
  • 网络green function method
  1. 超音速计算采用笛卡尔直角网格求解欧拉方程:亚音速计算采用定常势流的格林函数方法求解无粘气动力系数,粘性阻力采用工程估算的方法计算。

    In supersonic case , 3D Euler equations are solved using Cartesian grid ; in subsonic case , inviscid aerodynamic coefficients are computed by steady potential fluid Greens Function Method , viscid drag is calculated by empirical formula .

  2. 计算中用了格林函数方法和平均T-矩阵近似,结果表明:(I)在Cu衬底上淀积Ni薄层,化学吸附加强;

    The Green function method and the average T-matrix approximation are used .

  3. 本文在Born近似下提出了求解含源多层随机介质的电磁场的并矢格林函数方法。激发源可以在N层随机介质中的任意一层。

    Based on the Born approximation , an analytical theory for computing the electromagnetic field in weak fluctuating multilayered media with source is developed .

  4. 从Paris势和电磁相互作用出发,应用格林函数方法推导了同位旋三重态sd壳等效粒子粒子相互作用。

    The sd-shell effective particle interactions are derived from the Paris potential and electric magnetic interactions using Green 's function method .

  5. 各向异性Heisenberg反铁磁体的格林函数方法

    Green Function Method for Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnets

  6. 用第一性原理非平衡格林函数方法研究了混合碳链置于两个Al(100)电极之间的输运性质。

    We investigate on the transport properties of one dimensional adulterant carbon wire coupled to two Al ( 100 ) electrodes based on a recently developed ab-initio nonequilibrium Green function formalism .

  7. 本文采用一种格林函数方法,研究了包括任意形状的外边界和流场中任意形状的物体的Stokes内流问题。

    In this paper the problem of inner Stokes flows with arbitrary boundaries is considered using Green 's function method [ 1 ] .

  8. 在本论文中,我们采用π电子紧束缚模型下的实空间和k空间格林函数方法,深入研究了缺陷、掺杂和外电场对碳纳米管电导和态密度的调制作用。

    In this thesis , we have made a deep investigation on the conductance and the density of states of carbon nanotubes , exploring the influences of defects , nonmagnetic impurities and external electrical field .

  9. 本文采用自洽的格林函数方法和复能积分技术研究了卤素原子在NaCl离子晶体表面上的化学吸附。

    The Green 's self-consistent function method and the technique of complex ener - gy integration are used to study halogen atoms chemisorption on the NaCl ionic crystal .

  10. 理想导电凸曲面上振子电磁辐射UTD解的并矢格林函数方法

    A Utd solution for radiation from the source on a convex surface by DGF method

  11. 用一维紧束缚近似和格林函数方法研究了金属中的替位杂质对金属Pt与半导体Si所形成界面电子态的影响。

    The Green 's function method within tight-bonding approximation is used to investigate the effects of substitutional impurity atom in metal on the Pt-Si interface electronic density of states ( DOS ) .

  12. 本文在一维紧束缚近似下,利用格林函数方法和复能积分技术,研究了H在Pt/Si上的化学吸附对Pt/Si界面特性的影响。

    The effects of H chemisorption on Pt / Si on the properties of Pt / Si interface are investi-gated by using the Green 's-function method and the complex-energy-plane integration techni-que within the limits of one-dimensional tight-binding approximation .

  13. 用边缘荷载格林函数方法计算含裂纹Reissner型有限板的弯曲

    Analysis of Fracture in Cracked Finite Reissner Plates by Green Functions of Rectangular Plates Subjected to Loads on the Edges

  14. 用格林函数方法,讨论了fcc(100)表面上原子的化学吸附能以及替代杂质与吸附原子相互作用的一般性质。

    The Green 's function method is employed to study the general feature of an adsorbate , and to analyse the interaction energy between an adatom and the substitutional impurity atom at metal surface .

  15. 木文在文献[5,6]所发展的在位缺陷势格林函数方法基础上,进一步讨论Si中短程缺陷势引入的T2对称深能级波函数性质。

    A systematic investigation and numerical results of calculation of T2 symmetric deep level wave function induced by short range defect potential in Si are described , based on a recently developement on site defect potential Green 's function method .

  16. 本文应用格林函数方法计算氢在一组Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体上的化学吸附能(ΔE)和衬底向吸附原子的电荷转移(Δq)。

    A self-consistent Green function calculation of the adatom charge transfer (Δ p ) andthe chemisorption energy (Δ E ) is performed for hydrogen on ⅲ - V compound substrates , which are modeled by semi-infinite alternating s  ̄ - and p  ̄ - orbital chains .

  17. 利用紧束缚近似下的格林函数方法,讨论了Si中硫属元素混对杂质(即S~0/Se~0,S~0/Te~0和Se~0/Te~0)基态的电子结构。

    Using the Green 's function method with a tight binding Hamiltonian , the electronic structures of the ground states of S ~ 0 / Se ~ 0 , S0 / Te0 and Se ~ 0 / Te ~ 0 mixed pairs in Si are investigated .

  18. 本文在一堆紧束缚近似下,利用Einstein-Schrieffer(ES)的单电子化学吸附理论和格林函数方法,研究了H在载体催化剂Pt/ZnO上的化学吸附能。

    The Einstein-Schrieffer 's one-electron chemisorption theory and Green 's function method are used to investigate the chemisorption energy of hydrogen on the supported catalysts Pt / ZnO within the framework of the one-dimensional tight-binding apporximation .

  19. 用基于Chadi模型和格林函数方法的一种计算表面应力的半经验方法研究了Sb吸附在Si(001)衬底上的性质。

    The properties of Sb adsorption on the Si ( 001 ) substrate have been studied by using the semiempirical approach for calculating the surface stress based on the Chadi 's model and the Green 's function method .

  20. 利用基于密度泛函理论的格林函数方法,计算了Al-C60-Al分子结的电子输运特性。

    The conductance of an Al-C60-Al molecule junction is calculated using a density functional theory combined with Green ′ s function method .

  21. 首先,为了更好地研究介观系统中的许多新问题,基于Dyson方程,提出了一种广义的迭代格林函数方法,以适用于任意的边界条件和形状效应等具体问题。

    First , A general recursive Green 's function method , which can be used for systems with arbitrary shapes and connection conditions in the same footing , is proposed based on the Dyson 's equation .

  22. 基于s-d混合效应和s-d交换效应的统一模型,利用格林函数方法,讨论了磁性杂质效应对稀磁合金中热导率的影响。

    In this paper , based on an united model of s-d mixing effect and s-d exchange effect , we studied the influences of magnetic impurity effects on thermal conductivity by using green 's function method in dilute magnetic alloy .

  23. 应用格林函数方法处理了S-W效应中光生载流子随时间的变化,得出光生载流子的衰退速率和深能级有效态密度的平方成正比。

    The equation of degeneration of photogenerated eletrons in S-W Effect has been get by method of filed theory . The degeneration constant is proportional to the square of effective density of states in deep level .

  24. 用Callen的双时自旋格林函数方法,给出了双子格展状铁氧体的磁矩表达式.在此基础上推导出转变温度的计算公式。

    The Callen 's technique of double-time spin Green 's function is used to study the two-Sublattice layered ferrimagnets . We obtain the expressions of Sublattice magnetization and transitional temperature .

  25. 最后利用格林函数方法讨论了光格子中超冷原子的能带结构,根据Mott相存在能隙的判据我们在平均场近似下重新得到superfluid-Mott相变条件,该结论与相关文献一致。

    Lastly , we discuss the energy-band structure of ultracold atoms in optical lattice by means of Green function method and in addition , procure the superfluid-Mott phase transition condition in mean-field approximation which is in agreement with the result in the literature .

  26. 基于格林函数方法的非均匀球介质中温度场分布研究

    Temperature Fields of Inhomogeneous Solid Sphere Based on Green Function Method

  27. 低维介观体系物理特性的格林函数方法研究

    Green 's Function Approach to Physical Properties of Low Dimensional Mesoscopic System

  28. 应用时域格林函数方法模拟有限水深中波浪对结构物的作用

    Numerical Simulation of Wave Action on Structures Using the Time-Domain Green Function

  29. 量子力学势散射的格林函数方法中的一个问题

    One problem in the Green function method of potential scattering

  30. 用于压水堆扩散计算的全堆芯格林函数方法

    The Core-Wise green 's function method for PWR diffusion calculation