
xì cháng
  • Slenderness;slim;long and thin;be long and thin;tall and slender;tenuous;stringy;lank
细长 [xì cháng]
  • (1) [be long and thin;slim]∶与长度或高度比起来直径很小的

  • (2) [lank]∶瘦的,长得不胖的;不丰满的

  • 因为节食变得瘦削细长的身躯

  • (3) [stringy]∶像线的;细而长的

  • 细长的头发

细长[xì cháng]
  1. 综述了风的基本特性,以及细长结构物的风致振动问题。

    Basic wind characteristics and wind induced issues of tall and slender construction are described . 3 .

  2. 另一个人远远高出对手,6英尺4英寸高,身材细长,他的长胳膊摇晃着从肩膀垂下来。

    The other man towered over him , six feet and four inches tall and slender , his long arms dangling from his shoulders .

  3. 这种植物的茎上长有绿色细长条纹。

    The plant 's stem is marked with thin green longitudinal stripes .

  4. 他在信封上看到了她那细长的笔迹。

    He saw her spidery writing on the envelope .

  5. 这本细长的日记本很容易装进手提包里。

    The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag .

  6. 她两腿细长。

    Her legs were long and thin .

  7. 岛屿的北端像一根细长的手指一样伸入海中。

    The northern end of the island juts out like a long , thin finger into the sea

  8. 桦树有光滑的树皮和细长的树枝。

    The birch has smooth bark and slender branches .

  9. 胰脏是一个细长形的白色腺体。

    The pancreas is an elongated , whitish gland .

  10. 这几只无力而细长的脚是多么不相称!

    How unseemly are these weak and slender feet !

  11. 一种细长的叉状物,通常顶部有点缀,用作装饰,尤其在食品装饰中

    A slender skewer , usually ornamented at the top , used decoratively , especially in serving garnishes .

  12. H型截面细长杆件颤振稳定性试验研究

    Experimental study of flutter stability of H-shaped slender member

  13. 对细长的矩形裂纹,R0~3趋于相应的二维问题的解。

    For an elongated rectangular crack , R_0 ~ 3 in the corresponding 2-D problem in [ 2 ] is recovered .

  14. 用Newmark法求解旋转细长梁的影响因素分析

    Analysis of effects about the solution to revolving slightness beam with Newmark method

  15. 利用可压缩层流Navier-Stokes方程模拟了尖头细长体中小迎角的流动结构。

    Flow structure around a slender at lower incidences was numerically simulated using time-dependent compressible laminar Navier-Stokes equations .

  16. 研究表明:MEMS器件对控制大迎角细长旋成体非对称涡和复杂流场具有良好的控制能力。

    The research indicated that MEMS device generate excellent control effect on asymmetric vortices over slender body as well as on complex flow field .

  17. 结果表明,细长蚕第1号染色体上有缺失环或瘤状突起,推断其为Lan基因的位点。

    A deficiency loop or tubercle was observed in the pachytene chromosome No. 1 and is speculated to be the locus of the gene Lan .

  18. 用ansys有限元分析软件可以方便的设置压下量和滚压力,并能直观的显示细长轴的应力状态,为揭示细长轴在加工过程中应力状态的变化提供了有效的途径。

    With the ANSYS analysis software , we can set the movement of the rolling sets and the rolling pressure , and it can display the stress status of the spindly shaft during its rolling process .

  19. 一种基于Noblesse的新细长船理论与波陡限制的船舶兴波阻力计算方法

    Method of Ship Wave Resistance Calculation Based on Noblesse 's New Slender Ship Theory and Wave-Steepness Restriction

  20. 其次,考虑接触非线性特性,建立了旋转细长梁动力学三维有限元分析模型,采用Newmark积分法,建立了旋转细长梁动力学分析方法。

    Second , according to the nonlinear character of contact set up dynamic three-dimensional finite element analysis model of rotating slender beam , adopting Newmark integration method , established the analysis method of rotating slender beam .

  21. 使用序贯诱导法可将ESCs大比例诱导分化为神经样细胞,光镜下观察细胞形态均一、胞体圆亮、突起细长。

    After the sequential neural induction , the cells converted into neuron - like cells , with homogeneous forms , which had round bright cell bodies and thin long bipolar or multipolar processes .

  22. IDC在胎脾中有两种类型,一种呈圆形,可能是不成熟的IDC,另一种有细长的突起,是成熟的IDC。

    Two types of IDCs were found in fetal spleen . One was round in shape , which might be the precursor of IDC , the other was typical dendritic cell with processus , which was mature IDC .

  23. 将Noblesse新细长船理论应用于气垫船,通过Lagrang多项式和第一类球Bessel函数展开波幅函数中的指数函数,改进了计算方法。

    The computation method was improved by applying the modified Noblesse 's new slender ship theory to surface effect ship and extending the exponent functions utilizing the Lagrange polynomial and the first kind of sphere Bessel function .

  24. 首先引入Noblesse新细长船理论,通过在理论方法上的改进,使之适合于半滑行船兴波阻力系数。

    First , the Noblesse New Slender Ship Theory is introduced and modified to make it suitable for numerical calculation , with which we can calculate the wave-making resistance coefficient of a ship .

  25. 沿板条界或在板条中分布着粒状碳化物M7C3和M23C6,另外在较宽的板条中还有细长的杆状M3C碳化物存在。

    There are M_7C_3 and M_ 23 C_6 carbides particle along the boundaries of lathes or inside the lathes . In addition , thin rod-like M_3C carbides are distributed inside some broader lathes .

  26. 为探讨现代飞行器非对称流动中主涡的形成机理,利用染色线显示和荧光诱导激光片光技术,在北京航空航天大学1.2m水洞对细长体绕流过程进行了实验研究。

    To study the generation mechanism of asymmetric vortices flow over modern flight vehicle , the dynamical process of vortices flow around rocket-shaped cylinder was studied experimentally using streak and laser-induced fluorescence techniques in a 1.2-m water tunnel of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  27. 于是,我父亲把我的旧单车拿过去,仿照Sting-Ray的样子,涂了一层新漆,装了一个细长而后部翘起的车座、一个直把,座位后面还装了一根保护杠。

    So my father took my old bike , slapped a new coat of paint on it , and equipped it with a banana seat , monkey handlebars and a sissy bar .

  28. 本文在前期工作〔7〕对Noblesse新细长船理论改进的基础上,将改进的Noblesse新细长船理论发展到双体气垫船,给出了一种快速、简便的双体气垫船波形计算方法。

    On the basis of the authors ′ previous work by modifying Noblesse ′ s New Slender Ship Theory , extending which to the application to Air cushion Catamarans , the authors propose a fast and concise method for calculation wave profile generated by air cushion catamarans .

  29. 采用低压注射成形制备盲孔细长管毛坯,结合自蔓延高温合成热等静压(SHS-HIP)烧结技术,探索快速、高效合成复杂形状零件的低成本制备工艺。

    In order to explore a low cost technique which can fabricate complex shape parts efficiently , Low-Pressure Injection Molding ( LPIM ) combined with Self-propagation High temperature Synthesis synchronous densification by Hot Isostatic Pressing ( SHS-HIP ) technique are employed to fabricate slender tubes with blind hole .

  30. 转动对细长体目标一维成像的影响

    The effect of turning on one-dimensional range profile of slender target