
xì mín
  • common people;people of low status
细民 [xì mín]
  • [civilians] 小民;老百姓

  1. 进而指出,解读中国古代细民百姓的法律生活与法律意识,对于我们把握中国法律文化具有重要的价值。

    It is made clear that it valuable for understanding Chinese legal culture to reconstruct the legal life and legal cognition of common people .

  2. 一方面表现出对传统文化恋恋难舍的偏爱,选择以市井细民为其表现对象,并对宏大叙事予以拒绝。

    On the one hand , it shows the preference to traditional culture . It chooses detailed townsfolks as its objects and refuses the grand narration .

  3. 为市井细民写心&论宋元小说话本的写实精神中国写实油画中人物精神风貌的演变

    Describing the Spirits for the Townspeople Stratum & Discussing the Reality Spirits of Novels of a Script in the Song and Yuan Dynasty ; The Evolution of Characters ' Sprits in Chinese Realistic Paintings

  4. 另一方面又以一种批判反思的眼光来剖析市井细民与生俱来的精神根性和生存其间的文化语境。四、当代苏州小巷风情小说的不同书写。

    On the other hand , it analyzes the born spirit and the cultural context of the detailed townsfolks from the perspective of critical reflection . ⅳ Different types of Contemporary Soochow Lane Customs Novel .

  5. 为市井细民写心是中国唐宋以来市民文学的传统,因此可以说市井意识是中国市民文学的灵魂。

    Write the heart for the common citizen is Chinese literary tradition in citizenry since Tang and Song Dynasty , therefore we can say that the common civic consciousness is a literary soul in Chinese citizenry .