
  • 网络Linearity;linear response;LR-CC
  1. 但同时可利用导电纸的这种对温度和pH环境的线性响应特性,将其用于制作温度、pH或气体传感器等。

    However , the conductive paper can be used to create temperature , pH or gas sensors because of the linear response to temperature and pH environment .

  2. 分析表明,采用蓝色和绿色(B、G)两种波长作为比色测温的两个波长选择时,系统有比较好的线性响应、高的灵敏度,而且测温误差较小。

    When it was chose B ( blue ) and G ( green ) as the two color calibration , the temperature measurement system had good linear response , good sensitivity , and little temperature measurement error .

  3. 提出了利用原子器件建立WDM光网元设备对光信号的响应模型,建立并分析了线性响应条件下光网络器件的原子功能数学模型。

    The method to build optical network elements model using atomic components is proposed .

  4. 脉冲激光通过光学系统的聚焦之后,利用衰减器将脉冲激光能量衰减至CCD相机的线性响应区,从而在CCD相面上形成光斑图像。

    Pulsed laser focused by through the optical system , then the energy of pulsed laser is attenuated to the CCD linear response zone by attenuator , and formed facula at CCD .

  5. 根据光强是否在CCD线性响应区间这一结果来控制电机带动滤光片转动,实现了对光强的自动调节,从而减小测量误差。

    According to whether the light intension is in the zone of CCD linear response we control the direct current dynamo to drive the light filter to reduce the measure err effectively .

  6. PVG膜剂量计线性响应范围的估计

    Estimation of linear response range of PVG film dosimeter

  7. 以Planck辐射定律和红外探测元的线性响应模型为基础,在理论上完整地推导了红外焦平面阵列非均匀性的两点校正方法;

    The two-point nonuniformity correction algorithm for IRFPA is theoretically and perfectly deduced based on Planck Law and the linear response model of infrared detector .

  8. 采用基于线性响应理论的平衡态分子动力学方法,计算了扶手椅型和锯齿型单壁碳纳米管(SWNTs)的导热系数,并给出其随管长、直径和温度的变化。

    Thermal conductivities of armchair and zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes ( SWNTs ) are calculated using equilibrium molecular dynamics based on linear response theory .

  9. 磁通运动的TAFF理论及其热激活线性响应

    Taff theory of flux movement and linear response of flux thermal activation

  10. 计算了ZnO电子结构和光学线性响应函数,从理论上给出了ZnO材料电子结构与光学性质的关系。所有计算都是基于密度泛函理论框架下的第一性原理平面波超软赝势方法。

    The electronic structures and optical linear response functions of ZnO are calculated , the relationships between electronic structures and optical properties are investigated by using first-principles ultra-soft pseudo-potential approach of the plane wave based upon the density functional theory .

  11. 根据AChE的敏感性及其对有机磷农药的线性响应程度,鲅鱼脑AChE适于作为监测马拉硫磷和甲基对硫磷酶传感器的指示酶。

    Based on the sensitivity of AChE and its linear correlation to Ops , the AChE from S.niphonius is suitable to be used as the indicator enzyme of enzyme biosensor to monitor malathion and parathion-methyl .

  12. 为深入认识GaAs的光学性质,采用从头算法计算其电子结构,并依据线性响应理论计算出它的复介电常数,进而得到复折射率,反射系数,吸收系数等光学常数。

    In order to obtain the optical properties of GaAs , we calculate its electronic structure and the duplicate dielectric constant using ab initio calculation . Moreover , the duplicate refractive index , reflection coefficient and absorption coefficient are also calculated .

  13. 在雨季降水较多且较集中的情况下,径流对降水的线性响应显著,NDVI与径流的线性关系则不显著,且对径流有着负影响。

    More precipitation in the rainy season , more focused case , the linear response of runoff to precipitation significantly . NDVI had a not significant linear relationship to runoff , with a negative effect .

  14. 本文叙述了在线性响应理论的基础上,利用推广的尼尔逊模型,对~(236)U核从基态到鞍点态的粘滞系数进行的实际计算。

    A realistic calculation of the viscosity coefficients for ~ ( 236 ) U from ground equilibrium shape to saddle point is presented based on the linear response theory , in which the single particle spectra and wave function are provided by generalized Nilsson model .

  15. 分析中屏蔽势采用最近Itoh等人用线性响应理论导出的结果。

    During the analysis , we have used screening potential given by Itoh et al . derived by linear response theory .

  16. 在位移、应力等参量的传感实验中获得了很好的线性响应,位移和应力传感的灵敏度分别为247nmmm和2.26nmN,光纤光栅实验带宽达155nm。

    In the experiments of displacement and stress , a good linear response has been obtained , the sensitivities of displacement and stress are 2.47 nm / mm and 2.26 nm / N , respectively , and the FBG ′ s bandwidth can be changed to 15.5 nm .

  17. 在6~30g不同输入加速度情况下,随输入加速度的增加,人体头、颈、胸、脊椎等部位的响应损伤均分别呈现良好的二次线性响应增长规律,R2在0.9以上。

    The injury values of head , neck , thorax and vertebra respectively showed good orderliness quadratic function ( R2 > 0.9 ) and increased with 6-30 g input accelerations .

  18. 本文在对千河流域特性进行分析的基础上,建立流域的总径流线性响应模型(TLR),并用误差序列自回归模型(AR)对预报结果进行实时校正。

    Based on the detailed analysis of the basin characteristics of the Qian River , the Total Runoff Linear Response Model ( TLR ) is built for flood forecasting , and AR model of error sequence is established for flow correction .

  19. 使用单双激发耦合簇线性响应理论(ccsd-lrt),和相对论有效核势(recp)基组对ini分子∧-s电子态进行了研究。

    The electronic states of InI molecule are computed using the coupled-cluster single-and double-linear response theory ( CCSD-LRT ) based on the relativistic effective core potential basis sets .

  20. 在三角阱的基础上,采用无规相近似方法(RPA)、介电函数张量理论和线性响应理论来研究二维电子气沟道中等离激元的性质。

    On the basis of the triangle trap , the nature of plasmon in the two dimensional electron gas has been studied through the phase approximation method ( RPA ), dielectric function tensor theory and linear response theory .

  21. 根据Ward-Takahashi恒等式和线性响应理论,确定守恒量方程应具有的形式,它自动包含了模-模耦合项。

    The proper form of the equations for the conserved variables , including automatically the mode coupling terms , was determined from the Ward-Taka-hashi identities and the linear response theory .

  22. 本文是用Zubarev非平衡统计算子讨论处于非平衡定态的系统在受到力学拢动时的线性响应问题。

    In this paper the problems of linear response of system at nonequilibrium steady state to mechanical perturbations are discussed in Zubarev 's nonequilibrium statistical operator .

  23. 探测器的主共振频率为250kHz,在10&900kHz范围内探测器有线性响应。

    The resonant frequence of the detector is 250 kHz , and the response of it is linear in the range of frequence s from 10 kHz to 900 kHz .

  24. 确定船体运动和波浪载荷的方法是以谐波中船舶的线性响应为基础,按零航速横浪来计算的。根据模型试验结果此种状态是SWATH最危险的载荷状态。

    The acquisition of ship motion and wave loading is based on the linear response of ship in harmonic wave and calculated by ship with no speed running beam sea , which is believed the most dangerous loading condition for SWATH ship according to the ship model testing results .

  25. 方法:选定TLD元件测量剂量线性响应范围和重复性、体模的关键器官的剂量分布以及近源区剂量分布,并对TLD元件及热释光剂量仪进行剂量刻度。

    Methods : we chose the TLD component to measure the dosage linear response range and repeatability character , the dosage distribution for pivotal organ on the phantom and close area on the source , at the same time we did dosage scale for TLD and thermo magnetic analysis machine .

  26. 本文介绍了楔环阵列探测器(WRD)的特性,理论上论述了WRD线性响应因子校正的方法,并从实验上获得验证。

    In this paper , the characteristics of wedge ring detector ( WRD ) are introduced . The correcting method of the responding factor is discussed theoretically , and the experimented results are given .

  27. 器件对磁场有良好的线性响应。

    The device has an excellent linear response to magnetic field .

  28. 晶体高剂量率线性响应范围的测定

    Testing the linear response of inorganic crystals at high dose rate

  29. 讨论了约瑟夫逊结中噪声驱动下电流的线性响应。

    The linear responses of driving current in Josephson junction are studied .

  30. 全球定常波对大尺度地形的线性响应

    The linear response of global stationary waves to large-scale topography