the events corresponds to a primary cosmic-ray energy of 10 ~ ( 13 ) eV .

  7. 线能量对大电流MAG焊缝组织和性能的影响

    Effects of Heat Input on the Microstructure and Property of the High Current MAG Welding Seam

  8. 建议工程上采用的焊接线能量为:板厚20mm,E<30kJ/cm;

    The weld energy input is suggested to be used in project as follows : 20 mm thick , E < 30 kJ / cm ;

  9. 本文对5种含Ti-V-Nb的微合金钢埋弧自动焊焊接热影响区中沉淀物溶解、沉淀及晶粒长大进行了考察。焊接线能量为3和6kJ/mm。

    The dissolution , precipitation and grain coarsening of precipitates in the HAZ of submerged are welds deposited at 3kJ / mm and 6kJ / mm heat input on five Ti , V , Nb containing microalloy steels were examined .

  10. GTAW(钨极气体保护电弧焊)是一种能够很好控制线能量,进行高质量薄板焊接的方法。

    GTAW is that controls linear energy easily and has high quality welding of sheet metal .

  11. 应用高斯热源模型模拟了CO2气体保护超低线能量超窄间隙焊接条件的温度场,该温度场与实测温度场基本一致。

    The temperature field of CO 2 UNGW is simulated using heat source Gauss distribution model in the paper , in which the theoretical predictions are almost the same as the experimental results .

  12. 100kJ/cm大线能量焊接热模拟热影响区(HAZ)具有良好的低温韧性。

    The simulated heat affected zone ( HAZ ) of 100kJ / cm high heat input welding possessed good toughness in low temperature .

  13. 在大电流MAG焊时,适当增大线能量以利于非金属夹杂物的逸出并避免马氏体的形成,降低焊缝金属中的C、Ti含量,从而改善接头韧性。

    It is concluded that the ductility of the joints can be improved by increasing heat input in welding to help the escaping of inclusion and the decreasing of martensite and C and Ti content .

  14. Nb-Ti微合金钢大线能量焊接热影响区组织和韧性的研究

    Study on Structure and Toughness in heat affected zone of Nb-Ti Microalloyed Steel after Welding with High Heat Input

  15. 为防止半熔化区晶粒粗化导致该区域韧性下降,焊接过程中控制焊接线能量(E)在20kJ/cm以下是非常重要的。

    To prevent toughness decreasing resulted from crystal coarsing in the partially-melted zone , controlling weld heat input ( E ≤ 20kJ / cm ) is very important during welding .

  16. 双丝MIG/MAG是一种提高焊接效率的新型焊接工艺,它具有焊接速度高,熔敷率高,线能量小等诸多特点。

    Two-wire MIG / MAG is a new welding technology to improve welding efficiency , its characteristics including high travel speed , high deposition rates and low line energy , etc.

  17. 试验结果表明,JB800钢具有可用大线能量焊接的特点。

    The experimental results prove that the steel JB800 can be welded with the high heating input .

  18. 600MPa级大线能量焊接用钢综合性能研究

    Research on the properties of 600 MPa grade high heat input welding steel

  19. 该电源采用PWM和PFM混合调制的控制方式,引弧为PFM降频调制的小电流接触引弧方式,引弧过程安全可靠,通过对高频脉冲的低频调制达到控制线能量的目的。

    Its control method is PWM and PFM modulation . The adoption of PFM decreasing frequency modulation and touch starting arc is safe and reliable . Linear energy can be controlled by low frequency modulation to high frequency pulse .

  20. 研制了一种大线能量低焊接裂纹敏感性压力容器用钢,研究了其力学性能、微观组织结构和焊接粗晶热影响区(CGHAZ)的微观组织结构特征及力学性能。

    A new low alloying steel with low susceptibility to weld cold cracking has been developed for large heat input welding in pressure vessel engineering .

  21. 本文通过焊接接头侧弯试验、光学显微镜和扫描电镜分析,对Mn-Si系多层焊焊缝侧弯形貌进行了研究,探讨了侧弯形貌与焊接热循环、焊接线能量及显微组织之间的关系。

    The pattern of side bend of Mn Si multi layer weld is investigated with side bend test of weld joint , optical microscope and scanning electron microscope analysis . The relationship between weld thermal cycle , heat input and microstructure with pattern of side bend is also discussed .

  22. 研究了焊接线能量对X70管线钢焊接热影响区组织和低温韧性的影响。

    The effect of welding line energy on microstructure and low temperature toughness of heat-affected zone ( HAZ ) of X70 pipeline steel was studied by welding thermal simulation method .

  23. 针对XAFS光束线能量动态扫描的实验特点,介绍了弧矢聚焦双晶单色器的物理设计:包括晶体光学结构、性能参数计算、晶体热载分析和弧矢弯曲原理。

    Based on the requirement of the XAFS measurement of dynamically energy scanning , the concept design of the sagittal-focusing monochromator including optical design , parameters calculation , heat load analysis and the sagittal bending was introduced .

  24. 通过试验研究了焊接线能量对P91钢焊接接头冲击韧性的影响,焊接线能量控制在12&15kJ/cm以内,控制层间温度.能获得良好的焊接接头。

    The relation between Impact toughness and welding heat input has been studied through testing . Good welded joints can be obtained when linear welding heal input is within 12-15 kJ / cm and inter - pass temperature is controlled .

  25. 通过H10Mn2焊丝不同焊接线能量多层焊条件下焊缝组织的热模拟,说明其组织转变情况及其对强韧性的影响。

    By thermos simulation test with different welding energy on the welding microstructure under various seams , explained its condition of microstructure transition effect on strength and toughness .

  26. 对X12CrNiSi1636奥氏体耐热不锈钢在焊接生产过程中极易产生热裂纹的现象进行了深入研究,提出采用变电流焊接、有效控制层间温度以及减小线能量进行焊接的新工艺。并成功应用于生产实践。

    It researches the appearance of thermal crack appeared in the welding process of austenitic stainless steel ( X12CrNiSi1636 ), and puts forward some new techniques by which applied in production .

  27. 采用热影响区最高硬度试验、斜Y型坡口裂纹试验及焊接线能量的测试等手段研究了板厚分别为20mm及42mm的800MPa高强钢的焊接性。

    The weldability of 800 MPa high strength steel has been studied with 20 mm and 42 mm thickness plates by the maximum hardness test of heat-affected zone , Y slit cracking test and the test of weld energy input etc.

  28. 采用线能量因子确定了最佳工艺容限。

    The linear energy factor was used to optimize the process .

  29. 大线能量焊接用结构钢的研究进展

    Progress in Research of Structural Steels for Large Heat Input Welding

  30. 铸铁缺陷的大线能量补焊

    Cast iron defects repaired by welding with large line energy