
  • 网络Segmented pricing
  1. 通过前瞻性定价在A酒店的应用,发现了A酒店在细分市场上定价的不足,并采用前瞻性定价模型对A酒店价格结构进行了调整,A酒店价格调整后经营数据有一定程度的改变。

    By the application of hotel prospective pricing in A hotel , there are some pricing shortages on subdivision market . After the price adjust with the hotel prospective pricing model , the operation of A hotel gets better now .

  2. 因此文中提出了细分市场、分层定价的建议,以促进杭州地区的健身娱乐市场更好的发展。

    So put forward to subdivide the suggestion of the market , the layering list price in the text , to promote the better development of the workout amusement market of the region of Hangzhou .