
zǔ dàn bái
  • histone
组蛋白[zǔ dàn bái]
  1. SET蛋白是一类包含保守的SET结构域、与组蛋白甲基化密切相关的蛋白质。

    SET domain proteins contain conserved SET domains , which intensively involved in histone methylation .

  2. 应用分子梳技术对DNA与组蛋白相互作用的研究

    Study of interactions between DNA and histone with molecular combing method

  3. 细胞核单一种类非组蛋白B2的提取

    The extraction of a single kind of nonhistone protein B2 from nuclei

  4. 我们通过布朗动力学数值模拟,对DNA与组蛋白的相互作用进行了研究。

    We numerically simulate the interaction between DNA and a histone .

  5. Western印迹法检测处理后膀胱癌细胞组蛋白乙酰化水平的变化;

    The acetyl level of histone after TSA treatment was detected by Western blot ;

  6. DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰与基因沉默

    DNA Methylation , Histone Modifications and Genes Silencing

  7. DNA甲基化与组蛋白甲基化的关系

    The Relationship of DNA Methylation and Histone Methylation

  8. 基因组DNA包含了绝大部分的遗传物质,对于真核生物而言,DNA缠绕组蛋白八聚体形成核小体,进而被包装在染色质内。

    In eukaryote , genomic DNA is packaged in chromatin by twining with histone octamer .

  9. 水稻组蛋白H3基因的分离和组织结构分析

    Isolation and Organization Analysis of Histone H , Genes from a Rice Genomic Library

  10. H3-K4、H3-K36、H3-K79甲基化具有激活效应,而且组蛋白甲基化与其它组蛋白共价修饰之间以及DNA甲基化之间存在对话。

    And there exists cross-talk among histone methylation and other histone covalent modifications and DNA methylation .

  11. 靶向DNA甲基化和组蛋白去乙酰化酶的几个表观药物已经在临床试验中被测试。

    Several epigenetic drugs targeting DNA methylation and histone deacetylation enzymes have been tested in clinical trials .

  12. SDS对组蛋白与DNA共振散射光谱影响

    Effect of SDS on resonance light-scattering spectrum of histone and DNA complex

  13. 在细胞中,DNA分子与组蛋白及非组蛋白结合形成可进行反复组装与去组装的染色质分子参与这一过程。

    And DNA molecules binds to histones and non-histone proteins to form chromatin to engage in this process .

  14. 目的DNA甲基化和组蛋白乙酰化是基因表达调控的主要形式。

    Objective DNA methylation and chromatin modification of histone acetylation are two global mechanisms that regulate gene expression .

  15. 植物基因组的功能依赖于染色质标记,诸如DNA的甲基化和组蛋白的转录后修饰。

    The function of plant genomes depends on chromatin marks such as the methylation of DNA and the post-translational modification of histones .

  16. 核酸及其与组蛋白相互作用的~1H、~(13)C、~(31)P核磁共振研究

    ~ 1h , ~ ( 13 ) c , ~ ( 31 ) p magnetic resonance studies on nucleic acids and their interaction with histones

  17. 通过WESTERNBLOTTING方法检测组蛋白H3乙酰化水平的改变。

    The level of acetylated histone H3 was detected by Western blotting .

  18. 辐射引发核组蛋白与咖啡酸之间电荷转移保护效应的ESR研究

    ESR Study on radiation induced electron transfer between nucleohistone and caffeic acid

  19. 在精子生成过程中,核小体组蛋白被其他更为碱性的蛋白所替代,使DNA的结构变得更为集缩。

    During spermatogenesis the histones in the chromatin are replaced by other more basic proteins leading to a more condensed structure of the DNA .

  20. 目前发现有如下几种表观遗传分子机制:DNA甲基化,RNA干扰,组蛋白乙酰化和组蛋白修饰。

    There are several types of epigenetic inheritance systems methylation of DNA , RNA interference , histone acetylation and protein modification .

  21. 在现有的多种组蛋白修饰中,组蛋白赖氨酸的甲基化实际上参与了所有的以染色质为基础的生物进程,包括转录调控和DNA损伤修复。

    Among various histone modifications identified , histone lysine methylation functions in virtually all chromatin based biological processes including transcriptional regulation and DNA damage repair .

  22. DNA甲基化由DNA甲基转移酶催化,在多种调节因子的参与下,与组蛋白修饰相互作用,抑制基因转录,导致基因沉默。

    DNA methylation catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases interacts with histone modification to inhibit gene transcription , induce gene silencing at the participation of many regulators .

  23. 曲古菌素A对HL-60细胞组蛋白乙酰化水平和凋亡的作用

    Effect of Trichostatin A on Histone Acetylation Level and Apoptosis in HL-60 Cells

  24. 能明显上调组蛋白H3的乙酰化水平,促进P53的表达和P53的乙酰化。

    The levels of histone H3 acetylation , P53 expression and P53 acetylation were increased obviously .

  25. 羟基肉桂酸衍生物对组蛋白H3辐射保护的ESR研究

    ESR Study on radiation protection of histone H3 by hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives

  26. HMG蛋白质(highmobilitygroupproteins)是一类普遍存在于真核生物中的表达丰富的一类非组蛋白,含有共同的保守区域:HMG-box。

    The high-mobility-group proteins ( HMG ) belong to a highly abundant class of nonhistone chromosomal proteins found in eukaryotic organisms .

  27. 姜黄素诱导Raji、HL-60和K562组蛋白乙酰化的研究

    Curcumin causes histone acetylation enhancement in Raji , HL-60 and K562 cell lines

  28. 非DNA序列变异,如DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰等亦可改变生物性状,包括重要农艺性状如株高、花期、抗性、产量等,并可稳定遗传。

    Non-DNA sequence variations , such as DNA methylation and histone modification , can also change biological traits such as plant height , flowering time , resistance and yield .

  29. 这些结果显示,即使组蛋白去乙酰化酶可以作为治疗AD的潜在靶点,但是持续的用药还是必需的。

    These results indicate that although histone deacetylase can be served as a potential target for treating AD , continuous drug administration may be required .

  30. PMN对链球菌组蛋白样蛋白释放的影响

    Effect of Human PMN on the Streptococcal Histone-Like Protein Release