
zǔ gé
  • form a cabinet;set up a leading group
组阁 [zǔ gé]
  • (1) [form a cabinet]∶指组织内阁

  • 当选总统正在着手组阁

  • (2) [set up a leading group]∶现泛指组织领导班子

组阁[zǔ gé]
  1. 以竞选和组阁为中心,同时通过议会活动,将政党的主张上升为国家法律而贯彻执行,是当代西方政党执政的基本模式。

    The pattern on the whole of the modern Western political parties in power is to campaign for and form a cabinet as its focus , and at the same time through parliament the proposition of the political party is accepted and becomes national law to be carried out .

  2. 日本的当选首相今日将完成组阁。

    Japan 's Prime Minister-designate is completing his Cabinet today .

  3. 眼下,奥巴马正在组阁,但是他还没有选定担任财政部长的人选。如果G20金融危机会议继续开展下去,美国财政部长需要成为这一系列磋商的重要参与者。

    Obama is working on the transition now , but he has yet to fill the role of Treasury secretary , someone who would need to be a key player if G-20 talks on the financial crisis are to continue .

  4. 布朗在接任托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)之后,英国政治进入了一个新时代,他承诺将超越狭隘的政党利益来组建一个有才能人士组成的政府,并于今日开始组阁。

    Ushering in a new era in British politics after taking over from Tony Blair , Mr Brown promised to reach out beyond narrow party interests and assemble an administration of all the talents , beginning today with his cabinet line-up .

  5. 据以色列新闻机构YNET周六晚间报道,已获得组阁授权的以色列总理利夫尼将于周日宣布提前举行议会选举。

    Israeli Prime Minister-designate Tzipi Livni will announce on Sunday her decision to call for an early general election , Israeli news service YNET reported Saturday night .

  6. 由其提名组阁,经地球议会批准通过。

    Nominations from the Cabinet and the Earth Council for approval .

  7. 总统按照历史惯例组阁。

    The president followed historical precedent in forming the Cabinet .

  8. 组阁的任务又落到了史密斯先生的肩上。

    The duty of forming a cabinet has again devolved on Mr. Smith .

  9. 工党被投票选出再次组阁。

    Labour was voted in for second term office .

  10. 由他建议组阁的内阁机构,自从艾克之后就没有为任何总统本人工作过。

    The Cabinet government he proposes to install has not worked for anyone since Ike .

  11. “名单上有你总比没有好”似乎是奥巴马组阁团队的想法。

    Better in the tent than out , seems to be the Obama team 's thinking .

  12. 这次联合组阁是由于上周的大选中,没有任何党派在议会获得大多数席位。

    The deal was made after a general election last week gave no party an overall majority in parliament .

  13. 但是更加棘手的问题也随之而来,贝鲁如果当选,如何组阁管理,和谁搭班,这似乎成为他优势地位的“拦路虎”。

    Yet hard questions about how Mr Bayrou would govern , and with whom , seem to have stalled his ascent .

  14. 李明博总统预计将在下周重新组阁,也许会重新任命政府总理。

    President Lee is expected to replace members of his Cabinet next week , possibly replacing the South Korean prime minister .

  15. 利夫尼组阁道路上的最大障碍是超正统派沙斯党。沙斯党是目前联合政府中的主要夥伴。

    The biggest obstacle in Livni 's path is the ultra-Orthodox Shas party , a key partner in the current coalition .

  16. 但基民盟-基社盟所获席位不足以让默克尔独立组阁&她还需要5个席位才能确保在议会的绝对多数。

    But Merkel does not have enough seats to govern alone & she needs five more to secure a clear parliamentary majority .

  17. 联合国驻伊拉克高级外交官表示,组阁的延迟容易为反对民主的人利用。

    The top United Nations diplomat in Iraq says the delays are creating conditions that opponents of democracy could use for their own .

  18. 巴勒斯坦的领导计划重新组阁,并声称对此已计划数月,和该地区近来的变动并无关系。

    Palestinian government official said a reshuffle had been planned for months , and that the timing was linked to considerations not related to regional changes .

  19. 美国和澳大利亚在两国高层会议中重申盟国关系,这是陆克文领导的澳大利亚新政府去年12月组阁以来双方举行首次高层会议。

    The United States and Australia have reaffirmed their alliance in the first high-level meeting between the two countries since the installation of the new Kevin Rudd government in December .

  20. 由于长达五周的选战未能决出高下,这两位领导人均显得有些紧张。为了能够组阁,他们正争先恐后的赢取独立议员和绿党议员的支持。

    Both leaders looked tense after the five-week campaign failed to yield a result as they scrambled to form a government with the backing of the independent and Green MPs .

  21. 年轻人抱着模糊的,个人独特的上进心的热望,比如,不确定自己的优点会否是摄影,组阁,还是建筑。

    One young man with vague aspirations of having his own creative enterprise , for instance , wasn 't sure if his forte would be photography or cabinetmaking or architecture .

  22. 鉴于保守党和黑格在明年年中大选后可能上台组阁,他们的观点颇具分量。

    Since the Tories and Mr Hague are likely to be in government by the middle of next year , after a British general election , their views have real weight .

  23. 1874年迪斯累里组阁后,在工人住房、工会合法地位、公共卫生等方面实施一系列社会立法。

    After his cabinetmaking in 1874 , a range of social legislations on worker housing , trade unions ' legal status , public health and other aspects were brought into effect .

  24. 希腊人民在极度沮丧(这完全可以理解)的心情下进行了大选投票,没有一个传统政党获得足够组阁的议会多数席位。

    The Greek people voted out of pure frustration ( which is totally understandable ) , giving none of the traditional political parties enough of a majority in parliament to form a government .

  25. 英国首相拥有组阁权,不但可以任命内阁成员和组成内阁委员会,更可以分配决策权给各部门及其所负责的项目。

    As Prime Minister of Britain , he / she has the power to form the Cabinet , including the appointment of its ministers and committees and the allocation of different policy-making responsibilities towards each committee .

  26. 这就意味着在英国议会进行夏季休会之前,留给布朗只有不到一个月的时间组阁。

    This means that Mr Brown will have no more than a month to establish himself before politics slumps into its summer torpor . Spring and summer will arrive in due time . the legislature 's summer recess ;

  27. 在平时,其他内阁大臣的任命需要稍长一点的时间,但是我相信,等到国会再次召开的时候,这项工作会已经完成了,组阁工作将全部结束。

    The appointment of the other Ministers usually takes a little longer , but I trust that , when Parliament meets again , this part of task will be completed , and that the administration will be complete in all respects .