
xì bāo qì
  • organelle;cell organ
  1. 采用荧光显微镜、计算机及高分辨率数码CCD组成的荧光显微数码成像系统采集四种细胞器探针的荧光图像。

    Fluorescence microscope , computer and high-resolution digital CCD were applied to collect fluorescence images of four organelle probes .

  2. 背景与目的:中心体(centrosome)是一个微小的细胞器。

    BACKGROUND & AIM : Centrosome is a small cellular organelle .

  3. 在富含细胞器的细胞质中,有许多变形核。

    There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle-rich cytoplasm .

  4. 前质体能分化成各具特点的细胞器,如淀粉体,叶绿体和有色体。

    The proplastids differentiate to form characteristic organelles such as amyloplasts , chloroplasts and chromoplasts .

  5. 细胞质遗传的本质是细胞器DNA的传递。

    The essence of cytoplasmic inheritance is transfer of cytoplasmic DNA .

  6. 在细胞质中有大量细胞器DNA分布。

    A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm .

  7. 结果B组(非携氧液组)患侧组织形态学及细胞器损伤明显较A组(携氧液组)严重;

    Results Group B without oxygen carrying liquid had more serious injury than group A with oxygen carrying liquid .

  8. 细胞质中细胞器的数量明显增加。栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝的C型细胞有明显的区别:栉孔扇贝的C型细胞电子密度高,细胞器非常丰富;

    The number of organelles in the cytoplasm greatly increased than before . Rich organelles and high electron-dense granules are found in its cytoplasm .

  9. 盐胁迫对大豆幼苗子叶各细胞器超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响

    The Effect of Salt Stress on Superoxide Dismutase in Various Organelles from Cotyledon of Soybean Seedling

  10. 用体视学方法测定心肌细胞器形态定量改变;用X射线能谱仪分析心肌细胞器调控Ca2+能力。

    Quantitative morphological changes of organelles of myocardium were determined by stereological method , Ca 2 + regulation of organelles of myocardium were analysed by EDS.

  11. 研究了玉米幼苗不同器官和不同细胞器SOD同工酶及其与膜脂过氧化的关系。

    Distribution of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) isozymes in different organs and subcellular fractionations of maize and their relationship with peroxidation of membrane lipids were studied .

  12. 甘蔗叶片细胞器中IAA氧化酶活性及其与茎伸长的关系初探

    The relationship between the activity of IAA oxidase in various organelles of leaf and the elongation of stalk in Sugarcane

  13. 烧伤后心脏功能受到明显抑制,其原因可能和心肌细胞器质性损伤有关。采用大鼠烧伤模型,研究30%Ⅲ度烧伤对大鼠心肌组织磷脂酶A2和ATPase活性的影响。

    The myocardial phospholipase A 2 and ATPase activities were investigated in rats with full thickness burn injury of 30 % TBSA .

  14. 线粒体是神经元内产生能量物质ATP的重要细胞器,ATP的合成依赖于线粒体中四个呼吸链复合体的电子传递作用。

    Mitochondria are the most important organelles in neurons to generate ATP , and the production of ATP relys on the function of the respiratory chain complexes .

  15. 所以,衰老过程受环境条件的影响,伴随着代谢,RNA和蛋白质合成速率的下降和(或)膜与细胞器结构的改变。

    Thus root senescence is a complex procedure , involved with environmental factors , metabolism , RNA and protein synthesis rate decrease as well as membrane and / or cell structure reconstruction .

  16. ICCD系统对细胞器探针荧光图像在空间分辨上不理想。

    ICCD microscopy imaging system could not distinguish details of organelle probes ' fluorescence images .

  17. 模型组EOS超微结构与在位子宫内膜有区别,丹那哩治疗3周可促使EOS细胞器改变,细胞坏死。

    Ultrastucture of EOS from modeling group is different from eutopic EM , Three weeks'treatment with Danazol can make organelle altered and cell necrotized .

  18. GOBASE是包含了关于细胞器的整合序列、RNA二级结构及生物化学和分类学信息的一个关系数据库。

    GOBASE is a relational database containing integrated sequence , RNA secondary structure and biochemical and taxonomic information about organelles .

  19. 方法应用电感耦合器材(CCD)荧光显微成像系统,选择细胞器荧光探针BODIPY标记细胞内高尔基体。

    Methods CCD fluorescence microscopy imaging system was applied and a kind of special organelle probe BODIPY was selected to label Golgi body .

  20. 具有ATP酶活性的线粒体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器和运输小泡、质膜、壁旁体等结构以及微管等细胞骨架系统一起参与了纤维细胞初生壁的形成。

    The organelles as mitochondria , endoplasmic reticulums and Golgi bodies , and other substructures like transfer vesicles , plasmalemma and lomasome , and the cytoskeletal systems , were together involved in fiber primary wall formation .

  21. 对GOBASE功能的增强包括RNA结构页面和汇编关于细胞器编码基因的分类学分布数据的一个页面的添加;

    Enhancements to the functionality of GOBASE include addition of pages for RNA structures and a page compiling data about the taxonomic distribution of organelle-encoded genes ;

  22. 胰腺IR1h电镜下主要表现为细胞器肿胀,再灌注6h特征性改变为自噬小体显著增多。

    Swelling of cellular apparatus is the main finding after 1 h of IR and the typical change in pancreas after 6 h of IR is the significant increase of autophagosomes .

  23. 大部分SGCs变为树突样形状及其细胞器和细胞内容分布更加紧凑,表现出电子致密的外观。

    Most of the SGCs exhibited a more compact distribution of organelles and intracellular content , resulting in an electron-dense appearance .

  24. Birbeck颗粒是一种吸附、内包的细胞器,可能与抗原的提呈有关。

    Birbeck granule is an adsorptive endocytic organelle which might be involved in antigen presentation . It was originally discovered in the epidermic Langerhans cells .

  25. 将3种特异染色线粒体、高尔基体、溶酶体的荧光物质Rh123、NBDceramide、中性红作为探针,鉴定分隔储留DNR的细胞器。

    Rhodamine 123 , NBD ceramide and neutral red as fluorescent probes to stain the mitochondria , Golgi apparatus and lysosomes respectively were used to identify the subcellular compartments wherein DNR was sequestered .

  26. 我们比较分析了普通小麦(Triticumaestivum)的核基因以及线粒体、叶绿体等细胞器基因组间在密码子偏好性特征和影响因素上的差异。

    In this study , a comparative analysis is performed to investigate the characteristics of codon bias and factors in shaping the codon usage patterns among mitochondrion , chloroplast and nuclear genes in common wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) .

  27. 产后1~32d之间,子宫组织内巨噬细胞数量增多,其胞质内溶酶体、线粒体等细胞器增多;

    In the first 32 days after calving the number of macrophage in uterus tissue increased greatly , lysosome and mitochondrion in these cells increased too .

  28. 分别采用直接观察法、伪彩色融合法、波形比较法、相关系数法及细胞器-细胞荧光强度比值法,对光敏剂血卟啉单甲醚(HMME)进行细胞内分布的定性与定量研究。

    Directly observing , pseudo-color fusing , wave-shape comparing , correlation coefficient calcula-ting and Organelle-cell fluorescence intensity ratio analysis were adopted , respectively , to study the intracellular distribution of domestic photosensitizer Hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether ( HMME ) .

  29. 电镜结果:正常对照组大鼠海马CA1区切片上,神经元呈复层排列,基质均匀:细胞核大而圆,核膜完整,核仁清楚;胞质中细胞器丰富。

    Electron microscopy results : on slices of hippocampal CA , region normal group , neurons were stratified arranged ; matrix was uniformly : nucleus was large and round ; nuclear membrane was integrated ; nucleolus was clear ; organelles in the cytoplasm was rich .

  30. 人胃粘膜细胞器标志酶电镜细胞化学研究

    Ultracytochemistry of organelle marker enzymes of normal human gastric mucosa