
  • 网络organization code;Organization code certificate;Certificate of Organization Code
  1. 负责营业执照,组织机构代码证,税务登记证年检。

    In charge of business licenses , organization code , tax registration renewal .

  2. 被并购境内公司组织机构代码证(复印件1份)。

    Organization code certificate of the acquired Chinese company ( 1 Xerox ) .

  3. 《中华人民共和国组织机构代码证电子副本(IC智能卡)》在宁波的成功发行,标志着我国代码应用工作跨上了新台阶,具有深远的影响。

    The successful issuing of Electronic Duplication of Registration Code Certificate for Organizations of the People 's Republic of China ( IC ) in Ningbo city remarks a new stage in coding practice in the country , and will have profound influence upon the work .

  4. 代办组织机构代码证。

    Apply for the organization code license .

  5. 如属于新办企业,需要办理组织机构代码证。

    If belong to , do a business newly , need handles card of origanization construction code .

  6. 私立学校须提供办学许可证和组织机构代码证;

    Private school need to provide the permission of building up the school , and the organization code certificate .

  7. 以广州办事处的名义向广州市技术监督局申请组织机构代码证。

    Apply for the < company code certificate > in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou from the technique intendance Bureau in guangzhou .

  8. 提交企业批准证书、营业执照副本或代表机构登记证、组织机构代码证的原件及复印件;

    Submitting the original and the copy of the Certificate of Approval of Enterprise , the Duplicate of Business License of the Representative Agency Registration Certificate and the organization code ;

  9. 阐述了我国实施组织机构代码标识制度的意义和作用,分析了组织机构代码证的内容及其性质,进而提出了将组织机构代码证定位为单位身份证的建设性意见。

    Authors expound the significance and function of implementing the organization identification codes system , analyses its content and characteristics , and then suggest that this organization registration card should be treated as the unit identification card .