
xì shā
  • fine sand;grit
  1. 鱼缸用细沙垫底儿。

    The bottom of the fish tank is covered with a layer of fine sand .

  2. 对管道输送细沙悬移质的流场,采用单流体模型进行数值求解N-S方程,计算结果与实验资料相吻合;

    For the case of transporting suspended fine sand , a single-fluid model is used to calculate the flow resistance by solving the Navier-Stokes equations .

  3. 在此基础上,将悬浮指数z<1的泥沙定义为细沙;将z≥1的泥沙定义为粗沙。

    Based on this , the sediments for suspended index Z < 1 and Z ≥ 1 are defined as fine and coarse grains respectively .

  4. 在直径70mm的流化床中,采用FCC、空心玻璃珠、细沙等A类和B类颗粒,在0~10Hz的频率范围内,测定了气固脉冲流化床的流体力学特性。

    The hydrodynamics of pulsed fluidized beds was studied with four kinds of particles of the category of A and B in a frequency range of 0 to 10 Hz .

  5. 结果表明,随着镀液中纳米Al2O3颗粒含量的增加,镀层组织细化,显微硬度提高,镀层在含细沙油润滑条件下的耐磨性比不加纳米颗粒的快速镍镀层提高了80%。

    The results show that the microstructure and hardness of the composite coating are improved with the increase of the nano-particles in the electrolyte , and the wear resistance of nano-composite coating is 80 % higher than that of high speed nickel coating .

  6. 3)半硬枝扦插,NAA100×10~(-6)处理60min后插于细沙基质中。

    3 ) semihard - wood cutting : treated with 100 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) NAA for 1 hour + being in fine sand medium .

  7. 结果表明:近地表0.1m处收集到的沙尘物质主要来自于近地表跃移的沙粒,随着高度的增加,降尘中细沙成分越来越少,粉沙成分越来越大。

    The results are as follows : the falling sand-dust of 0.1 m height near surface is mainly from saltation matter , the fine sand compositions of falling dust are fewer and the powder sand elements are more .

  8. 本课题研究的《浑水水力分离清水装置》可以从高含沙浓度的浑水中将水沙(包括0.01mm以下的极细沙和粘粒)分离,并获取清水。

    The turbid water hydraulic separation device is able to separate sediment ( consists of fine sand and clay grain ) and extract clear water from turbid water of high sediment concentration .

  9. 在一小时内,一片细沙的平原在我们脚下摆开。

    For an hour plains of sand unrolled before our steps .

  10. 来观赏潺潺的涟漪,漫过细沙,漂浮灼闪。

    To watch Ripples Sifting Sand to flow and shine .

  11. 平原细沙河流泥沙模型相似准则及设计方法

    Similarity Criteria and Design Methods of Sediment Models for Plain Sand-Bed Rivers

  12. 流水输送细沙的研究

    Study of Transportation of Fine Sediments by Flowing Water

  13. 采面出现含黄泥细沙淋水异常现象的分析

    Analysis of tricking water with yellow mud and silver sand in mining face

  14. 这种粉状的细沙只能在这片沙滩上找到。

    The fine , powdery sand can only be found on this particular beach .

  15. 柔软的细沙轻轻地抚摸着脚丫,海风肆意地吹动身上的每一根毛发。

    Soft sand gently stroked ? wanton sea breeze blowing in every body hair .

  16. 康沃尔海岸以其近海礁石和白色细沙海滩而闻名。

    The Cornish coast was noted for off-shore rocks and its fine , white beaches .

  17. 在这样的细沙中,粘性是确定临界条件的一个重要因素。

    In such fine sediments , cohesion is an important factor in determining critical conditions .

  18. 我们不停地走动,广阔的细沙平原好像是漫无边际。

    Meanwhile we went ever onward , and these vast plains of sand seemed endless .

  19. 针对平原细沙河流泥沙这一运动特点,提出了一种模拟平面细沙河流的相似准则和设计方法。

    For this , similarity criteria and design methods for plain sand-bed rivers are presented .

  20. 到了岸上,看见有许多细沙,便用布袋。

    Arrived on the bank , see have a lot of fine sand , use hop-pocket .

  21. 细沙多河流桥墩附近冲刷及其模拟

    The scour and Its simulation hear Bridge piers in the River with Fine and more Sediment

  22. 细沙填满了大石头和碎石之间的所有空隙。

    The sand went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel .

  23. 细沙簇拥着我们的脚印。

    And sand embraces our footprints .

  24. 实验中以天然海滩细沙作为模型沙。

    In the test , the sand from material sea shore was taken as model sediment material .

  25. 地面的细沙被风卷起,空气中便充满厚厚的灰尘。

    Winds pick up fine particles from the ground , and then the air becomes thick with dust .

  26. 置身其中,您会发现此地的海水中都融合着浓郁的南部风情,生机勃勃的橡树与洁白的细沙海滩交相辉映。

    Find yourself in the place where southern charm meets the sea and live oaks meet white sandy beaches .

  27. 就有那么一捧来自楼兰的细沙,称这春风来到了熙熙攘攘的城市。

    Then there is a holding Medea from the sand , saying that this spring came to the bustling city .

  28. 然后他又伸手从桌下拉出一桶细沙并开始倒进瓶子里。

    He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand and started dumping it into the jar .

  29. 它携带细沙,攻击岩石表面,使之碎裂成更多的沙。

    It carries fine particles of sand , which bombard exposed rock surfaces , thereby wearing them into yet more sand .

  30. 我记得,我凝视着这个空的蚂蚁农场,注意到还有最后一只蚂蚁在里面,依然搬运着不多的细沙。

    I remember staring at this empty ant farm , noticing one last ant still inside still moving little grains of sand .