
  • 网络Organizational Standards
  1. 它还受到组织标准、基础架构,和外部规则的调节。

    It is also tempered by organizational standards , infrastructure , and external regulations .

  2. 不同的部署场景可能需要不同的云资源、需要支持不同的组织标准,等等。

    Different deployment scenarios might need different cloud resources , support for different organizational standards , and more .

  3. 许多实验室并不常规进行H5N1流感病毒感染检测,并且在开展H5N1检测的实验室之间,经验和诊断能力水平各不相同(见世卫组织标准)。

    Testing for H5N1 influenza virus infections is not done routinely by many laboratories and among the laboratories that do test for H5N1 , experience and levels of diagnostic capacities can vary .

  4. 结果①45Ca标记的钙制剂具有较高的放射性活度、较稳定的组织标准曲线和回收率。

    Results ① Radioisotope 45 Ca labeling calcium chemical compound has high radio intensity , more steady standard curve and recover rate .

  5. 减少工作量应会提高劳动生产率,以经合组织标准衡量,日本的劳动生产率仍然很低。

    Cutting the workload should raise productivity , still low by OECD standards .

  6. 中医药国际组织标准在国际标准体系中的定位与作用

    Position and Effect of the TCM International Organization Standard in International Standard Systems

  7. 国际民用航空组织标准大气

    International Civil Aviation Organization standard atmosphere

  8. 为了执行已在的组织标准,用户的结果类型也被添加到了列表中。

    Custom result types can also be added to the list in order to enforce existing organization standards .

  9. 建立和维护用于组织标准过程的裁剪标准和指南。

    SP1.3 Establish and maintain the tailoring criteria and guidelines for the organization 's set of standard processes .

  10. 介绍有关国际组织标准物质和国外标准物质的现状。

    The present situation of the certified reference materials for the related international organizations and foreign nations is introduced .

  11. 最后,论述了基于信息组织标准化的学科门户建设与面向用户的服务组织。

    Finally , the article makes researches on the construction of subject gateway based on standardization and the user-oriented service organization .

  12. 答:世卫组织标准是迈向每一位儿童获得生长和健康权利的重要步骤。

    A : The WHO standards represent an important step towards achieving the right of every child to grow and be healthy .

  13. 他还援引世界银行的数据称,近10亿中国人生活在总悬浮颗粒物超过世界卫生组织标准的空气之中。

    He quoted World Bank data saying that almost one billion Chinese people live in air that does not meet the WHO standard .

  14. 石油天然气行业标准化正处在全面组织标准的实施和实施监督的重要时期。

    The petroleum industry standardization is entering an important stage of organizing the implementation of standards and implementing supervision in an all-round way .

  15. 可重用的组件和模板目录可以降低将新应用程序推向市场的成本,确保组织标准得到关注。

    A catalog of reusable components and templates can decrease the cost of bringing new applications to market and ensure that organizational standards are observed .

  16. 通过检测初级开发人员根据组织标准的工作,开发经理能够知道谁需要导师,需要哪方面的导师。

    By monitoring the work of junior developers against organizational standards , development managers are able to see who needs mentorship and in what areas .

  17. 世卫组织标准在公共卫生和医学领域被政府和卫生组织广泛采用,用于监测儿童的健康。

    The WHO standards are being widely used in public health and medicine and by governmental and health organizations for monitoring the well-being of children .

  18. 团队工作的最佳方式是什么-软件开发团队的社会期望、组织标准、报酬、自组织、决策制定和愿景?

    What 's the optimal way of working together-Social aspects of software dev teams , organizational alignment , compensation , self-organization , decision making , vision .

  19. 依据组织标准、过程和指导,风险管理项目分为四类:个人计算机、服务器、主机和网络。

    Risk management projects can be grouped into four categories : PCs , servers , mainframes and networks , according to organization standards , procedures , and guidelines .

  20. 外国直接投资的机会将比较容易找到和利用,各国的国内金融市场将在富裕的西方国家所熟悉的深度和组织标准上面殊途同归。

    FDI opportunities will become easier to find and exploit , and domestic financial markets will converge on the standards of depth and organisation familiar in the rich West .

  21. 本文主要就国外图书情报学对网络信息挖掘、数字图书馆、信息检索、信息组织标准相关关系,以及知识管理等研究状况进行分析。

    This article is the analysis of library information science abroad on information mining , digital libraries , information retrieval , correlativity of standards of information organization , and knowledge management , etc.

  22. 在95例中,有61例的临床特征与登革出血热相一致,并且采用世界卫生组织标准病例定义,有34例被诊断为疑似登革热。

    Out of the95 cases , 61 had clinical features compatible with dengue haemorrhagic fever ( DHF ) and34 were diagnosed as suspected dengue fever ( DF ) using WHO standard case definitions .

  23. 通过对黑启动服务的量化分解,能够客观地决定如何对黑启动服务项目执行过程进行控制以及对组织标准过程进行改进。

    It can effectively guarantee the standard will be implemented . Through the quantification decomposition of black start services , it can objectively decide how to control and improve the service project execution process .

  24. “那将包括太多,某天将会是成员,如果他们当然如此愿和添加重要性,当他们适宜的北大西洋公约组织标准,”他说。

    " That includes very much that they will one day be members , if they so wish of course , and important to add , when they meet Nato standards ," he said .

  25. 第四部分,论述了网络信息组织标准化和个性化服务的发展,分析了网络信息资源组织的标准化和个性化服务的关联,并探讨了基于网络信息资源组织标准化的个性化服务的实现。

    In the last part , the paper probes into the development of standardization of network information organization and personalized information service and analyses the relationship of standardization of network information organization and personalized information service .

  26. 第二部分,分析了标准化建设的目标、任务及原则,以及网络信息资源组织标准化体系构建,和网络信息组织标准化体系构建的方式和途径。

    In the second part , the article analyses the goals , tasks and principles of standardization construction , construction of standard system of network information organization , and manners and approaches of construction of standardization in network information organization .

  27. 国际T台模特的体重指数(BMI)平均低于16——按照世界卫生组织的标准足以表明饥饿。

    The average international runway model has a body mass index ( BMI ) under 16 -- low enough to indicate starvation by the World Health Organization 's standard .

  28. DRY意味着信息位于单一位置,允许框架对项目的组织进行标准化。

    DRY means that information is located in a single place , allowing the framework to standardize the organization of the project .

  29. MRI动态增强首次强化斜率值2.01%作为判断肿瘤组织的标准,则MRI诊断的敏感性和特异性分别为84%及86.6%。

    Mean initial slope value of dynamic contrast-enhanced was 2.01 % . Specificity and sensitivity of MRI were respectively 84 % and 86.6 % .

  30. TOP运输层协议是OSI(国际标准化组织)标准协议的子集.它选择适当的参数和选项以满足技术与办公自动化应用的需要。

    TOP is a subset of OSI protocols with option and parameter selection reflecting the needs of technique and office automation application .